
Perhaps you simply lack the attention of others. Looking at the way you act now, that is starting a whole discussion to say that "I'm too lazy, it sucks" instead of doing something about it may point at the fact that you simply need encouragement and attention of other people, but are too afraid to ask for it. You try the internet society, because it's anonimous and you feel bad about yourself when you rely on your close ones. Well, you should just get over that and seek support amongst people who care for you, this ought to be the best way to act right now.

[/pseudo-philosophical rant]
try some st johns wort...

if it helps, you are depressed and should start seeking professional help.

weed does not help anything, it is an escape mechanisim. it lets you avoid real issues in your life.
When i lack motivation or just am lazy i take quick walk where theres other people, inhale some fresh cold air and drink a cup of coffee. That usually does it for me. Thats the best advice i can give you.

Also eat some vitamin d... helps if youre generally feeling sleepy. Lack of vitamin d in wintertime is rather common problem.
I have problems with motivation too. Actually my work efficiency has dropped by 90% in last two weeks.

Yeah, and I start doing tons of things like learning to sing/program/script/draw/etc. and I never finish them.
UniversalWolf said:
Step number one is to stop smoking weed.
PastaMasta said:
Weed does not help.
TheWesDude said:
weed does not help anything, it is an escape mechanisim. it lets you avoid real issues in your life.

I see a pattern here. Makes me speculate at the nationality behind these quotes.

First of all, you make me sound like a pothead. Stop that.

Second, I use weed occasionally for two purposes:

- Relaxing. (Sleep)
- Mind-broadening. (Stand-up)

That's it. But if you insist, I suppose I can give it a try, who needs drugs right? We've got AL-CO-HOL!


Dr.Ravager69 said:
Perhaps you simply lack the attention of others. Looking at the way you act now, that is starting a whole discussion to say that "I'm too lazy, it sucks" instead of doing something about it may point at the fact that you simply need encouragement and attention of other people, but are too afraid to ask for it. You try the internet society, because it's anonimous and you feel bad about yourself when you rely on your close ones. Well, you should just get over that and seek support amongst people who care for you, this ought to be the best way to act right now.

[/pseudo-philosophical rant]

What insight! But you haven't fully paid attention to my exclamations Dr.Ravager.

Besides the point that I've already noted that I've received support, love, and fluffy understanding by those that are intimate to me, the reason behind this topic was not to seek either attention or encouragement from the *glittering gems of hatred* that the NMA-community have been made out to be.

That’d be suicide good doctor.

Show any sign of weakness in this so-called ‘anonymous’ community and you’ll be ripped apart by the vindictive, pernicious souls that wander these lost halls.

They feed on emotion.

But I digress, the reason I started this topic, in all honesty, was to see if this problem was a common one among my peers.

T'was curiosity that forced my hand, t'was curiosity and nothing else.

[/shield vulnerability with well placed sarcasm and wit]
The thing about weed (and all drugs, actually) is that everyone has a different reaction to them. Most people get lazy if they smoke weed for a long time. On the other hand, I know a naturally hyperactive guy who has gotten baked every day for the past 30 years and he owns and runs a very successful business. I even know one guy who used to drop mind-boggling amounts of acid, and it didn't seem to affect him at all.

The thing is, you're complaining about not being motivatied. If you're complaining, that means it's a problem.
Grin said:
First of all, you make me sound like a pothead. Stop that.

Second, I use weed occasionally for two purposes:

- Relaxing. (Sleep)
- Mind-broadening. (Stand-up)

Grin said:
Legalized weed isn't helping either to be honest.

Just sayin'
Kahgan said:
Grin said:
First of all, you make me sound like a pothead. Stop that.

Second, I use weed occasionally for two purposes:

- Relaxing. (Sleep)
- Mind-broadening. (Stand-up)

Grin said:
Legalized weed isn't helping either to be honest.

