Recon Rover Rick
It Wandered In From the Wastes

Okay, John B. apparently has disappeared or something, he's yet to reply to me at any rate. So, here's what I have so far. Not much, but it's a start.
(Insert original Pvt. Dobbs text here)
(Pvt. Dobbs runs to the elevator, and out to the exterior of the SAD. May be found somewhere roughly in the middle of the parking lot.)
(Float message: You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah damn you! God damn you all to hell!)
*On talking to Pvt. Dobbs*
Dobbs: It's all gone, isn't it?
Chosen one: [More]
Dobbs: Is it all like this? This... Wasteland?
1 of 2: Mostly. There are still a few pockets of civilization here and there, but mostly this is what it looks like anymore.
Dobbs: How long was I out? What year is it?
1a of c: 2241.
Dobbs: "2241..." He trails of listlessly and looks into the distance. "My unit's all dead... From old age or from battle... America's been all but destroyed... My family...!" He starts to cry a little.
1aA of ?: Man up, soldier! The world may have gone to shit, but you're still alive! That counts for something, doesn't it?"
Dobbs: "You... You're right. But where will I go? What will I do? Everything's different now... Unless..." Private Dobbs appears to be pondering something.
Chosen One: Unless?
Good Karma (-50 < Karma) Dobbs: Could you use a companion? I don't have anywhere else to go, and you seem like a good sort.
Below Party Limit: Sure, I could use an extra hand here and there.
Dobbs: Great! Count me in.
[To party management section]
At Party Limit: Sorry, but I think I have enough companions right now. Maybe later?
Dobbs: Oh. Alright. I guess I'll just wait here for now then... If you change your mind I'll be here.
1aB of ?: Haha, what's the matter, gonna cry soldier boy?
Dobbs: He stops crying and glares at you instead. "I've lost everything. So you know what? Fuck you!" He pulls out his gun. *Initiate combat with hostile Dobbs*