Ratty said:
here's my idea who should survive.
talking deathclaws - there are at least two surviving intelligent deathclaws, Goris and that deathclaw you save in Navarro. however, without a female deathclaw they cannot reproduce, so the species is doomed.
If, of course, you bothered saving them anyway.
regular deathclaws - they are fierce, powerful and stealthy, therefore they will survive for many more generations
Most likely, they were all over Fallout 2. If they originated in the area of Fallout 1, the sheer number of them in Fallout 2's southern area would suggest they're breeding rapidly.
super mutants - no matter what fallout bible says, i prefer the idea of super mutants eventually gaining reproductive abilities. they are strong and resistant, so they make excellent soldiers, miners, construction workers etc.
...which would mean the Master was a fool, since that evidence is why they kill themselves.
Furthermore, ever seen the movie
Species? They talk about the problem with Sil escaping and breeding being that two dominant species can't co-exist together, the weaker one will eventually lose out over the stronger one. If Supermutants were allowed to be reproductive, then you'd end up with a scenario where humanity is doomed to extinction because they'd have to compete with the supermutants for food, resources, power and territory, etc.
It's not like Supermutants would go anywhere, anyway. They've got really long lifespans, for one. They're practically immune to disease, radiation, and other things humans aren't. They're physically tougher than humans, and so on. For all intents and purposes, the only way to kill them in the short term is through killing them.
I'd much rather see the Supermutants become a powerful but reclusive society, similar to the Brotherhood, but different. They know they're dying out, so they take steps to be isolated from humanity so they don't get wiped out by humans.
ghouls - most ghouls will die out from age, but not all is lost. with the help of Vault City medical technology, ghouls in Gecko will "renew" and become human again. they will also be able to reproduce normally.
Ugh.. I'd rather not see that
Logan's Run reference become a staple of ghouls.
wanamingos - this time i think we should stick with fallout bible, which says that wanamingos die out after fallout 2. they sucked anyway.
I would have prefered they be mutated sea life, making the evolutionary crawl from sea to land.
Enclave - the main base is completely destroyed and nothing is left. Navarro is invaded by the Brotherhood and most soldiers are killed or captured. a few manage to flee in several vertibirds and escape north, maybe to Canada, Washington, Montana or even Alaska.
Unless they had other bases, but that might be a stretch. I could see some of them defecting to the Brotherhood, though. The question would be one of trust, but the only group the ex-Enclavers would be at home with would be the BOS, and the BOS might like some of the Enclave tech.