Mutants Rising press release

The most amazing thing is that some peopple are saying Fallout fans won't be happy no matter what you give them.
Well we all know they're wrong. Heheheh.
MR looks amazing and the demo from a while ago is extremely promising. It just feels good.
It feels right.
Feels like I lost my virginity again.
The MR team seems to have the right stuff.
I_eat_supermutants said:
What's this I'm feeling?
It's so strange. Oh. I know. I'm looking forward to a game. A fallout game. Awesome!

I have not had that feeling for a long time. I like to think it's because games suck these days, but the back of my mind tells me, it's me getting old.

I am glad we have people excited. Things have picked up since this press release, so everyone's kind words are having a real effect on us.
You'll always have people excited when breathing new life into a game that set new standards in it's time. Keep on trucking. Wish we could get the pipboy render in wallpaper size.
Dude101 said:
I_eat_supermutants said:
What's this I'm feeling?
It's so strange. Oh. I know. I'm looking forward to a game. A fallout game. Awesome!

I have not had that feeling for a long time. I like to think it's because games suck these days, but the back of my mind tells me, it's me getting old.

I am glad we have people excited. Things have picked up since this press release, so everyone's kind words are having a real effect on us.

Hmm well it's true you know, most new games are shit. I mean really, they are.

There's some indie-produced stuff that's cool, some adventure games and paltformers.

Then you got some WII games that are kinda revolutionary.

But in the normal terms, not much.
Starcraft 2 looks good, Half Life 2 and Doom 3 were pretty damn awesome. I mean you really did piss your pants in Doom 3 which is well...the feeling is awesome at least.

Darkfall the MMORPG seems really cool.

I mean there's a few thigns out there...but alot more disappointments. Fallout 3, Spore, Red Alert 3, Civilization 4.

I mean they are all OK games (except for spore which I could just walk over each day, actually might get a spore doormat so I can walk over the EA loggo) but they don't excite you and they aren't really THAT good.
In terms of RPG I don't think there's been a really good RPG out for a long time. There's either really good graphics/gameplay or really good story/character design/ etc. .. . Meh. And even getting good gameplay and graphics is rare. I mean the gameplay in Oblivion became really dull after some time (which form e was before I completed the main quest) but at least there's alot of mods there.

The atmosphere in F3 and graphics are to me pure awesomness but the gameplay due to the VATS fuckup is shit.

cdoublejj said:
Wish we could get the pipboy render in wallpaper size.
Sorry... made that back in 07 or smth on my old computer back home... got a copy onto my laptop when i came to Denmark but it got stolen... perhaps il have a look for it the next time i go to estonia :wink:
might also be on some dvd's il give it a look tomorrow
The maps are rather average or above average (excluding this - no great discovery, but still atmospheric-looking). To be honest, I have 3 more skilled BGE map artists, including me. :lalala: So, I'm not directly amazed with the mapping. But maps aren't everything.

What looks great for the most part is all the new art, but who on earth is still surprised? Both Contie and Equi are skilled, smart and effective. Also, the website is sweet. What a mutants lurking about...

Still, I'm not really convinced about the most important point - the future release! Especially after that highly sad FMF cause: 8 years of speculating and then all the team just runs into four points of the compass, leaving their nest for the vultures. :evil: Just think about structure of MR news: 100% of art, zero dialogues. So, we'll see what's gonna happen. Good luck anyway.
Jesterka said:
Just think about structure of MR news: 100% of art, zero dialogues. So, we'll see what's gonna happen. Good luck anyway.

We are hoping to have a voice acted TH (talking head) in the next press release, as stated earlier.
Dude101 said:
Jesterka said:
Just think about structure of MR news: 100% of art, zero dialogues. So, we'll see what's gonna happen. Good luck anyway.

We are hoping to have a voice acted TH (talking head) in the next press release, as stated earlier.
It's pretty hard to focus on a thing when 3 Marcuses are snooping you constantly, y'know.

I'm looking forward to see the talking head then. However rather artistic update again it's in my opinion gonna be. :wink:
Jesterka said:
The maps are rather average or above average (excluding this - no great discovery, but still atmospheric-looking). To be honest, I have 3 more skilled BGE map artists, including me. :lalala: So, I'm not directly amazed with the mapping. But maps aren't everything.

Well, we can't see much but what I see looks pretty solid. Or maybe it's just my taste of style because the one image you've linked is the one I feel very split because it looks to me new on the one side and unusual to the other and in general it doesn't really hit my taste. ;)

By the way, do you know that you now need to post BGE map screenshots? :>
So, we'll see what's gonna happen. Good luck anyway.

Well, over the last two years, we've provided more evidence that we;re going to finish the BGEever has.

What else do you show off in press releases other than maps and art? Would be a little boring to post s msg file! :D

To be honest, I have 3 more skilled BGE map artists, including me

Aren't you the lucky one! I think animalize has made a great job on the maps.

As for FMF, well, it's rather sad, but they never had a solid team together at any one time. It's a shame but these things happen.
Lexx said:
By the way, do you know that you now need to post BGE map screenshots? :>
Nonsense! You're overworked, sweetie from LEXXington. :lalala:

Chris Parks said:
Well, over the last two years, we've provided more evidence that we;re going to finish the BGEever has.
1. How did you make it out?
2. How's BGE possibly relevant for my lil' doubts?

It's generally good the most people are creaming their pants instead of being negativistic, but to me, releasing only art is just highly suspicious. For example, Resurrection is not releasing an art because they're not art-oriented at all (which may be clever in a way). Why's MR not releasing any dialogues, quest processes, or some floaty interaction from time to time? Not dialogue-oriented at all? :) :wink:

Surprise me.

Chris Parks said:
I think animalize has made a great job on the maps.
Sometiemes, yes, definitely. But cool art makes a lot of impression, y'know.

And I don't think the whole FMF thing is a shame. Still, it was THEIR spare time. But they were pretty lying to us, which is shameless. :x
For Frith's sake, what is it with you total conversion modders and your public feuds and hissy catfights?
We just talk; you obviously never saw me catfighting. :D

C'mon, you're such an old 'n rabid Fallout dog and always been, don't be a nancy now.
Why's MR not releasing any dialogues, quest processes, or some floaty interaction from time to time? Not dialogue-oriented at all?

Well, we could release quest information and dialogue for the whole game and then quit as everybody would see what was coming! :D ARt entices people to play the game.

For Frith's sake, what is it with you total conversion modders and your public feuds and hissy catfights

I know, It's pathetic. We could achieve so much if we worked together. I tried to work more closely with FMF over the years and we both profitted.

DOn't think Jesterka would be happy to work with MR somehow.
"Work with MR somehow"? Never. I'd just nab some art and run, run away. Very pragmatic.

Who the hell is DALEK anyway?