Most overrated/ game

Can Minecraft be called overrated? Or is it just overexposed? I think it is a mediocre game but that seems to be the most common opinion.

MEDIOCRE? Only your creativity is mediocre and your ability to tolerate turning squares into materials. I found the game soothing, but cannot see how people are still playing it to this day.
If I want to create 3d stuff I launch 3DMax and mudbox, not Bootleg lego craft.

Yeah, you along with all the other players in the world, since everybody is absolutely skilled in 3D design.

Minecraft is a revolutionary game. It's a game that is influencing and will influence game makers for generations to come. Kids playing it today will design games inspired by it tomorrow.
I'm not a fan of it and it never caught me interest for longer time, but it's everything but mediocre.
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Bioshock Infinite. The sheer amount of gushing that game got on launch baffles me to this day. I thought it was just okay. It's not a bad game, I even enjoyed what I played but fuck, it's not the best game ever made. It's not even in the running for that nonexistent reward. It was just distinctly okay. An average gaming outing. Nothing special.
I might. For a reasonable price. And on saturday because my PC is dead and I really was pushing it drawing at work.
I might. For a reasonable price. And on saturday because my PC is dead and I really was pushing it drawing at work.
I hear Serifan is just giving money away.

Ok back on topic overrated...

Sonic The Hedgehog always played like shit to me. I know it just has a different rhythm than I am used to, but I don't think it compares to Super Mario Brothers 3.
I agree. The only Sonic games I've ever liked were the GBA ones, Colors and Generations. Always confused me how Sonic could hae such an ardent fanbase when most of the games sucked, I mean other than furries.

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time. NOW NOW NOW, listen, the game was pretty revolutionary when it came out, it was a really good game and still holds up for the most part... but people elevate it as this ABSOLUTE PEAK OF EVERYTHING GAME DESIGN without a hint of irony and that is just pushing it.
I stopped playing LA Noire when I pressed "doubt" and this caused the protagonist to loudly and atagonistically guilt trip the person I was talking to.
For some reason, the developers change options names. It was supposed to be accuse, coax, and press instead of lie, truth, and doubt.

Day of the Tentacle- I feel like it is a big step down from Maniac Mansion. The puzzles feel more like riddles. What I mean by that is opening an envelope by hand in MM would would damage it showing you why that isn't a good idea. In DotT, the character will simply remark something about respecting the person's privacy even if he isn't really concern about that. It is a lot less about deductive reasoning and more about guessing what solution seems more clever.

Bioshock 1- It feel like the game hate the idea that people would experience it in different ways.

Spelunky- It is a really fun game. Too bad you need a PS3 and PS Vita to play Co-op with individual screens.

Hotline Miami- I experimented with playing the game using a controller and a mouse because I sucked at WASD.
Everything Telltale ever put out before everyone wised up to their antics.

I would like to say GTA but for the type of game they are they do accomplish impressive feats and in general have high quality. I guess I just dislike the genre. Can I call a Genre overrated?

Persona 3 is very overrated. I'll say it's easily the weakest Persona game by every account other than soundtrack. Everybody acts like it has a good story when it doesn't at all, and people say Persona 5 has bad pacing compared to it when Persona 3 has glacial pace along with the crap combat that makes you rely on the AI of your party members not fucking up too much instead of actually forming strategy.

Final Fantasy 10. SO often touted as one of the best of the series and having a great story, but I have played poorly translated visual novels on the DS with a less non sensical animu plot and they also don't tend to have annoying voice acting either. Combat was good tho but Boss fights locked out almost every strategy that doesn't involve wailing at it with attacks for 2 hours.
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It is. The fanbase is horrible too and most spin off games are just a waste of time, and let's not get started on the shit anime. But the main games are usually good. Usually.
Total war is pretty overrated. Its basically historical star craft and its battles are from realistic depictions of real battles. Also its a bitch to learn and play. I can sea the appeal but I never found it to be that interesting or good.

Minecraft was more interesting before it went overboard with feature creep and became uber popular. Revolutionary for its time but nowadays its just cancer really.

Farcry games in general. They lack level design or really any well designed content. It feels copy and pasted and the so called "immergent gameplay" is rare and situational.

Edit: Also not a game thats out yet (or will be for a long long long time) but star citizen is such a overhyped mess. feature creep and lack of direction have doomed that project to being a massive money sink.
Total war is pretty overrated. Its basically historical star craft and its battles are from realistic depictions of real battles. Also its a bitch to learn and play. I can sea the appeal but I never found it to be that interesting or good.

Minecraft was more interesting before it went overboard with feature creep and became uber popular. Revolutionary for its time but nowadays its just cancer really.

Farcry games in general. They lack level design or really any well designed content. It feels copy and pasted and the so called "immergent gameplay" is rare and situational.

Edit: Also not a game thats out yet (or will be for a long long long time) but star citizen is such a overhyped mess. feature creep and lack of direction have doomed that project to being a massive money sink.

Medieval 2 is the really overrated title within the franchise. TWcenter can't stop masturbating about it even though it's Crusader King's-lite with 1/10th of the depth and terrible diplomatic and battle AI. The franchise as a whole isn't overrated, though and more recent iterations are solid entires (i.e. cutting out that garbage settlement micro-management and focusing on the namesake - total war).
TWcenter can't stop masturbating about it

I thought Medieval 2 is so praised because it's the last entry in the franchise that had good mod support or something.

Anyway, I really liked that game. At the time it was the most awesome medieval game on the market. Huge battles, great fun. But yeah, rather shallow in the end.