NCR's Treatment of Arcade In "Fight At The Dam" NCR Ending

Wait, naive attempts at negotiating with the Legion and Families? As far as I remember they are in an active all out war (that they are winning by a short margin) against the first, and in a truce while planning to take out the leader of the latter to take control more easily.
I remember Lianus mentioning about NCR negotiators being crucified. I also remember the Chief of the Rangers perplexed that the Families wouldn't accept asylum in the NCR. As if they would give up living like kings to become refugees. Like I said before the NCR's main problem is there fighting blind which is mainly due to systemic corruption, which is due a government that has cannot cope with the size of the territory they control.
Yeah, the NCR tried to negotiate with the Legion in the past but now they are at war, what would be better? Shoot first ask questions later with new factions?
I remember Lianus mentioning about NCR negotiators being crucified. I also remember the Chief of the Rangers perplexed that the Families wouldn't accept asylum in the NCR. As if they would give up living like kings to become refugees. Like I said before the NCR's main problem is there fighting blind which is mainly due to systemic corruption, which is due a government that has cannot cope with the size of the territory they control.
No they should negotiate. But they should use discretion, a group of people coming at you with bloodied machetes aren't going to be bought off, neither can cannibals(White glove) and sex offender, snuff loving sadist(Omertas) be incorporated into rights based society like the NCR, I would offer the Chairmen a leadership of future Vegas. This is the problem with the NCR getting big. They are forcing people who don't even understand what the idea of an individual right is into a rights based law based society, they just break them like the Legion does and what the NCR is starting to do but then you lose the law part of your society. If I remember correctly many commanders on both sides see Vegas as a death trap for any unlucky enough to conquer it.
They only negotiated with the three families through the Courrier, and they focus their efforts more into their treaty with House (which they are planning on overturning in the near future). Also the Omertas are in cahoots with Caesar until you intervene and depending on how you handle it they may stop their anti NCR operation (they serve no strategic value, they are just the staff of a seedy Casino some of the soldiers frequent, most NCR officers see it as just a den of vice they tolerate), and the White Glove society is not openly cannibalistic, it's just a fringe faction of their group, and even then negotating with them has no real strategic value, they are literally just a pompous casino staff. They already have them under their thumb thanks to Brahmin barons.
Again, they are going directly for the main guy running the show, House, and they are handling the situation rather poorly, with both sides plotting to double cross each other. But if there is one thing they aren't is naive, on the contrary they can be quite ruthless when their peaceful negotiations fall through. They suffer more from how stretched thin their resources are across the Mojave and how big their operation is trying to be, to the detriment of the soldiers participating on it and the people of the Mojave.