Just sayin'

Next time I'll specify a sarcastic remark with an Italic "S" after the statement. Agreed? (S)

But seriously, I appreciate the help, and I must admit it's been going better lately. Perhaps just talking about it and having the problem recognized by others as a common one is helping.

Strange thing, human psyche. Or Grin's psyche for that matter. (Yes! Always wanted to talk about myself in third person.)
Fours letters: MDPV

I doubt that. Been there, done that. No effects. It might help some particularly if you get the right dose (See Bipolar Dissorder), but in most cases the effect is not different to placebos.

Bit of a vague and unsubstantiated claim there old chap. Especially when you consider that there are thousands of different antidepressants, with several entirely different modes of action in the brain.

Also, there probably isn't much difference in how St John's Wort works on your brain and how say, Prozac (fluoxetine) works) does.
Both work by blocking 5-HT transporters, thus reducing serotonin reuptake and making it hard for a person to experience quick/ extreme mood shifts. (Serotonin is probably the single most important neruotransmitter in terms of overall mood).

Speaking comparatively, Prozac has been shown to be (only somewhat) more effective than St John's, whilst SJ's has been shown to be a fair bit safer than Prozac in terms of resulting suicides etc.

It's still worth stressing the point that St John's Wort is a very real drug, antidepressant and SSRI and should be used with a lot of research and caution.
Yoshi525 said:
It's still worth stressing the point that St John's Wort is a very real drug, antidepressant and SSRI and should be used with a lot of research and caution.

This might sound strange out of the mouth of a Dutchmen, but if dangerous, why is it so easily accessible then?
Grin said:
This might sound strange out of the mouth of a Dutchmen, but if dangerous, why is it so easily accessible then?

And why are cigs and alcohol so easily accessible?

Anyways, FUCK YOU MISTER. I'm trying to help you out and you MOCK ME? HOW DARE YOU!? Hope you'll ROT from that marijuana, you lazy bastard.

Ravager69 said:
FUCK YOU MISTER. I'm trying to help you out and you MOCK ME? HOW DARE YOU!? Hope you'll ROT from that marijuana, you lazy bastard.


Love you too Ravager.
PastaMasta said:
Weed does not help.

When I get high, I'm highly motivated to do things I want to do.

When I was unemployed, I was depressed and didn't care.

But when I smoked weed all I wanted to do was get a job and save money.

Great to know that drug testing won't allow that to happen.

I wasn't designed to fit into the society.

So I guess I'm going to have to make my own.

You know this whole dilemma over being motivated isn't new. What the hell are we supposed to be motivated about? I've dabbled and waded and choked till I drowned in the ways of law. Society is toxic to me. This post-industrial cesspit that lives in the carcass of dead days, dead ideals, and dead animals.


The big secret to the whole world is that our whole society is nothing more than a bio-dome. A little habitat to keep the animals as happy as possible. Yeah, caged animals. The ones on the bottom live 9-5 inside the bubble and the creme de crop are chosen through rigorous schooling and political backing to "Run" the zoo.

It all ends there.

Humanity stopped moving.

So you are surprised you aren't motivated? Best fill your head full of lies and wish on a shooting star.
Grin said:
I see a pattern here. Makes me speculate at the nationality behind these quotes.
Okay. I agree with them. I'm Dutch. I've smoked weed on a semi-regular basis, and I've seen a ton of people smoke it very regularly. None of them got any better at motivating themselves to do anything. That doesn't mean it's detrimental (though I'm pretty sure no one is more productive in a non-entertainment job when stoned), but this "gee they must be American" reflex is annoying and nonsensical.

Did you know that the United States is the country with the highest amount of people who at some point have tried weed?

Grin said:
First of all, you make me sound like a pothead. Stop that.

Second, I use weed occasionally for two purposes:

- Relaxing. (Sleep)
- Mind-broadening. (Stand-up)
I like them excuses.
Oh sure, good for you if that's really the truth. If you really, really only use weed as a sleep medicine and a facilitator to be able to do stand-up comedy(though that seems slightly dysfunctional), but fuck me if you wouldn't be the first person I've ever met who would actually use it for such purposes, instead of just claiming it but in reality really using it as, you know, a drug.

