iridium_ionizer said:
So you're saying I should suck it up, and stop being a pansy.
No, Im saying that the old games, just like today's games, were made for different target audiences. If you make all the games accessible for the "average dad", then they will be too easy/too boring for the more hardcore gamers (take FO3 as a present-day failure in that direction). I have no problem with family games, and they're fun, but making all or most games "family fun" is kind of ridiculous. The current social expectation is that dads should not be playing games if they're busy with work and kids. Besides they already have a whole system (Wii), and a whole genre (MMORPG) basically dedicated to them.
I'm not going to argue with you about the password system on NES. There's as much people praising the Metroid passwords as there are dissing it. The fact that there are so few games with it means that they were seen as either unnecessary or too difficult to implement on the system.
Note that you primarily blame lack of success in arcade scene on quality of the games. Don't blame the console or genre then, blame the game companies. The fact that arcades are still going strong in Japan says something.
Just like you said, most new games offer you lower difficulty, maybe even saves, etc. So what are you complaining about? Nobody (afaik) has a time machine to go back and redesign your old favourites.
In the economic sense for the companies, it's probably twice as much work (especially if you have to package both versions together), and the increase in gains is questionable. The dads with more than enough money will buy the game anyway, why bother?
DoktorVivi said:
Good games. I'm currently playing Phantasmagoria of Flower View... extremely fun but a lot easier than the rest when playing against the computer.. but it's got a two-player mode and I can't wait to try it out.
I played it with a friend (both on Easy mode, cuz we suck ^__^ ), and it's pretty fun. Mountain of Faith and Subterranian Animism have that new weird bomb system though, can't get used to it. I'm glad to hear they're getting rid of it in the next installation. Damn, they're stamping those out faster than Beth is making DLCs (well, not literally).