Need help with generator in Vault 15


First time out of the vault
Hey all, my first post here!
Let me just say I found this site today, and all the info here just blew me away!

Anyway, I'm having a problem in Vault 15, second floor, the generator.
I'm trying to get the location of Vault 13 but I can't turn the power on, when I use Science on the generator it gives me a message that I can't work out what's wrong, and trying to repair it with Vic doesn't work.
I have 10% in science, and I even tried with 20%. my IN is 5.
What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to get the power on?
The power doesn't need to be on to get the location of Vault 13. There's one computer running regardless of the generator, it has the location
Hey, thanks for the quick reply!

But that computer tells me that "I have difficulty in accessing the files"
I was certain it was because of the power failure but I guess it isn't.
Is it because my character is too dumb?
Bottom line, will I need to find another way to get the location of Vault 13, or am I missing something?
Your INT doesn't have anything to do with it in this case. It's due to how low your Science skill is- Sorry to say it, but you're going to need more than 20%. I'm not sure how much, but you probably need around 50-60% (that's what a lot of other skill checks are around this point in the game). However, if you're not willing to spend time trolling for Big Book o' Sciences and leveling up...


If you can manage to get into Congressman Westin's Ranch in NCR, it's possible that you could find out the location of Vault 13 there.
Wow, that's a weird coincidence. Waiting for the answer I went to explore the nearest city - NCR, and just started trying to get to the west area (Westin's Ranch). Haha.
Thanks for the reply.
Also... (I do this sometimes) if your on hard mode, just switch it to easy mode to gain more skill % and you might be able to pull it off. I ushually turn it back to hard mode after for more fun in the wild.
you need 40%+ in science to access any computer terminals, accept the endgame one that allows you to... welll you know.