Mothership Zeta released

MasterOfPuppetsOrMutants said:
In the next installment, Fallout: Area 51!

In a suggestion description for Fallout New Vegas (in its own sub forum) I suggested Area 51.
But rather than it having to do with aliens and crashed ships it would have been more like Deus Ex, a secret military base were the government, army, air force, and various corporations were working on all kinds of research and development, using the alien angle to explain the sightings of their experimental plane designs and strange phenomenon taking place in the region.
oooookaaaaaaaay, now that it is officially confirmed that the aliens DID directly or indirectly influence the bombing, I would be so bold as to summon your attention to recording 19, which intepretation clearly fingerpoints the aliens as the chief culprit behind the supermutants ("some sort of abominations"). This is clearly speculative, as I haven't seen or played, nor intend to, this product of modern gaming industry. But it just fits so perfeclty with all that's been going on, right ?
I'm well beyond caring about Fallout 3 now but "ITZ A LORE RAEP" screams over at Bethsoft forums really shows the weight of this situation. Alienating a fanbase with a sequel is one thing. But alienating a fanbase with a DLC??? That's a new low.

Judging by what I read and what I've seen Mothership Zeta could have been a mediocre (or a little above mediocre) sci-fi shooter but as a DLC to FO3 it fails miserably. One might argue that the other DLC was pretty much the same spit on the face but even though I haven't played any of them I can easily see the logic they're going with the rest of the DLC. No matter how badly implemented they're still connected to FO3. MZ on the other hand... I mean come on what the hell is this supposed to mean? I'm not talking about whether the aliens or the samurai or the cowboy fits the world. But walking around in spaceship corridors(???) in a PA setting??? It would be rather more acceptable if the Mothership was crashed and we were exploring it's ruins. But being beamed up into the space??? Seriously those guys at Bethesda need to make some drastic changes in their approach to game design because with each new content it's getting more and more retarded and right about now this got to a point where calling it "retarded" will be an insult to all the retards.