More Melee Weapons

Heres what I've got so far please let me know if they are any good.

They are an Axe, Broken Handle, Double Headed Matock (Gardening Tool), Railway Spike Handle, Normal Matock and a miners pick.
Gustavo Ganso said:
something like this


You're just begging for an infection with this weapon :clap:
Poison doesn't seem to work in my game :?
I get stung by rad scorpions but it's just damage and no poison. What gives?
I've always liked the Tomahawk...


Lightweight, high velocity, does good damage because of the speed. Low APs. Energy (damage) delivered is from its speed (concentrated to a small area) not its mass.

[EDIT] there are various chisel style blades and backends, making the focal point of the energy delivered even smaller. It really is meant to be a skull splitter. Longer, composite handle for sure.

This blade is curved so the top part lands first and deposits its energy into a smaller area.
chipk said:
I sent you a new nif, please tell me if it's any good.

Sent you an email dude with a 3DS version that has been unwrapped and texture file. All I have to do now is work out how to put in the collission points and it can be used in game.
Pretty simple really 2 bigger sledges the smallest is the stock one for comparision and I'll need to make the biggest ones handle a bit bigger now that I've seen this render.

What I've got here is rough but assuming the stock Sledgehammer is 12lbs is there any way to comparatively model in 3DS Max the head sizes of a 20 & 30lbs sledgehammers using the volume of the models?
I think these melee weapons look good. I think it is plausible for weapons to be made or found. If they were stainless steel and were kept in a building they might survive. Especially with 50's sci fi tech. There is no telling what alloys they might come up with.
Crossbows and bow and arrows make sense to me.
Swords make sense, but I don't really think shields go well. Just me.
Axes are a stretch, but I can see someone using them if they had no choice.
Generally I'd consider anything commonly used in the 50's as the basis for a potential melee weapon. Street signs, car axles with bits welded to the end...
For the battle axe crowd, howzabout a stop sign cut to an axe shape and sharpened? Or a length of piping cut at an angle would make an extremely effective spear considering it's hollow... sort of a very unintentional blood groove.
Instead of a morning star, think cinderblock-on-a-chain. Lawn mower blade already goes into the Shishkebab, but why not just wrap one end in leather for a machete?
Improvised weapons are dead easy to think up. Just figure out what's heavy, sharp, or easy to grip.
Yeah I agree the morning star looking thing is supposed to be a wooden handle with railway spikes driven through it. I'm going to revist it latter and make a shoddy looking version.