Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I thought I want to give something back to the modding community so I opened up this thread. I thought of something similar like the scenery art thread, where people could post their stuff for everyone to use - or to request something. People always could use some new and fresh stuff for their mods, so why not new audio? ;> So go on you crazy coding guys, request stuff from us puny audio guys! I am sure I am not the only one doing music and sfx stuff here, so sheesh, out with you and help the modders here.
I'll update stuff people uploaded to this first post here.
Anyhow, I want to start with this here, it's a compilation of pure ambience tracks for fallout games or similar "dark" themed mods/games/etc. They are pretty sinister and not really full of melodies, just cold background ambience. You may use them all in your mod, movie or just listen to it. Yes, the cover is cheesy, it was drawn for me by supfinal in the FOnline forum.
Hope you find some use for it! Here is the download for the package ( 43mb). All files in 320 kbp/s, if you need them in .acm fileformat, I'll upload them later.
Tomorrow I will upload a small pack of Soundeffects I made for my own mod, so people who want to have something new for their mods, like fight grunts, death screams, HtH swings and such they might find something usefull in there.


Wasteland's Chimes Figure 2 (43mb - 320kb/s mp3)
1- "After It" (03:33)
2- "Forgotten Armies" (04:01)
3- "A Farmers Life" (02:59)
4- "A Ghostly Town" (03:07)
5- "Howls Of The Dead" (04:22)
6- "More Meat For The Grinder" (01:51)
7- "The Search For Tech" (03:03)
Anyhow, I want to start with this here, it's a compilation of pure ambience tracks for fallout games or similar "dark" themed mods/games/etc. They are pretty sinister and not really full of melodies, just cold background ambience. You may use them all in your mod, movie or just listen to it. Yes, the cover is cheesy, it was drawn for me by supfinal in the FOnline forum.

Tomorrow I will upload a small pack of Soundeffects I made for my own mod, so people who want to have something new for their mods, like fight grunts, death screams, HtH swings and such they might find something usefull in there.