More on Fallout 3 from Todd and Pete

According to the Codexer Uz0rnaem, we're guaranteed at least a bit of the old Fallout spirit in Fallout 3;

One tip for the PR people at Bethesda: find ways of checking the photos that are going to be printed or placed online before they are made public. That photo isn't good public relations , doesn't help marketing, and scares the children :?
Kharn said:
taxacaria said:
There was no loot level scaling. There was randomized loot in both, Arena and Daggerfall - so I've found an Ebony Dai-Katana in the first room of Arena (a lucky day).

That's pretty stupid.

But then again, I'm no TES fan.

Thing is, random is less work. If you randomize loot and scale it to your level, auto-scale enemies etc. you have to spend way less time actually thinking things out and taking an effort to intelligently design your maps, and your entire game.

And thus, spending less money.
Briosafreak said:
That photo isn't good public relations , doesn't help marketing, and scares the children

Reminds me of 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'.
Seems to be the first test result of the new Terminator humour.
well, it really depends on how far they are. If they are in project concept phase, I can really imagine they don't want to be spamed with story propositions, which don't belong into the pre-implementation phase. On the other side, also the engine is an important point for the community. Especially Fallout Fanbase is mature enough to keep communicating during this preproduction phase to give advise how they imagine the core elements, like TB/Dialogue System, which are elementary implementations.

Problem is, there would be enough other guys just spamming about what features they want to have, where Bethesda probably is long before that database-filling phase and not in the position, to make themselves thought about such things.

Well, i guess the problem is : We even don't know how far Bethesda is at all ^^
We don't know anything!!! xD
They have been in full production for about a year now, and in production for more than that

So they should have some nit bits to show off, but likely they will wait a while before talking about it

Though they will have to raise PR before hand Id think, since yes not a lot of gamers really know about fallout let alone fallout 3
Briosafreak said:
One tip for the PR people at Bethesda: find ways of checking the photos that are going to be printed or placed online before they are made public. That photo isn't good public relations , doesn't help marketing, and scares the children :?

Sense? what sense exactly? If they would update on what are they doing, receive feedback on it, learn from their mistakes and listen to the fans, everyone would be off much better. No one has any idea on what are they doing, so they might be doing good things, but it shouldn't be like this. They like to brag about how much reputation the fallout franchise has, well who do you think built that reputation? the fans. and they say that they know a lot of people are waiting for the game, and they're working hard to make those people proud, well who are those people? the only ones who are anctiously waiting for the game from day one are the hardcore fans. so if they are making the game for us, what would make sense is to share with us what they are doing. Their answers have so many contedictions that it seems like they are turturing us on purpose. It doesn't mean the game won't turn out any good, but to say this approach makes sense? bleh.

I agree with you on most things, and the top-most thing I would like is to have communication with the Bethsoft devs. That would be absolute first priority.
But since it doesn't seem like that will happen anytime soon, I wouldn't want them to drop little bits of info here and there to magazines if they're getting close to showing off the whole thing.

I don't want to hear a 'yeah, there will be turn-based combat' answer, only to find out later that 'well, we're developing it for RT and RTwP battle, but turn-based will be an OPTION' type of thing. Crude example, but you get my meaning.

But yeah, the number one thing for me would be if Beth came to a fansite and put their cards on the table, and let the fans praise/tear it apart/give suggestions. But I don't think it will happen anytime soon, or even at all, so I would rather get the whole 'package' at E3 or whatever then to be fed little snips of info in Xbox magazine interviews.
DarkLegacy said:
But, the good news is that the crowd for FO3 is different, and I'm pretty sure that they've already taken this into account. Being absolutely different from the ES crowd they need to change their approach of information release, and their general outlook as well. They can take two logical turns at this point; please the fans or please the general population.

Hopefully they will choose the former instead of the latter.

P.S: Before anyone begins flaming me, I already apologized to MSFD and he accepted my apology. We're on good grounds again :D

Different and not-so-different. Forget not the ones who were rpg gaming before Bethesda did anything noteworthy. Although my hope for this game keeps getting torpedoed everytime they +do+ say something, I am interested in how the different approach they are taking, versus what BIS could've done, will translate in the final product. How this game turns out will be the marker for me on buying anything they have a hand in.
Why have the community breathing down your neck now when you can wait until the day it no longer makes any difference...
Besides, Bethesda probably doesn't need an early publicity campaign to succeed with the TES series or fallout.
wamingo said:
Why have the community breathing down your neck now when you can wait until the day it no longer makes any difference...
Besides, Bethesda probably doesn't need an early publicity campaign to succeed with the TES series or fallout.

That pretty much raps it up.

If not fallout fans then Oblivion fans will purchase it. But more than likely it will be a large number of Oblivion fans, a decent number of Fallout fans, and a few new comers that hadn't ever heard of it before and live under a rock or think it has something to do with the band and got it by accident.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Briosafreak said:
One tip for the PR people at Bethesda: find ways of checking the photos that are going to be printed or placed online before they are made public. That photo isn't good public relations , doesn't help marketing, and scares the children :?

