Antediluvian as Feck

Devil's Advocate: The shelf life of the Fusion cores for the PAs started before the war, and would have ended before the events of Fallout 2. Silly as it sounds... presumably the cores used in FO4 could be retro-fit parts that are not truly up to the task.Just like Power Armour in F4 and their retarded fusion cores for something that was specifically stated to last a looong time.
Having never played FO4... I've no idea of their fiction about it. I can say that aside from giving the armor early, and allowing the PC to personally tinker with it (both bad mistakes)... The PA's are about the best done thing in all of FO4, from what I've seen. IMO they finally got something (at least mostly) right.
Of course I like to think that my many posts on their forums suggesting they do the FO4 PA armors almost exactly the way they ended up doing them... was no coincidence; and the same goes for the many times I suggested (for the FO3 collector's edition), that Jones Soda be contracted to do a Nuka~Cola.
I apparently predicted Point Lookout—months before FO3 shipped... as a parody of how bad it could be, and what kind of game Fallout 1 (or 2) would have to have been, to get FO3 as a proper sequel:
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