Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Okay I'm asking some of you to commit sin here. But I gotta ask some of you to play Devil's advocate and even myself to play it to a degree. But name your personal reasons why you thought Fallout 3 was better than New Vegas.
Okay here's a few things I thought was better about 3 than New Vegas.
1. Modding- May come as a no brainer to some. But I will say I thought mod support in Fallout 3 worked better than it did in New Vegas. Don't get me wrong, I love modding the shit out of Vegas. But the mod support in Vegas just felt terrible. A lot of it came in with a game that was plagued with more bugs and glitches than Fallout 3 was and it just made the experience for Vegas sometimes hellish. I never experienced that with 3 tbh. a few bugs here and there in 3. But nothing game breaking.
2. 3 Dog- Come on people. You gotta admit 3 Dog is pretty cool and funny. I didn't like his morally black and white interpretation of the Capital Wasteland. But he was entertaining to listen to on the regular.
3. Locations- Completely debatable with anyone. I liked the open vast expanse of the Capital Wasteland more than I liked the Mojave. I liked the Mojave too, but to me something about it I mean it seems like for a desert, there sure is a lot of shit laying around. Too much of a lot of things that didn't feel too unique or have much place in the game with a decent story behind it. Compared to Fallout 3, I thought there were somethings in the game that felt like a lot of locations had some major backstory that felt a little relatable. Not to say New Vegas didn't have any, I felt places like Jacobstown, Nellis AFB, Vault 11, and Vault 3 had some relatable stories or tragic ones that made me feel some empathy to the characters once there.
4. LIAM NEESON- Dude! I mean say what you want about the Dad character in F3. Liam Neeson is fucking awesome. When he died i felt a little sad tbh, I also liked Amata's character and the kids in Big Town. Though I do hate how F3 tried to force you to care about a lot of characters I felt were just uncarable for. Though I do care for the aforementioned above.
5. Speech- Okay yall will hate me for this, But as much as I love solid speech pass or fails in F1, F2, and New Vegas. I think F3 did speech uniquely and based it a bit on luck. Of course I thought some bit of it was stupid. But it reflects on the idea of how well you bring a lie off to someone and their willingness to believe it and prior situations and past ordeals that can dramatically change the outlook of a conversation. I feel it wasn't that well executed, but it was new and a bit fresh. I liked the unpredictability.
6. Load screens- I'm not so much basing this off time. Just the case of load and CTD. With Fallout 3, I never got a CTD from a load screen or one that froze and kept going forever. New Vegas.....Oh my motherfucking god. The amount of time that shit happened to me is horrendous enough to write an entire novel if you added all the times that New Vegas CTD or froze on me.
7. Brotherhood Of Steel- I love how the BOS in F3 got represented. To me, it signified a major change in the dynamic of the BOS on the East Coast compared to their West Coast brethren and how they followed the codex. We know the BOS in F1, F2, and New Vegas was born to be doomed by their own strict rules and philosophy. I feel F3 was the BOS actually trying to make a change for the wasteland for their own good and the general better. When Veronica talked about the BOS actually doing something decent for a change, I feel the BOS in F3 was that change.
8. Super Mutants- I loved killing in F3. But their story makes no sense. As the West Coast mutants were really the only one of their kind and Super Mutants in general were just a West Coast anamoly. I like how F3 tried to make a new idea about the FEV virus having an alternate intake to create super mutants by making it breathable and quicker to enter the blood stream and alter people into super mutants. But for the most part, it was just re-using elements from Fallout 1 without too much of any thought to it. I mean for the most part Fallout 3 is nothing but a re-colored story of F1 and F2. But it was damn fun killing em though.
All right throw down your list of reasons of why you liked F3 more than New Vegas. You don't have to play Devil's advocate like I did. But please if you do actually think it's better then throw down your list of reasons.
Okay here's a few things I thought was better about 3 than New Vegas.
1. Modding- May come as a no brainer to some. But I will say I thought mod support in Fallout 3 worked better than it did in New Vegas. Don't get me wrong, I love modding the shit out of Vegas. But the mod support in Vegas just felt terrible. A lot of it came in with a game that was plagued with more bugs and glitches than Fallout 3 was and it just made the experience for Vegas sometimes hellish. I never experienced that with 3 tbh. a few bugs here and there in 3. But nothing game breaking.
2. 3 Dog- Come on people. You gotta admit 3 Dog is pretty cool and funny. I didn't like his morally black and white interpretation of the Capital Wasteland. But he was entertaining to listen to on the regular.
3. Locations- Completely debatable with anyone. I liked the open vast expanse of the Capital Wasteland more than I liked the Mojave. I liked the Mojave too, but to me something about it I mean it seems like for a desert, there sure is a lot of shit laying around. Too much of a lot of things that didn't feel too unique or have much place in the game with a decent story behind it. Compared to Fallout 3, I thought there were somethings in the game that felt like a lot of locations had some major backstory that felt a little relatable. Not to say New Vegas didn't have any, I felt places like Jacobstown, Nellis AFB, Vault 11, and Vault 3 had some relatable stories or tragic ones that made me feel some empathy to the characters once there.
4. LIAM NEESON- Dude! I mean say what you want about the Dad character in F3. Liam Neeson is fucking awesome. When he died i felt a little sad tbh, I also liked Amata's character and the kids in Big Town. Though I do hate how F3 tried to force you to care about a lot of characters I felt were just uncarable for. Though I do care for the aforementioned above.
5. Speech- Okay yall will hate me for this, But as much as I love solid speech pass or fails in F1, F2, and New Vegas. I think F3 did speech uniquely and based it a bit on luck. Of course I thought some bit of it was stupid. But it reflects on the idea of how well you bring a lie off to someone and their willingness to believe it and prior situations and past ordeals that can dramatically change the outlook of a conversation. I feel it wasn't that well executed, but it was new and a bit fresh. I liked the unpredictability.
6. Load screens- I'm not so much basing this off time. Just the case of load and CTD. With Fallout 3, I never got a CTD from a load screen or one that froze and kept going forever. New Vegas.....Oh my motherfucking god. The amount of time that shit happened to me is horrendous enough to write an entire novel if you added all the times that New Vegas CTD or froze on me.
7. Brotherhood Of Steel- I love how the BOS in F3 got represented. To me, it signified a major change in the dynamic of the BOS on the East Coast compared to their West Coast brethren and how they followed the codex. We know the BOS in F1, F2, and New Vegas was born to be doomed by their own strict rules and philosophy. I feel F3 was the BOS actually trying to make a change for the wasteland for their own good and the general better. When Veronica talked about the BOS actually doing something decent for a change, I feel the BOS in F3 was that change.
8. Super Mutants- I loved killing in F3. But their story makes no sense. As the West Coast mutants were really the only one of their kind and Super Mutants in general were just a West Coast anamoly. I like how F3 tried to make a new idea about the FEV virus having an alternate intake to create super mutants by making it breathable and quicker to enter the blood stream and alter people into super mutants. But for the most part, it was just re-using elements from Fallout 1 without too much of any thought to it. I mean for the most part Fallout 3 is nothing but a re-colored story of F1 and F2. But it was damn fun killing em though.
All right throw down your list of reasons of why you liked F3 more than New Vegas. You don't have to play Devil's advocate like I did. But please if you do actually think it's better then throw down your list of reasons.