MR Nov update

No, Fanout allready has dibs on stealing MR members once they finish :-p
I think when Fanout will be ready i dont want to add to Team new Scripters ;)
btw> In your opinion when Fanout will be ready ?

So Jargo and Calleb will be making for MR ?
intoxicate said:
In your opinion when Fanout will be ready ?

proably a year or more. Were still doing preproduction stuff, though the basics of the main plot are getting cemented, and we could very likley start mapping within a week or so.
There is one thing I have a bit of a problem with; there are several mods in progress (well, more or less - adding/swapping members and losing them again ain't no progress :?), and they all try to include new things, great maps & artwork, wacko scripting and the possibility to include quake 3 models (so to speak).

Why doesn't anyone start a standard-no-extra's-mod-with-
basic-and-simple-scripting--ready-in-3-months mod (KISS (=Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle) ? By using the general guidelines, having an admin that can administer and set up the general enviroment en necessary servers, you create a smooth-working enviroment with cvs, todo lists, wiki's, forums, tutorials, collaboration tools, .. So, when a newbie wants to join in, he can start making simple things, that are still usable in the project. The user sees his precious work actually being use instead of having to learn l33t scripting skills for 6 months (or drawing for 4 months, or .. you get the point).

The community would see progress more easily (no more 'are you dead - no man ! But our admin/lead programmer/artist/grunt/site just disappeared), and be more tempted to join in (and stay).
We would also be able to actually play something (albeit short & simple). We could provide the teams with feedback and being able to actually release something, should give the team a more rewarding overal feeling.

Afterwards, they can use their knowledge and experience to create new, simple mods, or together go for a big one.


Sorry dudes, no offense at all. You're all doing the best you can. Just my 2 cents.
We want to add new models because we can. Although I think that the teamX mod is following that approach, as I dont recall them using new characther models in their demo or screencaps.....

Yes, we could do a barebones mod, but apparently most of the serious mod teams so far want to but more effort newness into it than that.
PsychoSniper said:
We want to add new models because we can.

That's what I mean. Of course it would be very, very nice to see all new models in Fallout. And it's interesting too as an experiment.

But by NOT including them, you can actually advance much quicker, and focus on other things. Your development time would be reduced greatly and you save your team a lot of trouble.

Like I said: I'd be happy with ANY mod. Any FINISHED mod, that is. Be it a small city, or a brand new vault.
I agree compleatly. but it seems all of the mod teams seem to be prefectionists, and dont think it'd be perfect w/o new FRMs.

However, I dont want to see Fanout released sans new FRMs, since that would be a major part of what were doing, making a new TC mod.
Big T said:
The new critter looks very pixelly, but that's probably just because of the lack of background.. Do you have any in game (engine) shots?
You're right. In game it looks much better. However, ingame-screenshots of the critter won't be available for some time (personal decision, don't ask why)...

Phil said:
PsychoSniper said:
We want to add new models because we can.
But by NOT including them, you can actually advance much quicker, and focus on other things. Your development time would be reduced greatly and you save your team a lot of trouble.
Well, it depends on the organisation of the team. If I'm the artist and I mean THE artist, then I have enough time to implement new frm-s while the others do their part of the job (writers write dialogues IE). Of course, there's always criss-crossing of the jobs, so I have to do some other stuff, but my job is 90% gfx. And 'till everyone do their part of the job it's rumbling. It's simple - working hard enough and keeping healthy relations inside the team can produce the biggest mod ever. Though, I must agree on the KISS concept, I recommend it for smaller teams, which have limited capacities of members, time, motivation or knowledge.

dude_obj said:
Very cool lisac2k!
Thanks. I might contact you again about modding FAQ soon. Stay tuned. ;) :wink:
Good point lisac, the KISS model definatly works, even for larger mods.

