Mutants Rising July Press Release


Night Watchman
Staff member
Mutants Rising have posted some screens and their July update:

<blockquote>Another month, and another press release. Work has been progressing quickly recently, and the demo is getting closer every week, but as always we won't be setting a specific deadline. The team has been doing a lot of work getting our demo town finished, and everything has been going well, but we could always use some more help.

We have a whole hoard of new members, and a returning member. So welcome to Smary, Riyuo, Mikey, Finesse, Holodog, and welcome back to DemoStrike (AKA GameShark). If you are interested in joining check out our public forums</blockquote>
Link: Mutants Rising July Press Release

Thanks for the heads up Wild_qwerty!
Good work, guys!

I like the armour. The gattling shotgun...not so much. A bit of a retarded concept there
Kharn said:
...The gattling shotgun...not so much. A bit of a retarded concept there

All my hard work down the drain :cry:

On a serious note the only reason the gatteling shotgun exists is to take advantage of the 'single shot' art I made for the minigun, and as it is a 'big gun' it gives a person who tagged the big gun skill an single shot option so they dont always blast their allies.
Also they cannot spell Gatling. Ban them I say.

Wild_qwerty said:
On a serious note the onlyu reason the gatteling shotgun exists is to take advantage of the 'single shot' art I made for the minigun, and as it is a 'big gun' it give a person who tagged the big gun skill an single shot option

But that makes no sense! Have you ever seen a Gatling non-shotgun with a single shot option? That's because it makes no sense.
Wild_qwerty said:
All my hard work down the drain :cry:

On a serious note the onlyu reason the gatteling shotgun exists is to take advantage of the 'single shot' art I made for the minigun, and as it is a 'big gun' it give a person who tagged the big gun skill an single shot option so they done always blast their allies

From that point of view it's a good thing. A single-shot big gun is a really great idea, in fact, but please don't use something as retarded as "gatling shotgun". Hell, "single-shot minigun" makes more sense than that
Yea, it was going to be a single shot minigun, but a lot of gun buffs told me that its impossible for a minigun to have a single shot.

Part of what we are doing is trying to give the player more options of what character type to become. For example there are plenty of good energy and small weapons in FO2, but big guns is somewhat useless (I never really used big guns all that much). So we have made a couple of new weapons that should hopefully maek these choices more appealing.

The canon will fire a solid metal ball that has no splash damage so its safer to use, or it can fire a spread of pelets like a giant blunderbust/shotgun for when enimies get up close.
The gattling shotgun has a single shot option for when its not safe to fire a burst off.
We are also including a few ways of making hand to hand more appealing.

To be honest I'm not sure if I would *personally* use the gatteling shotgun or canon, but we wanted to include them for people who want the option to play as a big gun crazzy etc...
Wild_qwerty said:
Yea, it was going to be a single shot minigun, but a lot of gun buffs told me that its impossible for a minigun to have a single shot.

About as impossible as it is for a shotgun to be attached to a rotary device and be called a gatling shotgun.

Look, I agree with you from the optional point of view, but it needs some polish when it comes to the not-being-ridiculous point of view
I've got no problem with changing the name/discription and the even correcting the spelling ;)

I'm open to suggestions for a name for the new gun and a suitable discription. If someone comes up with something suitable then I'm all for it :)
You could try something closer to Combat Shotgun MKII, have something like a single barrel shotgun with a multiclip like in an AK 47, only with shotgun shells (dur, you knew that)

You could classify it as a large weapon becuase of the strength needed to control it in burst mode.

"The combat shotgun, built to simply destroy anything within 30 feet, good for that doorway hunt"

like that, but more creative =P
Yes there is, but like I say this gun was designed to take advantage of new art. We made the character animations for several new attack types, and of course we ahd to dream up new guns that use them.
Meh. I thought the Press Release would be longer. But I guess we were right about everyone squabbling over one little thing. :P
The .500 Nitro Express Elephant gun with two shots would probably be a suitable replacement. The range is considerably better than a shotgun also.
Of course, I can't attest to how many of these would be lying around or where to find the ammo...
I wonder what would happen to an elephant exposed to FEV? I mean look what happened to the jacksons camelion, it turned into a ruddy Deathclaw....
Just becuase I'm Microsoft certifed doesnt mean I know how to use a spell checker ;)

I thought I'd get that one wrong.

Needless to say we are talking about the feedback so far and are planning to change a few of the new weapons.

So please post futher feedback as we look forward to any comments
There must be a better form of large-caliber minigun than a Gatling Shotgun.
Maybe a minigun firing explosive rounds? An automatic rocket launcher? Or simply large slugs?

But what I find most disturbing is the blue rocket launcher art. That's the cannon, I guess? But still... blue? Why, fool!

The armor is really cool, though.

PS: I am not truly certain how "ridiculous" a shotgun with an extremely high fire rate is. But the idea that you'd design one just so you could fire single shots is.
Connoisseur is correct in English. It derives from an older French speling, so in a way it's more correcter than that newfangled "connaisseur".

(He said trying to hide the COD behind a medium-sized duck.)