Well they used to develop PC games for the PC, on a PC, so having a good mouse and keyboard UI was a focus.
Now we get games made primarily for consoles (because the consoles are the limiting factor), ported to PC with the UI designed obviously to cater to a gamepad, and very poorly translated to mouse and keyboard (because it was an obvious afterthought).
Thanks a bunch Xbox!
Yeah I don't get this really, why are developers so fucking awful at giving different UI for PC and console versions? Or at the very least including better keyboard short-cut commands? I mean, it's pathetic when modders can create a better UI than a supposedly "professional" studio with a triple-A budget and resources. With some of these games I just end up plugging in my controller so that it doesn't play like arse. It feels less like a choice and more like something I 'have to do' in order to really enjoy the game.
To me it just reeks of incompetence. If you're going to sell X on Y then make sure that it works on Y just as well as it works on Z. I don't give a shit if you developed it with the intention for Z and then decided to port it to Y, if you're gonna port something then port it well. Any console to PC port with horrible UI is inexcusable to me. If you're gonna do something then do it right. Laziness, tight time-schedule, after-through argument; Doesn't matter what excuse one tries to make for the developers. All I see is incompetence.
Look at InXile with Wasteland 2. Wasteland 2 has a different UI on PC and consoles to make sure that it plays as best as it can on either platform. InXile could do this. INXILE! A fucking studio that is practically a semi-indie studio is more competent than triple-a developers. Then again, it seems like indie-studios outshine triple-a developers more and more these days.
Reason I'm so mad is because I played through FNV and the amount of times I had to deal with it's fucking UI... If I hit ESC when using a computer or hacking it then it opens up the main menu. If I want to transfer more than 6 items into an NPC's barter window or into a container then my mouse auto-adjusts to the center of the screen and I can't click ENTER or A just to quickly transfer the goods and then I have to manually move my mouse over to the next stack of items to transfer. If there is a pop-up for a quest like whether I want to smash a console, use Science on it or just walk away then I have to move my mouse over to the options real awkward like or I have to move my hand from my mouse to the arrow-keys to click through. (why the hell isn't WASD used for this?)
I was playing Overloard and State Of Decay a bit and those games handle like arse with a mouse to look around with.
And then Hotline Miami 2's level editor got released and I've been playing custom levels with good PC controls and man does it feel good. Sadly the level menu for the editor now handles like shite, oh well, least the gameplay works as fucking intended. This kinda stuff really pisses me off, man.