Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

Thanks, nad02s, for the great mod.

I registered here to give some feedback. The only nitpick is the crosshair seems to be high and to the left of where I am actually aiming. My monitor is running at 1920X1200. The screenshots below are examples with a character with 100 in Energy Weapons and they are an indication of all my shots being slightly off target.


nad02s already knows about this, I told him further back in the forum. hopefully it will be possible to fix this, as I prefere the smaller crosshair.
This looks pretty good, though it doesn't seem to scale properly at 2560x1600.

The AP and Life meters float about 2-3 inches from the bottom of the screen :(
Cheers Darn, turns out I had been looking in the wrong place last night.

Thanks for the feedback. I have fixed the text and cross-hair issues in the next version, which should be up on NMA shortly.

There may still be a problem if you encounter a conversation that gives you a lot of options, say 9 or 10. I can't recall if there are any conversations with that many options though, so hopefully that isn't an issue.

Natalia, the older version of the mod had that problem you are describing. Do you have the latest version?
Heres a link to the latest versions, just to be sure.

Edit/ links in first post.
They are from the Revelation Mod. Which takes them from Fallout : Tactics and Aquanox 2: Revelation.

Edit... Hey if anyone is up for extracting a few interface and dialogue images from fallout 2, we could try using them as a replacement to the revelation frames.
Could be quite interesting to use the old fallout 2 dialogue menus, everyone would be a talking head :)
I would like to use those for the main menu.

Can you somehow send me them, or something :P
They are all in the mod, just download that and you will have them all.

Edit/ links in first post.
I uploaded it there last night, its still not up though :(

Is available on NMA now
How was the cross-hair reduced in size? I liked your mod, but its too minimal for me. I do hate the large cross-hairs, thats all really i want to minimize in my HUD.
In 'hudtemplates.xml' under '<template name="template_reticle_center">'

Change the height and width.
Hm the crosshair is still off (a bit too far to the right). does this have to do with the resolution? could you give me the standard crosshair stuff? Right now I can't really use your mod because the crosshair is not usable. The standard one would work for me but I am unable to find the normal template and thuse can't copy it to yours.
Theres no way that cross-hair is out in any way.
It is DEAD CENTER of my screen in ALL RESOLUTIONS, regardless of wide-screen or not.

You have most probably changed other settings in the mod, which have probably thrown off the position of the cross-hair.

Have you noticed how in fallout, the character NEVER fires in a straight line? Maybe thats whats up?


Here I dug out the original Crosshair template for you:

<template name="template_reticle_center">
	<image name="reticle_center">
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<width> 64 </width>
		<height> 64 </height>

Better yet though, why not just move the cross hair if you want to? Its bloody easy. You understand X and Y in a mathematical term right?
Increase x to go right, decrease to go left, increase y to go up, decrease to go down. Except in this case, Y might be reversed, I can't remember.
Maybe this really sounds stupid, but how do you uninstall this mod and revert back to the original?

Please advice... Thanks.
It is all very good, but the compass, the letters showing N E S W, etc are so small they are unreadable, might as well not have a compass! Is this just my game or a mod problem and is there an answer to it? Thanks :)
It depends on the size of your screen really. The compass is just about readable to me, but I can see how it might bother some others.
You can make it bigger if you like in hudtemplates.xml.
Change the height and width to double or 1.5 times the current amount. If you want the original compass back, then you must change zoom to 0 or 1 (I forget which), and also increase the height and width to at least double.

@ HHawk, to uninstall it, you just delete it.
What a great work nad02s...

But I think I need a bigger hud. Can u post original HUD settings?

I got some elements of the HUD to a nice size. But im having trouble to fix all elements.

Oh... sorry about bad english... im from Brazil.
Heres the original contents of the Hud files.