Also, why is "I'm not motivated!" a complaint, but you still can't motivate yourself with that? 'Cause apparently you don't like being unmotivated.

Dopemine Cleric said:
I wasn't designed to fit into the society.
Fuck you, you pathetic piece of shit. You make your own goddamn life and these nonsense excuses don't help. "Oh gee I was so motivated when I smoked weed". Oh really? So why the fuck don't you do that shit when you're not high?
Oh right, because you're a lazy dickhead who'd rather shift the blame to weed than to do something about it. It's a fucking crutch, no more than that. And unless you're the one exception, if you can get motivated when you're high, you can when you're not high, you just don't want to do that.

Grin said:
This might sound strange out of the mouth of a Dutchmen, but if dangerous, why is it so easily accessible then?
Because no one ever bothered to worry about it.
Sander said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
I wasn't designed to fit into the society.
Fuck you, you pathetic piece of shit. You make your own goddamn life and these nonsense excuses don't help. "Oh gee I was so motivated when I smoked weed". Oh really? So why the fuck don't you do that shit when you're not high?
Oh right, because you're a lazy dickhead who'd rather shift the blame to weed than to do something about it. It's a fucking crutch, no more than that. And unless you're the one exception, if you can get motivated when you're high, you can when you're not high, you just don't want to do that.

Yeah because the only thing i referring to was being high. And blaming weed for "Taking control of me" so I was helpless.


And I'm not having a fucking problem. But it's apparent that you have self-obsessive issues if you attack that statement specifically with such prejudice and celerity without even thinking about it. What's funny is I said exactly the same thing you did before you attacked me. Stop jerking off in your own mouth shitfuck.
Dopemine Cleric said:
Yeah because the only thing i referring to was being high. And blaming weed for "Taking control of me" so I was helpless.
That's not what I said nor was it what you said. I said you shift the blame to weed, but what I should have said is that you shift the blame to society for taking away your weed.
That's what you said:
"But when I smoked weed all I wanted to do was get a job and save money.

Great to know that drug testing won't allow that to happen. "
I have no idea why you're denying this.

Dopemine Cleric said:

And I'm not having a fucking problem. But it's apparent that you have self-obsessive issues if you attack that statement specifically with such prejudice and celerity without even thinking about it. What's funny is I said exactly the same thing you did before you attacked me. Stop jerking off in your own mouth shitfuck.
No, I fucking hate people who blame society when they should blame themselves. Like you did with your "I wasn't designed to fit society". You can live a good and productive life if you want to, you just choose to whine about it instead.
I don't really give a flying fuck about weed. But this topic seems to really like talking about it. And to be honest, weed has never ever played a big part in my motivation, and what I've experienced is completely flipped on it's head compared to normal people. So I don't fit in to that society.

So I'll go my own way.

And post-industrial = shit compared to industrial and agrarian art/science societies.

That's what I said asshole.

And also socialization of the population in modern society largely requires the people to have basically the same characteristics. I don't. So how can I get motivated over other people's shit? I'm not blaming either myself or other people. I'm highly motivated to do what ever the fuck I want, and not in an angsty-rebellious shit fit type of way that everyone associates that shit with. But alas, it's always the same shit when talking about this.

People use to make a fortune by doing WHAT THEY WANTED with their bare hands and hard work.

Now the consensus is having to eat shit sandwiches and liking it. I'm not motivated by that bullshit. Ill eat my own shit thank you very fucking much.
Dopemine Cleric said:
I don't really give a flying fuck about weed. But this topic seems to really like talking about it. And to be honest, weed has never ever played a big part in my motivation, and what I've experienced is completely flipped on it's head compared to normal people. So I don't fit in to that society.

So I'll go my own way.

And post-industrial = shit compared to industrial and agrarian art/science societies.

That's what I said.
Then you have no idea what pre-industrial life was actually like.

