Metro 2033 - RPG Elements


First time out of the vault
From what I am hearing, Metro 2033 is somewhat of an RPG as well as a FPS. I can see these elements in buying weapons and situational choices during the game but that's it. Anybody know anything more?
From what I'm hearing, you are either a bot or a living advertiser.
Arr0nax said:
From what I'm hearing, you are either a bot or a living advertiser.

Neither, but thanks.

Anybody else?
Nothing I've read on the official Metro 2033 site suggests it's going to be an "RPG" by whatever definition. There's gonna be exploration and NPC interaction, some storyline choices are hinted at, but that's it. Whoever told you it's supposed to be an RPG probably lied.
from what I've read, it's gonna be less of an rpg than the Stalker games. and those aren't exactly rpg's.
The developers stated that "Metro 2033" is an FPS and have nothing to do with a RPG.

If another postapocalyptic shooter sounds like familiar ground in the wake of such games as Fallout 3 and Stalker, then Metro 2033 looks like it will still be able to distinguish itself from the competition. The development team stresses that it's predominantly a first-person shooter, and while there will be elements of character progression, the game is a long way from role-playing territory. We were left impressed by our first look, and with any luck, we'll get to play it soon. Stay tuned for more on Metro 2033 as soon as we get it.

From a Gamespot preview

At least they are honest.

[ ]'s
better a good shooter with some small bits of RPG inside then a half done mediocre fallout 3 like RPG-Shooter hybrid. But thats my oppinion.
Played this game last night for three hours straight.

It's a ressource-whore...but a darn good looking one.

It's really linear ( metro tunnels, duh )but what it does it does it really great.

Looks stunning, plays great, the atmosphere is perfect, design is awesome... and I hate using that word but the "immershun" is definitely there.

If you have a really good rig, definitely give it a try !
dont forget to say that its a pretty short experience of 6 maybe 7 ours of gameplay. Most people with a bit shooter experience will beat it even faster.
It's a beautiful looking game indeed.
Very claustrophobic, a bit too dark but what else can one expect from a game set in a subway system..
The voice acting is mostly ok.
The weapons I have seen are nice, the use of gas masks is original and adds to the claustrophobic tension.

What I don't like are the crowded 'stations' with all the random chatter and the lack of things to do when there.
And also only checkpoint saves, or am I missing something?:?

No rpg elements as expected, it's a linear shooter but that's not a bad thing.[img][/img]
Just for the lulz :



not sure what you wanted said by posting those screens, but the first one definitely looks a lot more like STALKER than F:NV.
Man, this game has issues. People, not to mention the monsters, can take double barrel shotgun blasts in the face only to moan for a moment and then pwn you with only a couple of shots. Also, your guns are very inaccurate at longer ranges whereas the enemy seems to be on target most of the time at any range. This is on normal difficulty.

Graphics are pretty much the only outstanding thing. The plot is meh-ish, the voice acting is poor. The dialogue is average.

Also, it seems to try to be scary, but fails. Maybe I'm immune already.

Oh, and the gunshot sounds are pathetic. I can fart louder than that.
well its a shooter about monsters living in a subway system after the nuclear apocalypse ? what do you expect realism ?

Could also ask for acurate balistics of assault rifles in a doom game you know :P
Yeah, would rather have an AI that lies down and dies on its own when the enemy sees you (like in most shooters today). Right.
fedaykin said:
I expect an AI that doesn't cheat.

Depends on how you see it. When some Zombi or Mancubus in Doom would take 3 head shoots ... wasnt a cheat either. Just big health bars. It depends what you expect from a shooter. In Doom though such things would never bother me really.

But I agree it can be anoying sometimes. I remember playing Far Cry which I really liked from the setting and the story wasnt even that bad for a shooter. I liked the game till the point you encounter those mutations which at the start, was "ok" but since you had a more or less realistic damage for humans those things have been quite ridiculous at the end of the game you would encounter some almost elephant like mutant and 6-7 direct shoots to its face with the most powerfull shootgun didnt bring it down yeah that bothered me as well cause it just feelt like wasting ammo ... I would not complain if everything worked that way but with the 80% of human enemies you usualy have as targets this mutants somewhat completely destroyed verisimilitude. For me at least. So I can understand people complaining somewhat. But I would not go so far calling it a cheat.

But in most shooters you will have such moments thats just natural. Be it Half Life, Quacke, Fear, Blood. You name it.
I wasn't talking about Doom nor was I talking about fictional monsters who could plausibly be very resistant to gunfire. What bothers me mainly is that you can empty two barrels in a human's exposed face at close range in this game and they will survive it.

In both FEAR and Half-Life, human enemies (and even many monsters) do not survive that. Nor do they in Blood, if I remember correctly.
fedaykin said:
Oh, and the gunshot sounds are pathetic. I can fart louder than that.
In this case realism would mean you going deaf after a play session. Because firearms in enclosed spaces = big auwtch! Enjoy bleeding ears. :)
Realism isn't absolute, it's graded. So slightly louder gunshots, without blowing the speakers, would be nice, if they really are that weak.

It was the same thing with STALKER and Empire: Total war. In both those games the weapon sounds were weaksauce, but were improved by modders implementing higher volume recordings of real weapons (at least for Empire, but I know the STALKER weapon sounds were improved).