Also, any chance of you making new, and more deadly looing, Deathclaws ?
Phil said:
That's what I mean. Of course it would be very, very nice to see all new models in Fallout. And it's interesting too as an experiment.
That's an interesting idea actually. Put new FRMs into Fallout (Well, Fallout 2, it seems to be the modder's choice) in place of some of the old ones.

For instance, why does Vic look exactly the same as Big Jesus Mordino?

Why is the male child the same model as the "loser" or drug addict? (Not the child sized child (which was pretty androgenous) but the larger one that you saw in the Farmer encounters).

Why do all the children in the Slags base look the same, regardless of gender?

Why are the Lesser Deathclaws mostly big? Why are the Deathclaws mostly small? Shouldn't that be the other way around?
(I assume that was a deliberate design decision, but I think my point still holds somewhat).

Etcetera, etcetera.
It'd be a fairly minor mod and could even be done using new FRMs made for a bigger mod.
Most of my dialogue writing assistants are in school or very busy in their jobs---Fortunately, I am ahead of the scripters(for the moment) and have quite a few dialogues written. At the moment MR is proceeding in a simple, straight forward fashion. We have a plan. Each town is linked in various ways and there should be plenty to keep you interested. We are definately far from dead.
what's with all the "THE"'s, Lisac2k?

oh, and what would be more deadly looking on a deathclaw? ain't they deadly looking enough allready?? :crazy:
Meh, I just mean more detail, but actualy still looking like a claw from FO, rather than the hairy wabbits in Craptics.
Yep, We are always looking for people with the following qualities:

1) Dedication, The most important quality of a member.
2) Willingness to learn.
3) Talent, I suspose this is always good.

I would like to suggest a few modifications to the list of qualities that Qwerty put forth:

1) Ability to make and take a joke. (Seldom seen in other forums)
2) Teamwork: Understanding that not everyone sits at a keyboard 24 hours a day.
3) Support: Being there to pick up the slack or slam the slackee.
4) Understanding: Accepting that even people from New Zealand count!
5) Wonderment: The desire to create something more than a fart bubble.
6) Lastly, simply having something to say that takes more than one line of type.
Kahgan said:
what's with all the "THE"'s, Lisac2k?
Just follow THE pattern and you'll get it ;)
Kahgan said:
oh, and what would be more deadly looking on a deathclaw? ain't they deadly looking enough allready?? :crazy:
Hehe K, can't you see he wants to pick out more info about THE mod?? :lol:
Perhaps a different model for male/female deathclaws? I know in certian breeds of turtals the male has bigger claws while the female has shorter ones. Perhaps it would be possible to make a 'aplha-male' deathclaw that looked nearly indentical but had bigger claws? Or do you want the deathclaw female queen to be bigger?

Oh, and in regards to keeping it simple I agree, but the biggest problem isnt so much adding heaps of new stuff, its trying to make the mod with a lack of offiacal tools etc... The only offical tool we have is the mapper, the rest are manily by team-x.

Of course then there's the scripting.... I'm not a scripter, but it looks like one of the bigest jobs trying to get everything scrited correctly. The scripts tie every thing together. SNorth's been working hard writting some mighty fine dialog but until its all scripted toegether it cant be used :(

Which reminds me, we are always looking for more good scripters (dude_obj got any free time?)
but how is the deathclaw hierarchy managed?? in fallout there was one female who was a LOTT stronger than all the others, the deathclaw mother(funny thing though was that it was refered to as "he" on the discription field :lol: ) And the others, well I dunno if they were females or males, but they were not as strong and had much less hit points...then in fallout2 they suddenly changed it to firstly beeing a way larger pack, as well as having an alpha male and an alpha female, I'm not completely sure but I think the male(Gruthar) was stronger..?
In Fallout 1 it seemed more like deathclaws are androgyneous -- like Godzilla in that American Godzilla movie (born pregnant IIRC?).

In Fallout 2 they apparently changed that. The hierarchy reminds me more on packs of mammals than lizards.