Dopemine Cleric said:
And also socialization of the population in modern society largely requires the people to have basically the same characteristics. I don't. So how can I get motivated over other people's shit? I'm not blaming either myself or other people. I'm highly motivated to do what ever the fuck I want, and not in an angsty-rebellious shit fit type of way that everyone associates that shit with. But alas, it's always the same shit when talking about this.
What? No, modern societies don't require people to have the same characteristics. Hell, as long as your characterstics don't fall under wanting to rob and kill people, society thrives on differing characteristics and interests.

And fine, if you mean "I want to live my own life outside of society", well, sure. Go ahead. I have no fucking clue why you're not doing that, but whining about it instead. Really. Move to central Africa or go live in the ass end of Norway and try to live off the land.

Dopemine Cleric said:
People use to make a fortune by doing WHAT THEY WANTED with there bare hands and hard work.
Holy lack of historical awareness.
If you want to call subsistence farming "making a fortune" I suppose you'd have a point, though.
Sander said:
Then you have no idea what pre-industrial life was actually like.

No, I don't. The lack of alienation, and the balance of political power being balanced proportionally in American society. And the gigantic amount of personal flexibility. Nah, I don't.

"Except for the homophobia and racism, it's not bad."

Sander said:
What? No, modern societies don't require people to have the same characteristics. Hell, as long as your characterstics don't fall under wanting to rob and kill people, society thrives on differing characteristics and interests.

And fine, if you mean "I want to live my own life outside of society", well, sure. Go ahead. I have no fucking clue why you're not doing that, but whining about it instead. Really. Move to central Africa or go live in the ass end of Norway and try to live off the land.

All of that sounds like fun in a fuckin gift basket. Except for the murdering.

Sander said:
Holy lack of historical awareness.
If you want to call subsistence farming "making a fortune" I suppose you'd have a point, though.

Along with Literature, Oil prospection, Inventing and marketing out of your garage. Yeah, I lack historical awareness. The 50's died and we are strangling in a pit of shit here in the states.

It's really fun, I'd recommend it to outside connoisseurs.
Play nice boys.

Sander said:
Grin said:
I see a pattern here. Makes me speculate at the nationality behind these quotes.
Okay. I agree with them. I'm Dutch. I've smoked weed on a semi-regular basis, and I've seen a ton of people smoke it very regularly. None of them got any better at motivating themselves to do anything. That doesn't mean it's detrimental (though I'm pretty sure no one is more productive in a non-entertainment job when stoned), but this "gee they must be American" reflex is annoying and nonsensical.

Did you know that the United States is the country with the highest amount of people who at some point have tried weed?

I know, lived there for half a year. If there's potheads to be found, they're over there. Crap weed though.

But let me refer to my previous statement.

Grin said:
I see a pattern here. Makes me speculate at the nationality behind these quotes. (S)

You really should know better then to take everything I say serious.

Sander said:
Grin said:
First of all, you make me sound like a pothead. Stop that.

Second, I use weed occasionally for two purposes:

- Relaxing. (Sleep)
- Mind-broadening. (Stand-up)

I like them excuses.
Oh sure, good for you if that's really the truth. If you really, really only use weed as a sleep medicine and a facilitator to be able to do stand-up comedy(though that seems slightly dysfunctional), but fuck me if you wouldn't be the first person I've ever met who would actually use it for such purposes, instead of just claiming it but in reality really using it as, you know, a drug.

Also, why is "I'm not motivated!" a complaint, but you still can't motivate yourself with that? 'Cause apparently you don't like being unmotivated.

First of all, those aren't excuses.
Second, weed's not a 'facilitator'. That's just fucking offensive. I'm perfectly able to write my sets without weed. Weed just provides.. a different angle.
Third, that's the whole problem mate.
Fourth, can we finally close this pointless discussion about weed? The focus shifted from a simple reconnaissance about motivation issues to me and my weed 'problem'.

P.S. My average use of weed is two sticks a month.