More Zeta screens

Well, first, you have to like the game to begin with. :P This DLC is being made in mind for fans of Fallout 3 who want additional content.
well we had "pew pew" in the snow of the past. We had "pew pew" and a bit of moral talking in the industry. And we had a bit of "pew pew" with talking in the swamps. But this seems to be "pew pew" in space. Without any kind of talking at all though ...

But we all know Fallout was always only about "pew pew". It needed a skilled compay like Bethesda to add something meaningfull to the "pew pew" like "snow" or "swamps" and now "space" even.
IMissLark said:
MapMan said:
I hope atleast the star-trek fans will be happy.

Star Trek fans are never happy.

HEY! the new movie was pretty fucking sweet, and i've been a star trek fan all my life.

also, i think the problem with this dlc is that they're going to be deadpan serious with it. it wouldn't surprise me to see something like this as a random encounter in fallout 2 at all, but those random encounters were all pop culture references and jokes. this is going to be completely serious, and that bothers me. because by being serious, they're going to make something awful. well, they were going to make something awful anyways i guess, but it could have been much less awful.

i still have high hopes for new vegas though.
This expansion could be good if they put some time and effort into joining with the Fallout Universe in some way. The weight of the social conflict on earth building up to annihilation - perhaps the aliens could lend insight or information that fills in even more of the backstory to pre-war Fallout.

Oh but wait - the main game trivilized nukes, made them common place and ridiculous. It also made bland quests and didn't have the dark humor of the social impact of annihilation.

I guess the expansion will be like you guys say - "Shoot em' up Shoot em' up POW POW!!!"
I liked Fallout 3 Bethesda is a somewhat okay game company. The game play is pretty much like left 4 dead. (Which most people love because ITS SUPPOSE TO BE a mindless shooter with NO plot) and thats part of the fun to it. But fallout is a serious rpg title with hardcore fan community that will kick you in the nuts and make you their bitch if you screw up.

Now I liked Left for dead so I equally liked Fallout 3. Yes.
I liked Fallout 1 and 2 so I equally liked 3. NO!!

Bethesda you can do better then this. You have interesting concepts but then slack off in the delivery.

*Going to the East Coast = Good concept idea.
*Getting the Geck (Classic Fallout idea) = Okay well they got one in the West so might as well.
* Brotherhood Vs Enclave (DUH!)
* Getting a water purifier for the wastes and initializing a trade based economy with it (Really great idea)

But it was all tied together badly and had no depth to it whatsoever. Thats what we continually seen with all the DLC's

All of them begin with good ideas.
A look back to a legendary Pre war battle (Good)
A Slave Capital with a rebellion and a new disease that need curing (Good)
Continuation of plot with new level cap (yay to continuation and some new enemies but the game was easy enough as it was)

Ahem back to topic

Bethesda this is the most far fetched DLC you made so far. It could be really good (A interesting and unique concept in the fallout universe!)
But just like everything you have done with Fallout you'll start out with good intentions and good ideas but rope it together bad writing and and get lazy at the end of a project just like you always do.

I like fallout 3 and I'll get the DLC but the more I hear peoples arguments about the game and the more I play the originals the more I see Fallout 3 isn't as good as I thought it was and Bethesa really needs to step it up.

Sorry for the wall of text but do people agree with what I'm saying?
Anyone remembers those Pre-Teaser-Artworks...some of them were really nice and I really got my hopes on that F3 would be an okay game. Then Bethesda destroyed this hope with their version of a Fallout. And now they're down to this.

Little Martians meet Star Trek. What's that supposed to do with an Apocalyptic scenario?
Notice how these preview screenshots have always had the PC shooting at something.
I thought the developer said they won't doing any "Fallout 2 goofiness" in this game? This is sure hell well beyond that.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Those screenshots look like they can be from any game BUT Fallout. Also, that thrid picture looks like something from Star Trek, or something.
That was my first reaction too.
WolfWitness said:
I thought the developer said they won't doing any "Fallout 2 goofiness" in this game? This is sure hell well beyond that.

Which makes them actually tell the truth. :roll: