My town just exploded.

By the way, the company's U.K. website (their main website seems to be the US one).
Terra is the UK's largest manufacturer and marketer of Ammonia, Nitric Acid, and Carbon Dioxide.
Terra is a supplier of Sodium Nitrite.
Terra is a supplier of Utilities (electricity, site service etc) at our site at Billingham.
Terra is a consistent & reliable source of quality raw materials for numerous sectors of the Chemical industry.
Anyway, here is the most complete article I could find about the incident.
Thanks for the link Kotario. I'm surprised they had it under control so quick.

Now we just have to wait for those killed to come back as zombies like some crappy survival horror...

Why would they produce carbon dioxide? Isnt there enough in the air?

The Vault Dweller
TVD said:
Why would they produce carbon dioxide? Isnt there enough in the air?

Eheh. Hahah. I presume they meant solid carbon dioxide, aka "dry ice". Used in special effects (fog, smoke) and in various chemical appliances.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Why would they produce carbon dioxide? Isnt there enough in the air?
Liquid tanks of the stuff is also used for soft drink carbonation, if I recall.
Ok that makes sense.

It just reminded me of the one time a customer came to my store to buy a big bag of cubed ice when it was the middle of winter and there was over a foot of fresh snow outside.

:roll: ,
The Vault Dweller