So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Maybe it shouldn't be any better, but the fact that it isn't any more built up, and no factions have bothered to seize power in a literal anarchy for 200 years is a bit far fetched.I guess my point is that we keep circling around is that things aren't going to get better in the Capital Wasteland, they're going to get worse, which is why you, the protagonist, need to intervene. There's an assumption of optimism here which I don't think the Capital Wasteland really lends itself to.
Calling a place lawless simply implies that rebuilding has not take place, it is not a reason for things to have not gotten better in itself, as much as a consequence of it.Fallout 1 was placed in a damaged and broken world but it wasn't the same level of irradiated lawless hell that the Capital Wasteland is.
And if the Capital Wasteland is such a shithole, why don't people just move elsewhere. Why try and rebuild in an irradiated/raider infested hellhole, when there are plenty of places in the world which are far better off.