MIB88 MegaMod 2.35.2 released

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
MIB88 has released version 2.35.2 of his megamod project. The mod now contains:<blockquote>New locations

* A Letter From The Past random encounter
* Abbey Location - Enhanced. Requires a quest to find and there are now quests to do for the monks.
* Bunker 21 and Truck Locations- Slightly enhanced i.e. requires a quest to find.
* Carson City and many smaller locations from Alternative Life mod.
* Cold Hearts and Modoc Revisited- Chris Parks and Dude101
* Colly - A new town
* EPA- Chris Parks
* New Vision Final
* Primitive Tribe- Chris Parks
* Vault 14
* Vault 23


* B-team mod
* Cult of Personality Fix
* Dominion mod world map I.E. expands down into FO1 territory.
* Enhanced Skynet - Body upgrades. Works Correctly now!
* Enhanced Davin Script (For Females Only!)
* Freelance slavery - Male and female slaves can sometimes be taken of some of the critters in the wasteland
* Friendly Klint 2
* FO2 Graphics Upgrade Patch (FO2GUP)Alpha
* Gila Lizard and Cockroach critters from FOXP mod (WIP)
* Gecko enclave encounter
* Kaga
* Killap's Fallout 2 patch
* Lootable Armor
* Marcus armour from Vault 14 mod
* Miria mod
* Mr Fixit
* mysterious stranger mod
* NPC Armor mod
* Seraph's Fallout 2 Mod
* Vertibird mod
* Wasteland Taxi
* Added a number of new load screens from various mods and Fallout 1
* components of the Alternative Life mod, translated by Team MIB.</blockquote>Link: MIB88 MegaMod 2.35.2 on NMA.
haha i still have my PC Gamer demo disc with the FO1 demo on it, my very first experience with Fallout from 1997.

speaking of PC Gamer, anyone remember coconut monkey? lol that little bastard and his demo discs would routinely make my computer crash and piss me off to no end
Oops. I should have updated that list of what it contains. I mentioned on the wiki that I disabled Scraptown (AKA Junktown Demo) because there were so many errors. Basically, I need to rewrite all those original scripts.
However, if you are hell-bent on seeing it anyway, you can open up the city.txt file in the data/data folder, find this:

[Area 53] ; Scraptown

and change the start state to on. You will have to do this before you start a new game.
I can't download, when I click to download the file:

Sorry, but the file you requested could not be found. Please use our searching or browsing capabilities on the left side to help you find the file.
Lads, this is some misunderstanding. This version of MIB88 MegaMod is 2.35 and not 2.35.2 as title says. 20090722 is release day.

You can download mod from NMA, our Vault http://www.madbrahmin.cz/index.php?id=home&news=798 or from FMC site.

From yesterday there is a new patch 2.35.1 as well http://www.madbrahmin.cz/index.php?id=home&news=802
+ you should download http://www.madbrahmin.cz/download/fallout2/mods/megamod/fix/reddown.7z working map of Redding and replace the broken one.

I added English text for English speaking fans to our news so please don't use direct links to our download.
Well i try this patch and i cant run game at all :) i get message "Failure initialazing input devices" this only happens after the patch...

I think i wait for MIB88 comment on this patch...

Edit: If i patch it later savegames will be ok?
gregor_y said:
First thanks for this great mod...

Same thing here i cant download it says file is not there...i try both links...

Edit: To people who cant download this link works in Opera no idea why IE dident work...and i dont like FF so i cant tell you if it works :)
Works for me in IE.

gregor_y said:
Edit: If i patch it later savegames will be ok?

From what Mib88 said on forum, save games shouldn't be affected.
@JaW yes IE did work for some reason it dident work earlier :)

"save games shouldn't be affected" so thats maybe...

Any idea why i get error message? like i said mm2.35 works fine...

Only other mod i use i resolution patch 2.1
JaW said:
Lads, this is some misunderstanding. This version of MIB88 MegaMod is 2.35 and not 2.35.2 as title says. 20090722 is release day.

Nope, this version is 2.35.2. If you have the same version, please update as well. Ask MIB for clarification on why this is 2.35.2 and not 2.35, it's a long story.
Brother None said:
JaW said:
Lads, this is some misunderstanding. This version of MIB88 MegaMod is 2.35 and not 2.35.2 as title says. 20090722 is release day.

Nope, this version is 2.35.2. If you have the same version, please update as well. Ask MIB for clarification on why this is 2.35.2 and not 2.35, it's a long story.

No, this version http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=1265 is version 2.35. I uploaded it myself last week to NMA. To get version 2.35.2 you have to download patch 2.35.1 and map reddown.map (links above) or patch 2.35.2 from FMC site (including 2.35.1 + reddown.map).
JaW said:
I uploaded it myself last week to NMA

If you follow the download link you are sent to the atomicgamer page, where I uploaded 2.35.2. NMA has the full file, sans necessary extra patch.

I already removed the MadBrahmin download link, I'll remove the MadBrahmin mirror link since they're to older files, thanks for pointing that out.
Brother None said:
JaW said:
I uploaded it myself last week to NMA

If you follow the download link you are sent to the atomicgamer page, where I uploaded 2.35.2. NMA has the full file, sans necessary extra patch.

I already removed the MadBrahmin download link, I'll remove the MadBrahmin mirror link since they're to older files, thanks for pointing that out.
ok ok, I was confused because my nick and link to madbrahmin in download :)
OK guys something wrong with this version i cant play it i get error message "Failure initialazing input devices" when i click f2.exe...

Version 2.35.0 works fine...so i wait for 2.35.2 from MIB88 at least his uploads work...

Any one got same problem with 2.35.2?
Graphics problem with 2.35 + patch OR 2.35.2

Tried both, and 2.35 saves ALL have flickering horizontal lines in the above which were obviously absent in 2.35.

The game is still playable but i am glad that I am not an epileptic :)

Any idea as to what I can do here?
It isn't really the "end of the world" ..just annoying.

BTW I tried the "Buffy" trick in the Den and she didn't even notice unlike in 2.34. In addition any use of F2se is an application error & crash waiting to happen(ie that was how I looked at Buffy..Note to self: I must not temporarily change stats to explore responses :-D)
Re: Graphics problem with 2.35 + patch OR 2.35.2

There were a couple of things that were changed in Timeslip's Sfall between 2.35 and 2.35.2. One prevents a crash upon leaving Arroyo. People have different settings on their computers, so maybe they are having problems with the weather mod. I also don't ue the hi-res mod, and maybe that is conflicting with one of the settings. Find this in the ddraw.ini

;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
;A dx9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported

and change Mode=4 to Mode=0.

And previously saved games between 2.35, 2.35.1, and 2.35.2 should still work just fine. I didn't change any files which absolutely prevent saved games from working (like vault13.gam or party.txt, for example).