Modding weapons


First time out of the vault
I'm playing with fomm (Tessnip) and have changed various parameters under GMST successfully. Now I'm trying to mod (WEAP) weapon data (like name,damage,clip size etc) with no success. Is there a trick or something? Why in the same esp file some values get recognized and some don't?
let us know your progress. Unfortunately my early attempts to mod the game are failing. Then again it has been 4 years since my last game I did mods for. In anycase my real interest is if I can add a unique dialogue to a character. Then link that to a item as a reward. Which opens a whole set of crafting system opitions of custom items. We will see :D
If they release the modding tools then i guess you could modify quests and stuff....

I just don't get why a simple hex editing doesn't work :s

even renaming the weapon doesn't show in game.

These are the data for WeapChineseAssaultRifle
F4 01 00 00 90 01 00 00 00 00 E0 40 0B 00 18

first is the price, then weapon HP, weapon weight, damage and clip size.

if i change 18 to 14 ( meaning 20 bullet clip) nothing happens. I know the esp gets loaded cause other values are modded.

OK i hex edited the main fallout3.esm and it gets modded... while the same change in esp doesn't make a difference...
Argh I want either the damn modding tools or the file specs from bethesda :evil:
you need to edit a value in the master ini file that allows data in plugins to overwrite the data in the esm

in fallout 3, that value is set to off by default
Ok what's that value? And why other data get changed with the same esp but not weapons?
qzilla said:
In order to override values in the original items you need to set Fallout3.esm as a master to your .esp. What you do is, click on the TES4 header in your plugin, then go to the top menu and do add new subrecord. Make sure you're in string mode and not hex mode, then edit the NEW_ record and change it to a MAST record, and type Fallout3.esm in the text box. Once you do that, the plugin will properly override the original values.

So now it works and i'm finally able to mod weapons in game :D

So far i can only change the name, price, damage, clip size, ammo type and HP. I still need to find how to change rof and accuracy.

NAM0 is the formID of ammo type.
REPL is the formID of the list that contains what can be used to repair it.
ETYP weapon type (melee,small gun)
others point to various souns, images and models.

DNAM and CRDT must have some ineresting values
read the quote above it can't be more clear...

DNAM definitely contains values such as accuracy, one or two handed weapon and full auto or single shot. I still need to decode the hex string tho.

10mm smg DNAM
03 00 00 00    single (03) or two handed (06) weapon
00 00 80 3F
00 00 80 3F
02 FF 01 06
00 00 C0 3F    min bullet spread
00 00 A0 40    max bullet spread
00 00 00 00
00 00 8C 42    max zoom
00 00 00 00
0A BF 03 00
08 4A 01 00
00 00 40 43
00 00 40 44
00 00 00 00
08 04 00 00
00 00 80 3F
00 00 20 41
00 00 A0 41
00 00 00 3F
00 00 00 3F
9A 99 19 3E
00 00 00 00
00 00 20 41
36 AB 2A 40
CA 54 15 40
00 00 00 00
29 00 00 00
01 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 80 3F
00 00 80 3F
00 00 40 40
I'd also like to point out one of those lines may be for an (unused) R&G [run & gun] value. R&G is disabled by default, because beth. never finished it. If one of them for the 10mm pistol amounts to 11, 21, 84, or 85, then that is possibly it.
Run and shoot spread... If that's what you mean also exists as a "global" value (same for all guns) as gsmt. fGunSpreadRunMult

I haven't found the time to test what are the rest of the values...
NO it doesn't. The author of that mod only changes gsmt values which are global for all weapons. GRUP(WEAP).'weaponname'.DATA and GRUP(WEAP).'weaponname'.DNAM contain values that are unique for that weapon.

By trial and error i've managed to decode the above values.
i find it difficult to decode the rest tho.
This is all greek to me. I've been searching (unsuccessfully) for an in-depth tutorial that can walk me through the process of editing a weapon. Specifically the Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol (00060C2C).

