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Wait, Rosh left?

It was just a joke, right?
That was a pretty under handed April Fools joke, I was ready to buy shots all around for Rosh's downgraded status. Oh, well. Pipe dreams are pipe dreams.
Outside of those who were being obviously sarcastic, I'm supprised anyone bought that gag; like NMA would really get rid of their resident asshole. He's worth the price of admission just for the comic relief alone.

I would have liked to seen a gag more like this: "IRAQI COURT MAKES FINAL DECISION: Hussien acquitted of all charges, reinstated as rightful dictator..."

That would have made for some hilarious responses.
Melanthius said:
I would have liked to seen a gag more like this: "IRAQI COURT MAKES FINAL DECISION: Hussien acquitted of all charges, reinstated as rightful dictator..."

Not while I live, and not on a Fallout and PA website, dummy.
Melanthius said:
"IRAQI COURT MAKES FINAL DECISION: Hussien acquitted of all charges, reinstated as rightful dictator..."
"... given Poland as an apology for all the trouble."
where are my manners, my previous post should have included

sorry i was lookign at Odin's last post and did not notice the date on the last post in this thread.
Okay, so I've taken your advice Kharn and read the news. Still at a loss for where Odin is. Then again, I still don't even know where Miroslav went so maybe I should just call it a day.

Yet I'll try once more...

Odinnnnnnn where art thou?
Yeah. He's the Earth's last best chance at leading the resistance against Odin's uber lvl 60 raiding party.