GhostWhoTalks said:
But my hat's off to the smooth talking, Casanova evil, who bags both Angela and her Mom back to back.
That's not evil! I'm a Champion and a Savior of the God Fucking Damned, yet i did that!
* For some nice Evil Points, offer jet to Cody and "candy" to Jonny.
* Make a cattle-prod to the groin your sole tactic against women {if male} and/or a super-sledge to the groin your sole tactic against men {if female}.
* Scratch "mutant" {or "ghoul", or "deathclaw"} on a blanc panel at the brain-extractor's dial and glare at Marcus {or Lenny, or Goris} meaningfully.
* Take your spouse through the SAD; when they're almost dead, claim you ran out of stimpacks, doctor's bags and even 1st-aid kits, so to save their life, you must extract their brain and put it in a robot; do so, and fill in the bio-gel, lest your darling dies; then leave SAD never to return, without replacing the robot's motor.
* Not necessarily evil, but deliciously treacherous tactic that i apply whenever possible: when speaking to someone whom you KNOW you'll be fighting later - hit "Trade", unload their weapons and buy all their ammo.
* Leave one of Salvatore's oxygen tanks on a plainly visible shelf of Ronesco's store and the other in a similarly visible location in New Reno Arms. As and admirer's gift, sell Mrs. Bisop's necklace to Kitty for nothing. Clean out the Stables with a HK90 and a combat knife, then give both of these weapons {and some spare ammo} to Myron, use a sozen jets on him and ask him to wait there, at the stables' front, "until you come back".
* After disintegrating Little Jesus {the person} with a critical, empty the Mordino stash, leaving in its place "Little Jesus" {the blade} and exactly 30 chips. Extra points if you're female but named "Judas" and have slept with him earlier.
* Kill slaves in a cage using Plant Spikes.
* Kill Vic's daughter by repeatedly poking her eyes out with a wrench, after she asked you to get her one. Then do the same to Vic himself.
* Kill Xorn, ask Goris to stay in that same room "until you return", leave the doctor alive.
* Since "The Brain" used to be a lab rat, inject him with poison and/or kill him using Super Stims, after weakening him with other drugs and synthetic alcohol. Renew
this, Pinky.
* Free the "chicken" and run away across the town, to finally escape via exit grid and leave it to take back all those HPs it eggs have restored in that place.