My Adventures In Tamriel or TVD Plays TES Consecutively

I hated them on my first try with a Barbarian, but as a mage it was much less annoying. A few fireballs kills the one in front and half kills the others. A few more kills all the rest.

I love that picture though.

Also Arena was real fun. It will start to feel repetitive about half-way through though.

I will play Oblivion in a month or so, but right now I'm in the middle of a gaming project.

The Vault Dweller
Shadow of the Wastes said:
If Morrowind had the combat system from Oblivion (i.e. no having to switch between weapons and magic) it would have been just about perfect.

Dear god no... the combat in Oblivion was brutal. Block = instant win every battle...
rcorporon said:
Shadow of the Wastes said:
If Morrowind had the combat system from Oblivion (i.e. no having to switch between weapons and magic) it would have been just about perfect.

Dear god no... the combat in Oblivion was brutal. Block = instant win every battle...

Again, I more meant having to switch between using weaponry and using magic.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
Again, I more meant having to switch between using weaponry and using magic.

Maybe I played too much AD&D during my childhood, but this seems like blasphemy.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
If Morrowind had the combat system from Oblivion (i.e. no having to switch between weapons and magic) it would have been just about perfect.

That's what separates Morrowind's RPG experience with Oblivion's run-and-gun experience.
Aphyosis said:
Actually i wouldn't mind Dark Messiah's combat system in Morrowind.

That would be awesome.

or in any actual RPG at all. best melee system ever. would love to one day see a game such as Morrowind with combat that good.
UniversalWolf said:
I'd like Mount & Blade's combat system in a cRPG. Real-time combat I don't hate is a winner. :clap:

I have to say, that would make spears SOOO MUCH cooler. Couch those motherfuckers while speeding on a Silt Strider.
Chinz said:
UniversalWolf said:
I'd like Mount & Blade's combat system in a cRPG. Real-time combat I don't hate is a winner. :clap:

I have to say, that would make spears SOOO MUCH cooler. Couch those motherfuckers while speeding on a Silt Strider.
1) I wish Taleworlds would make a real cRPG, or at least try, since they've got such a good real-time combat system already.

2) I can't believe other companies haven't stolen Mount & Blade's combat to use in cRPGs. I mean, gimme Gothic with M&B combat already!
I maxed my character out both times I played Morrowind, but the game is flawed when it comes to the clans – I was the head of the church (forgotten the name), but simply opening a locked desk in a room was enough for the guards to attack me…for fuck’s sake I was their leader, but that seemed to make no difference to the games AI. I found the clan missions ultimately unrewarding and a letdown (the assassin clan was the exception)…the only thing I never tried were the Vampire missions, and that’s because it required for me to become an actual Vampire.

What is the fastest method of travelling (not bug flying or teleporting, but actual running/flying through the terrain)? I used the boots of speed, with some magic protection medallion so I wouldn’t be affected by its curse – as well I had a Speed of 300, which made running away from monsters pretty effective. I would have to say avoid Bloodmoon – it sucks balls… :mrgreen:

FWIW, I hate the art style in that screenshot. :D

If I ever play Morrowind it's going to have to overcome my visceral negative reaction to that aesthetic.
UniversalWolf said:
1) I wish Taleworlds would make a real cRPG, or at least try, since they've got such a good real-time combat system already.

Pretty sure the Conan MMO used a similar system. Instead of mouse movements it used the arrow keys. Interesting playing a bear shaman for about a month but, that aboot it.

This thread made me reinstall Morrowind GOTY and make a "Ranger". I consider him lawful neutral. Gonna see how that pans out.