MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

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Xavierblazer said:
mmmmmmmm...lootable horrigans

or you could make a container that looks like horrigans corpse and rewrite his script so that it replaces his critter body with the container when he kicks the bucket

OK, so it seems the best way to go is to put it on Horrigan's corpse. No problem. I can do that. And it should be a really simple fix, I already have an idea how to do it that will also lend to looting his weapons if anyone ever comes up with that...

Oh, and to Lisac2k: Thanks for letting me put in Davin. I'll let you know of any problems.
MIB88 said:
I already have an idea how to do it that will also lend to looting his weapons if anyone ever comes up with that...

You mean coming up with new pictures for the guns right?
Oracle said:
MIB88 said:
I already have an idea how to do it that will also lend to looting his weapons if anyone ever comes up with that...

You mean coming up with new pictures for the guns right?

Yes. I am pretty sure that I can make Horrigan's body lootable without any real problem. His armor (and any future weapons someone might create) would simply be created in the same way it works for the lootable armor mod. So, we just need someone to create the pictures and protos for those weapons. Anyone up to doing that?
Excellent Mod! I really hadn't tried any of the fallout mods so to experience many of them at once has been a unique experience. I've gotten about halfway through the game with this mod, only experienced one bug so far. In Redding, after completing the final sheriff mission, upon returning to the sheriff, nothing happens. No gold, no friendly warning that Frog's brothers will hunt me down, just one dialog option saying roughly "I don't want to cause trouble- goodbye." Tried reloading at different previous spots, same thing happens every time.

Coincidently, I had the exact same problem as MasterHan, and thanks to Guyver8's reply, its working fine.
Oracle said:
MIB88 said:
Yes. I am pretty sure that I can make Horrigan's body lootable without any real problem. His armor (and any future weapons someone might create) would simply be created in the same way it works for the lootable armor mod. So, we just need someone to create the pictures and protos for those weapons. Anyone up to doing that?

the weapons proto's are already in the mapper. they just don't have any pictures only purple boxes with text in it.(just like the deathclaw's claw)

yay 300 posts (finally :p)


I was thinking. Your mod includes many different mods. If I were to use these mods all seperally and use mod runner to load all these, then your fallout 2 will crash for sure. Now you put all these mod together in one mod without these big crashes get idea!! but...
As you mentioned in you read me file, some people do not like all the mods you've included.

Now i was wondering If you would split your mod back into all these small mods again (with your changes ofcourse and in DAT fils) would you still get these crashes like before if you would load them all with mod runner?

thats about it :) hope my post did make some sense
Oracle said:
I was thinking. Your mod includes many different mods. If I were to use these mods all seperally and use mod runner to load all these, then your fallout 2 will crash for sure. Now you put all these mod together in one mod without these big crashes get idea!! but...
As you mentioned in you read me file, some people do not like all the mods you've included.

Now i was wondering If you would split your mod back into all these small mods again (with your changes ofcourse and in DAT fils) would you still get these crashes like before if you would load them all with mod runner?

thats about it :) hope my post did make some sense

I really don't know the answer to that. I never used modrunner before and I don't know how it works. But, it would be SO MUCH work to try to separate the mods out. Not something I intend to do. :lol: My guess is that it would crash. I mean, take out the changes I added, you are left with the mods that crashed the game originally.

Edit: I was just thinking. Maybe the game would NOT crash. I mean, some of the things leading to a crash might be the fact that two critters or two locations share the same numbers in their respective mods. For example, the Abbey is location 49 in one mod, but the truck location is also 49 in its original mod. But, I have changed all the numbers for things, so that would not be an issue. So, maybe it can be split apart without crashes. But I know not everything could be split out. Cult of Personality and Lootable armor cannot be split out this way. Maybe certain locations could be split out, as well as certain critters, like the Enhanced Maria.
MIB88 said:
Oh, one thing I meant to tell you. You once pointed out to me that the Navarro map was not the one from the vertibird mods. I forgot about that. I had to edit the map because I needed to put in the Chemical Order Form. If I didn't change the map, instead of getting the order form on the map, the shaman's mixing bowl would be on Schreber's desk instead.

