Most Creatively Evil thing done in Fallout

i had a nice evil way to get rich and have a lot of weapons:

When you get to the hub in oldtown the trader Jacob has a lot of weapons but the most interesting thing is he has an unlimited amount of money (or caps if you prefer). The best way is to sell everything you have for money except some superstimps. When you have all that money of his you use the stimps on him and you leave the area. when you return he will be dead by the feedback of the stimps and he'll have all your stuff on him.

Once he is dead you get your stuff back and you are rich and you have all your weapons!

You might call it cheating but I call it using the mistakes in the game to your advantage

(Tip: get a couple of "strong back" perks otherwise you won't be able to carry all the stuff a high strength works too)
I had an accidental good... umm, evil moment in FO2, if accidents still count.

I was using Jinxed, had a 10 in Agility and Luck,all four sets of implants, plus HtH Evade (gotta stay alive to have more fun, you know).

While trying to kill the Wrights (after having killed all of the other families) I critically failed an attack roll, and dropped the Red Ryder LE, which was then picked up by one of the Wright children. He missed two shots at me, killing one of the other kids. Then, on the next round, he critically failed an attack and killed himself and dropped the gun.

I managed, by not picking up the gun again, to get ALL of the little bastards to die but one. And in the process, also got four of the nameless Wright adults, plus the mother (forgot her name, sorry!) to get blown away by their demented offspring, too.

I just kept standing still and letting them miss me and my 60 AC while they soaked up crit failure after crit failure. The few shots that did connect with me weren't from the LE, so my armor and my implants soaked them up like a sponge. Gotta love the PA, man. Gotta love the PA...
Going up to Lynette and not dosing her up with super stims or planting explosives on her.


After getting married then getting the bride to slowly kill her own father while she is high on a lethal cocktail of drugs.
Wiped out VC because Lynette kicked me out of the city. Wiped out SF because I couldn't afford any of the cool weaponry there. Wiped out NCR because I *accidentally* entered the city waving my gun around and got attacked by the guards. Of course, none of that would be fun if I didn't kill 20+ kids in the process, in the best manner possible: with rocks. And to top it all, got LOTS of loot from the bounty hunters.
Oh, another thing: lined up the slaves in the Den after I freed them and "accidentally" pulled the trigger on the Bozar. Wiped out the Den afterwards.
Yeah, the idea itself is not very creative, but there's plenty of room trying out different weaponry and tactics on different enemies. :P

I killed several kids with aimed shots from flares... very fun to see them die from 1 damage.

In the Den, I took off all my equipment, except for one thing. A TICKING TIME BOMB!!!
Blew the kid and that Paisano dude halfway to China Town.

Used booze on people in the Klamath, started a fight and they kept missing me, they kept hitting the kids and other people... made for a fun time when I found that the molotov cocktail carrying kid missed me and killed his 2 friends instead.

I also intentionally left Sulik and Vic at low health before detonating the toilet bomb in Modoc. Killed both of them. Funny when I thought about the fact that they'd be dead and covered in poop.
The cancellation of Van Buren.


Going back and wiping out arroyo before the Enclave come to take them away and destroy the bridge.

You can still finish the game this way. Imagine that...
Had a fun idea I'm gonna have to try next time I go for a run through on Fallout, setting explosives on a 10 second timer outside the door with the ghoul prisoner behind it in Necropolis. Letting him think he's free, then watching his body parts fly.

Totally screwing Gecko and Vault City during the power-plant quests.

And inciting the race war in Broken hills, also fun.
I just finished one in FO2. In the Den, I killed Metzger and his crew. Then, I positioned Vic in the door to the street, and told him to wait. I ran back, and told the slaves they were free. They all ran through the building, and filled up the front room. Once they were all in the room, I locked the back door, pushed that slow bastard Vic in, and locked the outside door. A ten minute nap and one Bozar shot on Vic later, and the room was empty.

Did I mention that I had scattered 13 ticking packs of dynamite and 8 bricks of beeping c-4 around the room before I left?

Those slaves found that freedom wasn't all that they expected it to be, let me tell you.
Sleeping with Bishops daughter, then sleeping with his wife and telling her about it. Being a Porn star/gigalo augments the fun here.

Killing the New Reno Arms dealer's dogs. Then going downstairs and usings drugs (any drug or alcohol) on Algernon, then going upstairs and conducting business as usual with Eldridge until he has something you want and can't afford. Then you kill him.
Take Myron alone to Kitty's place in New Reno, and set him on unarmed combat. Shoot him in the knee so he can't run, punch Kitty in the face, and run the hell out of there.

Watch Myron get cut to ribbons by angry Jet-addicted hookers. Ahh, what a fitting end. I suppose this isn't strictly evil per se, just really cruel.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I tried doing this in the Den with the pajama people, but they all just ran away and nobody else cared I was beating people up. Those yeller-jumpered cowards!
Vault 15

Entering the town of bums above Vault 15 rescued the daughter then went on into the Vault killing all the inhabiting bandits only to return to the surface where happy bums couldn't wait to thank me for my help.
Then after a quick travel to the NCR returned to the unsuspecting village to go right into the tent containing Mom and the rescued daughter to make them suffer a Vindicator related accident.
Then after burning the rest of the Village down i just couldn't resist to return to Tandi to correct the fault of my Ancestor with shotgun shells.
Silencer said:
I don't know if it's creative, but damn it is EVIL IMO ;)


You monster!

Anyway, I had two evil experiences involving the Kid who fell down the well quest in Fallout 2.

The first one had me taking the dog to help me look for him, I never did, expecting that he'd be useful in combat (he wasn't). So, I took him out somewhere and beat him to death with a sledgehammer. Imagine my surprise when I finally found the kid and told him his dog was dead. Then when Jonny said he hated me, I whipped a rock at his head and knocked him unconcious... then I ran.

Second experience, when I found the Slags and the kid, I started shooting at everyone because I told them I didn't trust them and they wouldn't let me leave. Then as I entered the chamber with all of the kids, the dog started tearing them all new ones... including Jonny. So I put him down with Jonny's BB gun.
I finally had a full party in FO1, and I was playing an unarmed character, so I was always in the fray, usually being shot by my own teammates because they apparently had a beach's worth of sand in thier eyes.

Anyway, during a simple raider ambush, Tyco shoots me like 4 times with the assault rifle, and Katja, who was using the SMG at the time, burst killed Ian. So I punched Katja in the face with the cyberknuckles, critting and blowing a hole in her, then I pick up her bloody jacket and hand it to Tyco, just to let him know he's on borrowed time. Then I gave Dogmeat some kibble treats because he was the only one pulling his weight.
Only if you can cripple all her limbs and eyes while you're at it.

Though that might be crossing the boundary between 'evil' and 'sick'.