It appears that the game is applying the fire damage before the regular damage; which causes the weapon to do zero extra crit damage.

Is there any way to swap which damage is applied first? The Shishkebab (0000434E) has an identical fire damage mechanic, but it works properly with crits (If that's any help).
My guess is that it has something to do with EITM. don't have time to check it thoroughly now tho
Great thread, thanks :)

Got a newb question, could you help me read this, is the 8C (140), 82 (130) and C8 (200) the respective max zoom ranges and what do the 41 and 42 represent? TIA.

00 00 8C 42 max zoom 10mm smg DNAM
00 00 82 42 max zoom 10mm silenced
00 00 82 42 max zoom 10mm
00 00 C8 41 max zoom Sniper

Secondly trying to compare the DNAM of the Silenced and Non-Silenced 10 mm, is it possible the the Silenced activator is here as well? I prefer playing as a Stealthed and Techy, but find it's near impossible with the short range and accuracy of the only silenced weapon the 10 mm. I am looking to either Silence the Sniper or extend the range and accuracy of the 10 mm.

Thirdly has anyone noticed the Range modifier?

Thanks again. :)
actually I think they are all the values e.g. 00 00 C8 41 = 25 float. I found out that using 5 as zoom value doesn't zoom at all. Idk the value for silenced weapons. I'll take a look again in weapon modding in a couple of days since i have some RL stuff to do.
Ar1z said:
read the quote above it can't be more clear...

DNAM definitely contains values such as accuracy, one or two handed weapon and full auto or single shot. I still need to decode the hex string tho.

10mm smg DNAM

Quite a few of them are settings, evidently. A few lines, I have no clue.
03 00 00 00	[int] 3 {onehanded weapon}
00 00 80 3F	[float] 1 {?}
00 00 80 3F	[float] 1 {?}
02 FF 01 06	[short] -254 {?}
00 00 C0 3F	[float] 1.5 {min bullet spread}
00 00 A0 40	[float] 5 {max bullet spread}
00 00 00 00	-
00 00 8C 42	[float] 70 {max zoom}
00 00 00 00	-
0A BF 03 00	??
08 4A 01 00	??
00 00 40 43	[float] 192 {?} <- min something?
00 00 40 44	[float] 768 {?} <- max something?
00 00 00 00	-
08 04 00 00	<flags>
00 00 80 3F	[float] 1 {?}
00 00 20 41	[float] 10 {?}	
00 00 A0 41	[float] 20 {?}
00 00 00 3F	[float] 0.5 {?}
00 00 00 3F	[float] 0.5 {?}	
9A 99 19 3E	[float] 0.15 {?}
00 00 00 00	-
00 00 20 41	[float] 10 {?}
36 AB 2A 40	[float] 2.6667 {?} <- max something?
CA 54 15 40	[float] 2.3333 {?} <- min something?
00 00 00 00	-
29 00 00 00	[int] 41 {?} <- item type?
01 00 00 00	[int] 1 {?} <- likely an on/off setting?
00 00 00 00	-
00 00 80 3F	[float] 1 {?}
00 00 80 3F	[float] 1 {?}
CD CC CC 3D	[float] 0.1 {?}
00 00 40 40	[float] 3 {?}
I understand how to read the values in the windows now, kept trying to run the values in a hex converter and couldn't get the values I saw you guys posting, heh.

I tried to make a esp with a Acc and Zoom change when I saved it, I got a 300 meg esp, doh! Any chance I could get a linky or a brief explination how to get the esp to a more likely 1k size?

Once I saw you had a couple of on/off points there, thought they might be the Silencer, but checked both against the 10mm pistol and 10mm Silenced both had the same settings as the 10mm Sub.

It's odd, I keep looking for a 39 value for the damage, with a couple of varaibles for wear reduction, maybe it's in another heading.

Thanks for any tips. :)