Need For Speed: Prostreet is...


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Moderator utter and complete unplayable piece of pig shit. Seriously, it's like EA took everything that was fun and interesting and entertaining about Need For Speed and replaced it with it's paraplegic retarded wigger stepchild.

Beautiful city race tracks are gone, as are the cop chases, which were the best part of NFS. Instead we get ugly, generic uninspired pro circuit tracks. The pumped up arcadey cars are replaced with what could be best described as Trabants transporting lead ingots and hot chicks are replaced with unspeakably horrid announcers.

To sum up, NFS:PS is not just bad, it's one of the worst games I have ever played.
Neon-green supermarket-cart riiiiiice rockets!

Disgusting. As soon as I learned that cop chases were out, I lost interest in this game.
That is why I enjoy the Chevy Nova vs. Honda Civic crash scene in Death Proof sooo much.
I agree, what a piece of crap the game is. It has absolutely nothing going for it. It used to be my favorite racing series. The original NFS for 3DO is my favorite racer of all time. Most Wanted was a crap-load of fun as well.

1) NFS (3DO)
3) NFS: High Stakes
The rest is crap. Well, Hot Pursuit 2 wasn't too bad.
I think they are trying to compete with the new racers like Midnight Club and Project Gotham. I remember when I bought Need For Speed for the computer. It blew my fucking mind. Now they pump out mindless sequels every year. The Need For Speed series is utter shit now.
My cousin got the game at Christmas, but went away on holiday for the time being, so I got to lend it from her( Yes, her ), and it's pretty much as DDD said.

Oh, except the perplexing mixing of car classes, stupid bugs and everything being piss easy, I've never missed the cops this much before. :D

Oh well, back to GTR.
As soon as I saw the word "Pro" in the title I knew it would suck. NfS has never been about being a "Pro".

It's been about illegal street races where you usually have to contend with the police, not nice neat little tracks where you can bring your little wigger son in a desperate attemp to bond after you realise you've spoiled the little groinspawn and that's why he turned into a little wigger shit. But all your attempts to talk to the little cum-stain are dashed as all he says every time a hooked up Civic passes by is "Dat's mah car, nigga! Dat's mah car!" into his fucking T-mobile Sidekick.
1. No cops - no challenge
2. Graphics and physics suck
3. It's even more comercial than before, the advertisments are EVERYWHERE
4. The guy that annouces races has a terrible voice
5. It runs even slower than Carbon even on a strong rig
6. Too easy even on the KING difficulty

I sometimes force myself to play it. But I never play more than 2-3 races, it's sooo boooooring.
Ravager69 said:
1. No cops - no challenge
I agree
2. Graphics and physics suck
I disagree, the graphics are nice, and the physics are also allright,
but the control of the cars is pretty shitty ;)
3. It's even more comercial than before, the advertisments are EVERYWHERE
yes... thats terrible -.- I agree!
4. The guy that annouces races has a terrible voice
*headshot for 650HP for that guy, and the other moderators*
They´re absolutly sucks, you got damn right!
5. It runs even slower than Carbon even on a strong rig
Nah, not really, but Carbon is of course much better...
Better controls and the races are more exiting!
6. Too easy even on the KING difficulty
If you drive good cars, it´s also true...
King? No, it´s teh ubergeek-difficult! If you can handle that
degree of difficulty you drive like a skilled 12 years old 1337 guy! Respect! -.-

I sometimes force myself to play it. But I never play more than 2-3 races, it's sooo boooooring.
2-3 races? That´s a lot! One Race is more than enoght! :D
I prefer Underground 1-2, Most Wanted or Carbon...
At first I´d liked ProStreet... but I played PS some days,
and it´s boring like to play soccer with the own grandma..... -.-

Sorry for my bad english, I´m drunken :ugly: :drunk:
At first glance I thought I was looking at a nascar race... filled with hobos and junkies... :crazy:

Way to go butchering another title EA... :clap: