MIB88 said:
You don't need my permission for anything!

Play around and see what you can find out. The new variables are the last three on the list, relating to the EPA forcefields and dynamite. The trick is to find other global variables that you aren't going to use. I would suggest going through the vault13 file and just find a few relating to small side quests that you know you aren't going to bother attempting.
There's better ways to do this. I'd use a gvar thats used in one relatively simple script, like one that's used to determine if you know the password to a door, and open it if you do. With a bunch of if else statements and setting the door to open on a bunch of values instead of one, i can do this without invalidating anything.
Eg. gvar_doorlocked = 0 by default.
A door is rigged to open if gvar_doorlocked = 1 (e.g. i learn the door password).
By setting it to open if gvar_doorlocked = 1 or 2,
I can use gvar_doorlocked for another function, example if i know about juice or not.
When i learn about juice, the script checks,
if gvar_doorlocked = 0 then set gvar_doorlocked to 3
(if i don't know the password)
else gvar_doorlocked = 1 then set gvar_doorlocked to 2
(if i already do know the password)
When script checks if i know about juice,
if gvar_doorlocked = 2 or gvar_doorlocked = 3
Conversely, when i learn the password for the door,
if gvar_doorlocked = 3 then set gvar_doorlocked to 2
(if i already know about juice)
else gvar_doorlocked = 0 then set gvar_doorlocked to 1
(if you never heard of juice)
Too lengthly to explain with real code examples, but it can be done relatively easily. It will also make for rather messy code, but it'll work.