More VB Concept goodies

Briosafreak said:
I don`t think the Molech got further than that stage, it`s pretty classic stuff, i wonder where would they show up...

Looks like Grand Canyon to me:

Van Buren said:
Due to uranium demand shortly before The War, the U.S. government removed the Grand Canyon's status as a national park and allowed private mining companies to exploit its supply of uranium. The resulting mess was an environmental disaster. As a result, the Canyon has become one of the deadliest places in the wasteland, home to hideous mutant things seen nowhere else. Sane people avoid it.
Yeah, there's two sides. I always thought there wasn't enough retro-future stuff in FO (just stuff that looked...old). The Epcot/Perisphere/domed city concept is one of those weird mid-century futuristic things that (to me) is perfect for FO. (I think geodesic domes were invented around 1950 too.)


Heh, this one actually exists in Arizona :D
It all looks so fucking beautiful to me I, well... I`ll admit it - makes me wanna` cry.

Personally, The Van Buren Team were REALLY getting the whole Fallout concept. Looks as if they were making right some of the wrongs of F2 and in so doing, bringing it back to F1. Where it belongs.
And no, the 50`s thing is not forced, it`s perfect. Btw has anyone read William Gibson`s "Burning Chrome"? There was a novel there called "The Bernback Continuum" or something. I might have the name wrong. Anyway. It spoke of "The Future That Never Was". The future that lay hidden in the collective Art Deco infested minds of 50s american pop culture. The future in which Fallout is set.
It was a beautiful novel to anyone who respects that sort of thing. The Good-Old Fashioned Future, so to say...

The monster in the pics is brilliant as well. I believe the stuff you wanna` kill in a Fallout game MUST be, for a lack of better expression - "freaky". Not polished like the Enclave robots. More like "centaurs" and "floaters".

So graphics aside I must admit that Van Buren is now officially the best thing ever that never made it into existance. Which is a very strange thing to be.

Dod dammit... Theoretically speaking - wouldn`t it be possible for the fans to actually PRE-PAY for Fallout 3? To get the original team together - Troika had a nice post-apocalyptic engine they could build it on. Fans would pay for production costs (I know - stupid idea but hey, wishfully thinking!) and the resulting package would be free to download. Thus free of licence problems. Fuck `em!
Much like a fan-made F3 but instead of incompetent fans the original team would be making it the fans would be financing it.

Has this ridiculous utopy been previously discussed?
I don't know if the Fallout feel is that right - the leather jacket guy has obviously done too many Icewind Dale images, and it all looks more fantasy-like than anything like Fallout...

As for your pre-paying idea... Hello, haven't you heard of Fallout 3 being developed by Bethesda?
The Molechs were in Burham Springs, a coal-mining town whose mines were (IIRC) also used as a toxic-waste dump. Something set off the mines, and that coal dust has been burning and burning for quite some time, and the heat + toxic waste mutated a lot of people into Molechs.

That's the first I've seen of that Boulder Dome concept art. I worked on that area, and I always pictured it as more half-buried or at least more like a half-dome; you have to be able to drive a truck in and out of it, after all.
Silencer said:
Right, I forgot I call the shots when it comes to VB stuff. :):):)

Eheh well ask for guidance on the moderators forum or something, i don`t know, i`m not in the team.
I know it was, i even giggled :)

Because there`s no need, i wouldn`t bring anything that the other mods can`t do, and they even do it better than me, and these days real life doesn`t allow me to devote much time to gaming and gaming sites, unfortunately.
Briosafreak said:
I know it was, i even giggled :) .

Bah, got me there... :)

Anyway, you could be a newsman at least, and also visit us sometime in the top secret Moderator, Porn & Drugs forum ;)
|Ausir| said:
I don't know if the Fallout feel is that right - the leather jacket guy has obviously done too many Icewind Dale images, and it all looks more fantasy-like than anything like Fallout...

As for digital watercolouring, it`s the latest craze (has been for five years already) so the fact that it looks like Icewind Dale to you is a result of a fact - ID portraits were done in the same technique. So what? I don`t think you actually understand WHY concept art is done. so that modelling would have something to go by. I understand the game was supposed to be in 3D so I can`t exactly imagine them making 3D look like watercoloured computer graphics. That is - the artists personal TECHNIQUE isn`t reflected in the actual outcome. There is little but no connection between the two.
There is a thin line between criticism and whining. And you have obviouisly crossed it.

Ausir said:
it all looks more fantasy-like than anything like Fallout...

The actual difference between the two in your case is the difference between the ability to analyze the purpose of the elements that compose the whole and, well... Having your head stuck up your ass.

Ausir said:
it all looks more fantasy-like than anything like Fallout...

Ausir said:
As for your pre-paying idea... Hello, haven't you heard of Fallout 3 being developed by Bethesda?

Uh? And so? C`mon... Do you actually think that the "magic" is in the god-damn RIGHTS? It`s in the people who MADE the first games. Every cultural product is the sum of it`s creators. You want Alien (the first) again go to Ridley Scott. You want WWII again go to Hitler, Göring, Hess and Goebels. You want F3 the way we all KNOW you want it - go to Leon and Cain the other guys (sorry - computer game developers aren`t exactly rosck-styars yet so sorry if I forgot any names).

But hey! Really! HAS anybody thought of a Fan pre-paid, unofficial Fallout 3. Has anyone even considered it? There are for say some very good albums out there that have been made by using fan-money. Einstyrzende Neubauten, for example, has done asuch things. It`s not unheard of.
I`m not pretending to be Wiz no 1 here, I`d just LOVE it if someone could REPLY to this idea with something LESS than apathy and stupidity.[/quote]

And a mental masturbation at that.

That is - the artists personal TECHNIQUE isn`t reflected in the actual outcome.

No, really, did it ever occured to you that this topic is to discuss how these pictures (that is the concept art) look and not what actually got into the game?
Marat Sar said:
But hey! Really! HAS anybody thought of a Fan pre-paid, unofficial Fallout 3. Has anyone even considered it? There are for say some very good albums out there that have been made by using fan-money. Einstyrzende Neubauten, for example, has done asuch things. It`s not unheard of.

Because the developers would be paid, that falls outside the US "Fair Use" law, making it illegal to use the Fallout-trademarked name and world and making it very dangerous legally to make a game that is too similar to Fallout. The only reason modders are allowed to do is because it is non-profit and thus falls within Fair Use (within restrictions, of course)