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M-14 rifle

First time out of the vault
It would be fun if you could capture a baby fire gecko and teach it to be an attack animal. Bug-type creatures are over used; why not more unique creatures and robots and factions, too.
I don't think geckos and lizards and the like are anywhere in that area so it makes sense to me, but I could be mistaken.
The Geckos went extinct because of JET. Why? Reasons. Writers are supposed to have fun, and I don't discuss logic/reason/realism in a fiction setting'n shits, ...

Everytime you combine fertilizer with plastic a gecko dies.
Geckos don't appear in Boston because"Something something something geckos".

Everyone keeps forgetting that it's Bethesda, they don't need explanations and logic in a world with "talking ghouls". It just works.