This is the Original Hudtemplates.xml file:

<template name="template_positioning_grid">
	<image name="grid_point">

<!--<rect name="test_fonts">
	<x><copy src="screen()" trait="cropx"/><mul>2</mul></x>
	<y><copy src="screen()" trait="cropy"/><mul>2</mul></y>
	<text name="font1">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
	<text name="font2">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
		<y><copy src="font1" trait="y"/><add src="font1" trait="height"/><add>5</add></y>
	<text name="font3">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
		<y><copy src="font2" trait="y"/><add src="font2" trait="height"/><add>5</add></y>
	<text name="font4">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
		<y><copy src="font3" trait="y"/><add src="font3" trait="height"/><add>5</add></y>
	<text name="font5">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
		<y><copy src="font4" trait="y"/><add src="font4" trait="height"/><add>5</add></y>
	<text name="font6">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
		<y><copy src="font5" trait="y"/><add src="font5" trait="height"/><add>5</add></y>
	<text name="font7">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
		<y><copy src="font6" trait="y"/><add src="font6" trait="height"/><add>5</add></y>
	<text name="font8">
		<string>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.!?	THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.!?</string>
		<y><copy src="font7" trait="y"/><add src="font7" trait="height"/><add>5</add></y>

<template name="template_justify_right_text">
	<text name="justify_right_text">
		<font> 7 </font>

<template name="template_justify_left_text">
	<text name="justify_left_text">
		<font> 7 </font>

<template name="template_justify_center_text">
	<text name="justify_center_text">
		<font> 7 </font>

<template name="template_right_bracket">
	<image name="right_bracket">
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>

<template name="template_weapon_icon">
	<image name="weapon_icon">

<template name="template_meter">
	<image name="meter">
		<filename> Interface\HUD\ </filename>
		<tile> &true; </tile>
		<height> 20 </height>
		<width> 8 </width>
		<_TotalWidth> 300 </_TotalWidth>
		<_ImageWidth> 8 </_ImageWidth>
		<_OriginalX> 0 </_OriginalX>
		<justify> &left; </justify>
<template name="template_meter_background">
	<image name="MeterBackground">
		<filename> </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<tile> &true; </tile>
		<height> 20 </height>
		<width> 60 </width>
		<justify> &left; </justify>

<template name="template_left_bracket">
	<image name="left_bracket">
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>

<template name="template_enemy_health_bracket">
	<image name="enemy_health_bracket">
		<filename> Interface\HUD\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<width> 500 </width>
		<height> 64 </height>

<template name="template_reticle_center">
	<image name="reticle_center">
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<width> 64 </width>
		<height> 64 </height>
<!--<image name="center_test">
	<x><copy src="screen()" trait="width"/><div>2</div></x>
	<y><copy src="screen()" trait="height"/><div>2</div></y>

<template name="template_warning_background">
	<rect name="warning_background">

<template name="template_sneak_bracket">
	<image name="sneak_bracket">
		<filename> Interface\HUD\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<width> 356 </width>
		<height> 34 </height>

<template name="template_message_bracket">
	<image name="message_bracket">
		<filename> Interface\icons\MOOD\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<zoom> &scale; </zoom>
		<alpha> 0 </alpha>

<template name="template_message_icon">
	<image name="message_icon">
		<filename> Interface\Icons\Mood\ </filename>
    <texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<width> 160 </width>
		<height> 160 </height>
		<alpha> 0 </alpha>

<template name="template_line_base">
	<image name="line_base">
		<filename> Interface\Shared\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<zoom> &scale; </zoom>

<template name="template_fade_left">
	<image name="fade_left">
		<filename> Interface\Shared\Line\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<height> 4 </height>
		<zoom> &scale; </zoom>

<template name="template_fade_down">
	<image name="fade_down">
		<filename> Interface\Shared\Line\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<width> 4 </width>
		<zoom> &scale; </zoom>

<template name="template_info_seperator">
	<image name="info_seperator">
		<filename> Interface\HUD\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>

<template name="template_hotkey_selector">
	<rect name="hotkey_selector">
		<_IconVisible> &false; </_IconVisible>
		<include src="HotKeys.xml"/>
		<width> 320 </width>
		<height> 300 </height>
		<locus> &true; </locus>
		<image name="hotkey_icon">
			<filename> <copy src="parent()" trait="_IconFilename"/> </filename>
			<x> 65 </x>
			<y> 30 </y>
			<width> 220 </width>
			<height> 220 </height>
			<zoom> &scale; </zoom>
			<visible> <copy src="parent()" trait="_IconVisible"/> </visible>

<template name="template_compass_window">
	<image name="compass_window">
		<filename> Interface\HUD\ </filename>
		<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
		<locus> &true; </locus>
		<width> 345 </width>
		<height> 64 </height>
		<zoom> 100 </zoom>

<template name="template_compass_icon_group">
	<rect name="compass_icon_group">

<template name="template_compass_icon">
	<image name="compass_icon">
		<include src="CompassIcon.xml"/>

