Miria for Real! "mod"

Grandson Of Sam

First time out of the vault
MY first post, and its about a mod that has been around for a while already, but nobody has had the time to actually fix... So here it is:

Miria for Real!

From readme:

Miria For Real! v1.0a mod for Killap's Fallout2 Restoration Project v1.2:

First of all, these files have gone thru so many hands, that its impossible to give credit to all who have touched them, so I have included the readme from the original, and the RP1.2 compatible versions in the end of this readme... (Cut from this post)

- What is it?:
*** SPOILERS! ***

Modded files from various sources to make Miria an actual useful NPC. I liked the idea of the original mod to make Miria a real NPC, but sadly she didnt actually get any skills leveling up, and the "new comments" were actually even more annoying in some cases than just being quiet, so those are edited too on the parts I didnt like them myself.
I have tried to keep her in line with the other NPC:s in the game, although being young, physically fit, and relatively smart (compared to the other NPC:s in the game, just look at the bunch, meh...) She will end up being the most versatile of them all, although not overpowered in any sense. I hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do myself!
The mod IS compatible with Restoration Project 1.2, and probably WILL NOT be compatible with 1.3, so you are warned :-)

- What did I change compared to the RP1.2 compatible version that is out there?:

1. I edited the Proto files that were included, so that she actually gains skills, hitpoints and all that the other NPC:s do when she levels up.
2. Edited her Message file a bit to make her sound more like a "real" girl of her age, not a joke.
3. Changed her leveling a bit from the original mod, which was way too quick.
4. Primary Skills: Small Arms, Melee Weapons, Thrown Weapons
Secondary Skills: Heavy Weapons, Energy Weapons, Unarmed Combat, First Aid

Miria For Real!

I dont claim this mod to be made by me, but just edited mod to make the useless NPC actually useful, all respect for the ones involved in editing the files before me! Feel free to use the files anyway you want to, or include them in your mods, its ok atleast by me.

Any comments or bugs, please dont hesitate to tell me, its my first FO2 "mod" anyway :-)
Any flames about Miria not being meant to be a real NPC, yes, I know, I still did it... ;-)
Sorry about that, there was actually a link, but it wasnt that obvious. Edited the post so now it should be more visible :-)
The problem is not the post. The linked page shows "0 files".
Thank you so much!

I recently started a new playthrough, and decided to use Killap's Restoration patch. Then I saw your mod, and was thrilled to see it was compatible. I had never been able to make the old Miria mod work, so I had high hopes.

I am pleased to report that this mod has exceeded my expectations.

I reached Modoc with about 50xp before hitting Lvl. 9, and got married immediately. Killing a few rats brought me up to the next level, and Miria leveled up as well. I haven't equipped her with anything beyond a 10mm pistol yet, but she has good marksmanship with it.

Further, I was able to leave her behind (finally!) while I blew up the outhouse, sparing her from taking damage. Her dialogue and floating text comments have also worked well.

It does everything I could have hoped for, and more. Thank you for adding a valuable member to my party.
I'm glad you liked it, I also get her on my own games now that she finally is useful ;-) I have myself tested her on 4 different playthru's now, and havent found any bugs, other than that she seems to be getting weird stats boosts from some armors... No idea of what point the boosts from armors came into play, but I will have to see what I can do about that.

Im currently working slowly on an another mod concerning partymember NPC:s, so this mod will stay on the background for a while because of that.

Another notion is, that she does feel a bit too powerful at the first and second level...
Hey, Grandson of Sam,
I have been hoping someone would make this! I can hardly wait to see how it works! :D
So, from your read-me file, I am assuming it is OK for me to replace the stupid Miria mod I have been hosting?
You`re not the only one here on sundays. Just be patient, I`m sure someone who knows the ansver to your question will come by eventually.

If no ansver comes to you in 24 hours, just wait longer.
Hopefully, this Miria mod will be compatible with RP 2.1 as I too wanted Miria to have more NPC potential. Kudos to the coders who were able to bring her to life.
i didn't really get that one, sorry. (english is faar from native language, for me)

you mean it will be soon, but now it isn't?
or you've sayed that you'll try it, and hoping that it will work?

i personally confused with overwriting some files, what already existed in RP 2.1

and i'm quite sure, i'll lost some of the 2.1's features..

but maybe i'm wrong?

or can there be slow, manual step by step integration?
i'll try that one for sure! :)
shaggoth said:
i didn't really get that one, sorry. (english is faar from native language, for me)

you mean it will be soon, but now it isn't?
or you've sayed that you'll try it, and hoping that it will work?

i personally confused with overwriting some files, what already existed in RP 2.1

and i'm quite sure, i'll lost some of the 2.1's features..

but maybe i'm wrong?

or can there be slow, manual step by step integration?
i'll try that one for sure! :)

According to this page: http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/F2RP_Technical_Info

...the Miria For Real! mod reportedly is "confirmed" to work with RP 2.0; that said, I haven't yet tried it so I can't say one way or the other.
Some questions about this mod, with the caveat that I know absolutely nothing about Fallout modding:

1) Will this mod allow me to get Miria to "stay,"
like other party members? In some areas, it is
best not to have any NPCs with you.

2) If this mod is installed, will it apply to already-saved games, or do I have to start a new one?

3) What is a quick-and-dirty method I can employ to see if this
mod is actually working after I install it?

4) Believe it or not, I don't understand the installation directions. This is quite embarassing, as I have written mods for games and have installed mods in many other games over the years.
Do I:
1)Simply unzip the folder and leave it in the Fallout2 main directory?
2) Unzip the folder, and move the "Data" subfolder into the main
fallout2 directory, overwriting the (vanilla) "Data" folder already
3) Unzip the folder, and manually pull the files out, sticking them
into a) The Data folder or b) such subfolders as are already
present in that folder
4) Do I have to do anything with the various included files? In particular, the six .pro files -- do they work just as they are, or do
they have to be unpacked with something?

Final point: after installing the mod using method (2) above, I find
that I cannot use the Fallout Character Editor (FALCHE2) on my
character. I receive the message "Character Data [main1] not found." This is not a big deal, but leads to two questions:
1) is there an editor compatible with this mod?
2) is there a work-around?

I note there is a file called "party" in the mod files, which includes
party member 0 (the PC). (It also says that Miria levels up every
2 levels). Whether or not this has anything at all to do with the
compatibility issue, I don't know.
Games saved before the patch was installed do not have this problem. However, if a save is loaded, then saved, it can no longer
be edited with FALCE2. (same error)

NOTE: I am using the US version patched to 1.02d

-- Mal
Since RP 2.1 added new critters, Miria mod for RP 2.0 is no longer compatible. So I tried and did a quick fix (updated party.txt, critters.lst, pro_crit.msg and Miria's protos filenames). Here it is:

"Miria for real" mod for Restoration Project 2.1.1

I didn't test it much, but at least you can recruit & command Miria and the game doesn't bug out when you encounter new critters.

Naturally, all previous saves will be incompatible, including those from RP 2.0 with Miria mod installed. Hopefully this won't be the case for upcoming RP 2.1.2 since it's a bugfix release and no new content.