Movie-based Games

AVP 2 rocked, but neither AVP game had anything to do with the movies. Both were released before the first movie came out in fact. Which is probably why they didn't suck.
SimpleMinded said:
your best bet is the games that are released without worry about the movie's release date. So games like Godfather for Wii are awesome, as was Chronicles of Riddick
I was wondering about those Godfather games. That seemed like a good concept. I don't know about Scarface, though. I didn't really care for the movie, so the game would have to be extra-good.

AvP was a good game, eh? I'll keep that in mind. After seeing the movie I was sure both franchises had finally been resigned to the garbage heap.
The Scarface game was pretty good, but you're likely to have a better experience just playing GTA: Vice City and imagining that Tommy Vercetti is Tony Montana.
UncleSlappy said:
AVP 2 rocked, but neither AVP game had anything to do with the movies. Both were released before the first movie came out in fact. Which is probably why they didn't suck.

Well actually they were based on Aliens and Predator with a little comic book continuity thrown in, so essentially everything except the AvP movies :P
Is there any movie game that's *good*?

After seeing a commercial for that G.I. Joe video game, I was wondering if there was any video game that's based off a movie, or made specifically for a movie, that's actually good. One that doesn't make you wonder after purchasing it "why the hell would I buy this piece of crap?" I certainly couldn't think of any... :|

So please, enlighten me. :lol:
If you're thinking of recent ones, I've heard some good things about the Spiderman games. Hulk too I think.
Not entirely sure if they were based on the movies or comics though.

For some slightly older ones:
GoldenEye for the N64 of course.
IIRC Aladdin and the Lion King for the SNES were pretty awesome too.
I have GoldenEye for N64 and I don't see all the hype about it. What was the big deal exactly?
Lego Star Wars? Never played it myself but I have heard good things.

Return of the King on PS2/Xbox/Gamecube(I think) was a pretty fun hack and slash back in its day. Especially when you had a friend to go co-op with.

The Lion King (SNES). Awesome game, I do not care what any of you say!

The Thing (PS2,Xbox) was pretty fun.

Batman Returns (SNES) was beyond awesome. One of the main reasons I keep my SNES out is to play that game.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
I have GoldenEye for N64 and I don't see all the hype about it. What was the big deal exactly?
Sleep-overs at friends house and 4 player multi-player on one console.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
I have GoldenEye for N64 and I don't see all the hype about it. What was the big deal exactly?

4 players.
Map with tight corridors
Only proximity bombs

Entertainment for HOURS.
Riddick and AvP2 are still the only "good" Movie based game I can remember offhand. (AvP1 was good too but it is a bit too old in graphic department now)

The Thing, The Gotfather and a very few others are aroud the "Average" level but they can be fun if you like them. (Never played Spiderman games but people say the second game was also in this category)

Other than that? 95% chance, the game is either a "kid" game (like Shreck. It was fun but aimed for a bit young audiance for my tastes) or an unmitigated pile of steaming brahmin leftovers.
The Die Hard Trilogy games for PSX were pretty good actually...