<template name="template_compass_icon_quest">
  <image name="compass_icon">
    <include src="CompassIcon.xml"/>

<template name="template_compass_icon_player">
  <image name="compass_icon">
    <include src="CompassIcon.xml"/>

<template name="template_compass_icon_marker">
  <image name="compass_icon">
    <include src="CompassIcon.xml"/>

<template name="template_compass_npc_icon_group">
	<rect name="compass_npc_icon_group">

<template name="compass_npc_icon">
	<image name="compass_npc_icon">
		<include src="CompassIcon.xml"/>

<template name="template_hit_direction_indicator">
	<image name="hit_direction_indicator">

<template name="template_shaded_background">
	<image name="shaded_background">

<template name="template_explosive_indicator">
	<image name="explosive_indicator">

This is the original CompassIcon.xml :

	<texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
	<clips> &true; </clips>
		<copy src="me()" trait="_Heading"/>

And here is hud_main_menu.xml :

<menu name="HUDMainMenu">
  <class> &HUDMainMenu; </class>
  <stackingtype> &does_not_stack; </stackingtype>
  <alpha>	255 </alpha>
  <locus> &true; </locus>
  <depth> -50 </depth>
  <x> 0 </x>
  <y> 0 </y>
  <menufade> 0.25 </menufade>

  <user7> 0 </user7>
  <user8> Region name text </user8>

  <_SpreadPercentage> 1.0 </_SpreadPercentage>
  <_CrosshairVisible> &false; </_CrosshairVisible>
  <_CrosshairAlpha> 255 </_CrosshairAlpha>
  <_SpreadChangeSpeed> 0.125 </_SpreadChangeSpeed>
  <_ReticleAlpha> 255 </_ReticleAlpha>
  <_FadeSpeed> 0.5 </_FadeSpeed>
  <_SneakVisible> &false; </_SneakVisible>
  <_SneakLevel> 0.0 </_SneakLevel>


  <_ActionType> 0 </_ActionType>

  <include src="HUDTemplates.xml"/>

  <rect name="ActionPoints">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <width> 386 </width>
    <height> 127 </height>

  <rect name="HitPoints">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <width> 369 </width>
    <height> 127 </height>

  <rect name="SneakMeter">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <width> 356 </width>
    <height> 34 </height>

    <text name="sneak_nif">

  <rect name="ReticleCenter">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <width> 63 </width>
    <height> 75 </height>

  <rect name="EnemyHealth">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <width> 350 </width>
    <height> 52 </height>
  <rect name="QuestReminder">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>

    <rect name="QuestStages">
      <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <template name="template_filled_checkbox">
      <image name="filled_checkbox">
        <texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
    <template name="template_checkbox">
      <image name="checkbox">
        <texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
    <rect name="QuestAdded">
      <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
  <rect name="Messages">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
  <rect name="Subtitles">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
  <rect name="Info">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <width> 320 </width>
    <height> 80 </height>

    <rect name="justify_center_hotrect">
      <include src="text_box.xml"/>

      <_verbuf> 10 </_verbuf>

      <_xbox_button> &xbuttona; </_xbox_button>
      <_button_placement> &left; </_button_placement>
  <rect name="Hokeys">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
  <rect name="Region_Location">
    <id> &noglow_branch; </id>
    <width> 100 </width>
    <height> 100 </height>
    <locus> &true; </locus>
  <rect name="XPMeter">
    <image name="XPBracket">
      <texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
    <image name="XPPointer">
      <texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
    <text name="XPAmount">
    <text name="XPLabel">
    <text name="XPLastLevel">
    <text name="XPNextLevel">
    <text name="XPLevelUp">
      <font> 8 </font>
  <rect name="RadiationMeter">
    <width> 367 </width>
    <image name="radiation_bracket">
      <filename> Interface\HUD\ </filename>
      <width> 567 </width>
      <height> 120 </height>
    <image name="radiation_pointer">
      <texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas>
    <text name="radiation_text_value">
    <text name="radiation_text">
  <nif name="BreathMeter">
  <rect name="Explosive_positioning_rect">
  <!--<text name="explosive_text">
  <rect name="crippled_limb_indicator">
    <image name="Head">
    <image name="Face">
    <image name="Torso">
    <image name="Left_Arm">
    <image name="Right_Arm">
    <image name="Left_Leg">
    <image name="Right_Leg">