Yep, so it is.

I'll send you the map scripts but they're not 100% yet.
(party members sometimes walk thru the car and the grass at b21 pokes thru the car) but at least the car won't get lost anymore.

H-K said:
Coincidently, I had the exact same problem as MasterHan, and thanks to Guyver8's reply, its working fine.

You're welcome...that warm fuzzy feeling again.
MIB88 said:
I was just thinking. Maybe the game would NOT crash. I mean, some of the things leading to a crash might be the fact that two critters or two locations share the same numbers in their respective mods. For example, the Abbey is location 49 in one mod, but the truck location is also 49 in its original mod. But, I have changed all the numbers for things, so that would not be an issue. So, maybe it can be split apart without crashes. But I know not everything could be split out. Cult of Personality and Lootable armor cannot be split out this way. Maybe certain locations could be split out, as well as certain critters, like the Enhanced Maria.

I expected this as well. But I don't know if there would be any other issues that might give errors in mod runner.

By spitting all these mod on a way that they wouldn't overwrite each other anymore would create a nice mod pack where players would be able to choose witch mod they want to use without any fallout 2 editing.
I thought it wouldn't be to hard to separate your edited mods in your mod pack. But I'm no modder so I don't have any clue
Oracle said:
By spitting all these mod on a way that they wouldn't overwrite each other anymore would create a nice mod pack where players would be able to choose witch mod they want to use without any fallout 2 editing.
I thought it wouldn't be to hard to separate your edited mods in your mod pack. But I'm no modder so I don't have any clue

Sounds great in theory. Actually, Killap and I once spoke of this. It really would not be hard to split them...just getting them to work again! Easy with some aspects...more difficult with others. I don't know how modrunner works, so I don't know if those split mods would be playable. Maybe someone who knows the internals of the engine can answer this better. I have some questions about it, but I am not going to raise them... Like you said, you aren't a modder, and I don't want to bore you or anybody else reading this. But keeping raising your questions...maybe I or somebody else can figure out a solution.

And to Guyver8: Thanks again for your work. I already included you in the list of credits from your last fixes.
MIB88 said:
Sounds great in theory. Actually, Killap and I once spoke of this. It really would not be hard to split them...just getting them to work again! Easy with some aspects...more difficult with others. I don't know how modrunner works, so I don't know if those split mods would be playable. Maybe someone who knows the internals of the engine can answer this better. I have some questions about it, but I am not going to raise them... Like you said, you aren't a modder, and I don't want to bore you or anybody else reading this. But keeping raising your questions...maybe I or somebody else can figure out a solution.

bore me with questions about fallout modding ??? no way :) so just post your questions. But I'm afraid I don't have much awners thought. surely there are other people here that knows them.

Anyways in the past I wanted to use a couple of mods together with modrunner. The biggest problems where that some maps where edited in more then 1 mod alone so you would only see 1 mod in action (or crash of fallout) and new items created in the different mods (you would only see 1 new item with a wrong description or a big fat crash again).

my guess modrunner tries to temporally overwrite the existing maps/proto's etc. so when 2 or more changes aquare on the same source, it would lead to problems.

When I put the mods together, I put the biggest mods in my master.dat and critter.dat. and the smaller ones I used via modrunner. I got most of mods to work this way.
Oracle said:
When I put the mods together, I put the biggest mods in my master.dat and critter.dat. and the smaller ones I used via modrunner. I got most of mods to work this way.

I suspect they only look like they're working...there are a number of issues with this, off the top of my head.
Any mod that adds new scripts adds these to scripts.lst and scrname.msg, the engine and scripts both then refer to the scripts by number...(no gaps allowed) so one or more mod will get messed up and this might not cause an immediate crash.
Worse still the scripts themselves use the number for getting any text to display and dialog.

What you looking for is 'Weidu' for fallout...which sadly doesn't exist.

you can test this using Fame, you'll see the contentions
MIB88 said:
I really don't know the answer to that. I never used modrunner before and I don't know how it works. But, it would be SO MUCH work to try to separate the mods out. Not something I intend to do. :lol: My guess is that it would crash. I mean, take out the changes I added, you are left with the mods that crashed the game originally.

