rcorporon said:
Nobody has ever beat the "jet ski" levels from Battletoads. If you claim to have done so, it's a lie, and if you have a video, it's probably a ROM hack

If I still had my cart, I'd record myself doing it. It's one of the easier levels with some memorization. Rat Race on the other hand.
I can't vouch for the legitimacy of that video but I've seen alot of game over screens because of that level.
Clinger Winger on the other hand...
One of the funnest levels of Battletoads. It makes me realise what a shame it is that more people haven't played further into this game.
EDIT: The second video is from the Sega version. The inferior version of the game but is easier for the more casual crowd.
EDIT EDIT: The sega was awesome too but this version had god aweful sounds. (averting any console flame wars)
And the second video was obviously done on an emulator.
EDIT EDIT EDIT:eLast edit on this post. Promise.
Best 8-bit music composed.