@Banestalker Wow, nice! 

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If you have not made this character playable, I think it would be fun to play as her.Very cool! It's quite the task to make a new critter set for Fallout, so hats off to all those involved.
I will have to say, the plan is for me to release RP 2.3.3 well before Autumn, but I certainly would love to see this as part of the RP. Sooooo, I might be pulled out of retirement once again. Heh, oh well.
Keep up the good work and once it's done and tested for frame glitches, I certainly hope to showcase the awesomeness of the punk girl in the RP.
Update on progress
Nice to have some extra sprites for the NFMAXX critter, I really feel the need for extra firepower to give the companions significant use with their metadata tag skills. Katja has Energy Weapons and Big Guns (but is not strong enough to use the latter without drugs or power armor and has no "pistol" graphics for plasma or laser pistols), and Ian has Big Guns (but has no graphics for rocket launchers, miniguns, or even flamers so he can get back at Barry).
+1when it comes to Fallout mods I am always scared that the creator suddenly disappears and the finished work will never be released. This always sucks.