Edit: I was just thinking. Maybe the game would NOT crash. I mean, some of the things leading to a crash might be the fact that two critters or two locations share the same numbers in their respective mods. For example, the Abbey is location 49 in one mod, but the truck location is also 49 in its original mod. But, I have changed all the numbers for things, so that would not be an issue. So, maybe it can be split apart without crashes. But I know not everything could be split out. Cult of Personality and Lootable armor cannot be split out this way. Maybe certain locations could be split out, as well as certain critters, like the Enhanced Maria.
Here's a thought: maybe people should 'register' their mods (as well as the data they use/override) over at the wiki so that mods won't conflict with each other.
Guyver8 said:
Any mod that adds new scripts adds these to scripts.lst and scrname.msg, the engine and scripts both then refer to the scripts by number...(no gaps allowed) so one or more mod will get messed up and this might not cause an immediate crash.
Do you mean that, in scripts.lst and scrname.msg, you can't skip from, say, script #10 to script #99 without any scripts in between?
MIB88 said:
Sounds great in theory. Actually, Killap and I once spoke of this. It really would not be hard to split them...just getting them to work again! Easy with some aspects...more difficult with others. I don't know how modrunner works, so I don't know if those split mods would be playable. Maybe someone who knows the internals of the engine can answer this better. I have some questions about it, but I am not going to raise them... Like you said, you aren't a modder, and I don't want to bore you or anybody else reading this. But keeping raising your questions...maybe I or somebody else can figure out a solution.
This sort of information should really go into a FAQ or something.
UltimateHW said:
Here's a thought: maybe people should 'register' their mods (as well as the data they use/override) over at the wiki so that mods won't conflict with each other.

That would be great wouldn't it.
And the first thing would be for all mod teams to use Killap's patch as the base for any mods (only active pure fixes patch), why not start from a stable common base eh?

UltimateHW said:
Do you mean that, in scripts.lst and scrname.msg, you can't skip from, say, script #10 to script #99 without any scripts in between?

Yes, If you check scripts.lst you'll see there is no numbering, the line position determines the script number assigned. The numbers assigned in scrname are just 'script.lst line number' + 100.

You could use dummy scripts, art, protos, global vars to avoid reusing entries that other mods use but i've only seen TeamX attempt anything like this (and then it was reserving for themselves not avoiding any other mod). But this just gets you one mod or the other not both intergated.

Plus given the amount of "no-show" mods, any reservation system would surely quickly reach any technical limits that exist.
Alright, i found the guy who is supposed to teach me how to fly the Vertibird in Broken Hills. However, when I talk to him and let him teach me how to be a postman i get the option to say that he looks like an enclave guy. He then says that he doesn't know what i'm talking about and if i try to talkto him again "error" comes up above his head. What's the problem? so far the mod worked with no problem, i was able to talk to everyone else. I've been to Navarro, and ive got Vertibird plans with me. Is there anything else i should have done in Navarro?!
Loshki you were on the right track.
1: you need to have spoken to maria
2: Keep a SAVE before talking to Fassard (the correct dialog sequence is convoluted and you may need to reload and try again)

I seem to remember you need to expose his enclave background and then mention maria. I got the right sequence thru trial and error.

If all else fails the spoiler method would be to read thru the entony.msg (dialog file for Fassard) and workout the correct dialog.

As for the error, I believe the forthcoming update should fix that, but if you get the right sequence it won't matter as once you're finished with the training Fassard walks off the map.
This mod is great! I've been trying to use seraph's and killap's patches together but never got both to work and I know now why it didnt.
But this mega mod is perfect, best mod out there since it allows so many mods to be used at the same time. Great job!

I'm kinda stuck with the new vision mod though, can anyone give me any pointers or a walkthrough of some kind? Thanks. Any resources I can use with the mods included in the mega mod?

p.s. Does anyone here have any clue how to use the F.I.F.E engine to play fallout 2?
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