Most hated Fallout 1 or 2 character?

Bishop. With the anger of a thousand roaring war machines. He's a magnificent bastard, but he's still a asshole. That guy ALWAYS has a ace up his sleeve. If I refuse to do his dirty job, he blackmails me with my killing of the raiders or me screwing his wife or daughter! He talks like a hollering asshole, and once killed my endgame character with one burst of his 10mm SMG.
The Enclave. From Sgt. Not-Bomber-Bob Dornan, to Tom Murray (he mut have built that stupid puzzle room on the oil rig...bastard), all the way up to Danny Byrd and President Richardson.

But the best reason to hate them is also a profound mystery:

The BIS designers, in 1998, somehow tapped into Dick Cheney's favorite masturbatory fantasy and put the Enclave on an oil rig. I just went to find that link for President Richardson on IMDB. I found a second film with a President Richardson. Partial synopsis:
When the world's first spaceship is close to its goal (Mars), the TV-network GNN begins its live coverage of the last two hours of the mission and then the problems start....
The rest sounds like a ripoff of Capricorn One.
In Fallout: Ian because of all the times he tries to kill everyone who is not enemy in a fight.

In Fallout 2: Those little bastards from the Den who like pickpocketing very much.
I always hated Frank Horrigan. The way he kills those poor deathclaws and BoS guard in SF pisses me off everytime i watch it.
Fallout 1: I'm surprised it hasn't been said yet, that arrogant prick Rhombus.

Fallout 2: Myron, Lynette, the usual suspects.
Fallout: Ian. If nothing else for the magic trick of him killing me while i was standing behind him. I seriously wish i could pull that shit.

Fallout 2: Marcus. The bastard was just too damn fragile when facing the enclave, and had an annoying habit of murderising my companions. I tried giving him a rocket launcher once to prevent him from firething through half my allies with a mini-gun to kill a rat or something. Don't go there.
Ian is so cute, why so angry?

In F1 I hate all BoS commanders. In F2 Horrigan of course - they killed Hakunun!
In F3 I don't like much overseer's daugher.
Fallout 1- Tandi, she is an annoying turdlet. Obnoxious as well. The woman in the apocalyptic church in the hub.

Fallout 2 - the pick pocket kids in the den. Flick, I always kill him. becky is an annoyance. So is the other male bartender in the whole. The drug dealer in the den.

But its a fun inducing hate.
In Fallout 2, I'd like to say that it was AHS9, for what he represents, but in all honesty he (like most San Franciscan NPCs) just wasn't executed well enough as a character (regardless of how many times I actually, y'know, executed him).

I'd probably have to say Big Jesus Mordino. Slave-keeper, poison-pusher, vicious mafioso... I cannot think of a single angle to view the man from that wouldn't make him deeply, personally offensive to me in real life. It's a rare playthrough that doesn't see him pushing up daisies before I've left New Reno in my rearview.

It's a bit harder to choose in FO1, as most of the potential antagonists are either throwaways or are so well-crafted that you love them because you hate them. Let's go with Caleb-- the Regulator captain in Adytum, and a cold-blooded, power-hungry, deceptive, oppressive rat bastard.
Why the hate with Myron? He's my second in command usually, he just tags along for the one liners.

Lynette is a bitch, Tandi I have a much more excruciating hate for however. I can't count the number of times I offed her.
hmm.. in fallout 1, i would say Iguana Bob, i always wanted to arrest him for selling human meat but there is no such option, that drove me crazy :shock:

in FO2, the pickpockets when i didn't had killaps RP, Lynette and the soldiers at Navarro (when i have to fight them)

in FOT, the brain tubes at the last level for lowering the crap out of my karma level

in FO3: basically everyone, expecially the BOS as the "good guys", 3 Dog, those tree huggers that trapped harold "what they done to poor harold!!! :evil: "
and everyone that has generic speech (which is pretty much everyone).

in Wasteland.... ops wrong topic :P