It Wandered In From the Wastes

Is there a ratio of more males than females in this BoS place? My wife thought if it was overwhelmingly male, you might have situational gay activity as in other real world overwhelmingly male scenarios (prison, or old sailing ships). The idea that he can't possibly know about sex seems bizarre to me. If there's women as well in the place, wouldn't people be figuring out sex like all humans growing up in all places?There is a bit of a difference between preparing for war and outright forcing it to happen to "win capitalism".
I'm sure I'm forgetting more things I didn't like about it (like Durrnzel not knowing what sex is, but in his establishing scene there's someone jerking off in the bunk close to him; surely there has been some form of education in this mixed military setting, right?
I guess that goes back to several people claiming he's played like a mentally disabled character.
I also told her about the Lucy volunteering sex clip and she thought that was not believable female behavior. She feels safe enough in some BoS camp to just volunteer sex? I don't think women just volunteer sex at the best of times, the old joke is you have to at least wine them and dine them first.