Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

I would not be shocked if this becomes one of the essential mods up there in the ranks of Project Nevada and Nevada Skies. .

LOL nonsense. Must reach the hot files and that's it. Good thing you liked it. ^^

I like everything but Lucius armour, legion does not use advanced tech, period. They shun meds, stimpaks, auto docs, most chems, laser and plasma weapons, robots and power armour.

I do not accept salvaged enclave power armour because of that.

Other than that, good stuff overall

Agree. But again, there´s nothing power about this armor.

That said, I decided that this armor will stay in the Legion Safehouse as a reward to the courier and not to Lucius. 2 reasons for this:

1) Salvaged PA have a "bonus" of -2 agility. I can not imagine armor more unsuitable for close combat than that. Lucius is maybe the best unarmed fighter in the Legion, soon......

2) Gameplay purposes. you can´t make a armor like that and the set have les then....let´s say 24DT. I'm sure your generic badass ranger character who arrives at the scene shooting with an AMR can handle it, but that would limit who wants to get there and kill everyone with holdout weapons.
LOL nonsense.

You forget the most important part of that sentence.

If you keep everything in this mod as polished and interesting as these armors are shaping up to be

If and shaping up to be being the key points there. You're working hard on this mod and it shows. The armor, the items, the perks... they're all improving significantly with time. You can't stop now though. If the next armor picture you post is as much of a step forward as your current one, you're going to have a winner on your hands. You said you're 85% happy with everything? Keep going until you're 150% satisfied. That's how quality mods get made.
jesus fucking christ

you did all this shit and i haven't even finished fixing the english in uranium city for fallout:nevada

To save myself time, I'll ignore the ones that are average and don't really have much potential (i.e the "recruit" armor. There isn't much anyone can do with something as basic as that, so you know.)

- Canyon Runner: :ok:

- Alexus: Everything about this is good, but I think his face should be covered and the hair(?) that's on the back of his hat in the base game should be incorporated somehow, just to vary things up since the only other armor with hair(?) in this showcase of yours is Canyon Runner's.

- Explorer: Like I said before, looks good. Though, now that I see the back of both this and the "Atticus" armor, I think you should remove the red paint off the back just to make it seem a bit more different from the "Atticus" armor.

- Atticus: I think the skirt should be replaced (with something like what the Vexillarius and Praetorian have) or removed entirely. Also, Atticus himself doesn't seem important enough to have a unique set dedicated to him, so I think it should either be given to someone else who's more worthy, or just let it be a set of armor that the player can pick up.

- Dead Sea: It's hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like the cape is floating a little bit. Other than that, :ok:

- Decanus: To preface this, this is entirely personal preference. I think the helmet should be more like the second version of #2 from the very first image you posted on this thread; exposed eyes, armored... jaw, I guess. Once again, personal preference. Looks good, either way.

- Severus: :ok:

- Centurion: The radio (I think) on the side of the helmet doesn't look like it should be there since the Legion are technology-phobes. I don't really have much to say aside from that, though.

- Aurelius: I can't quite describe why I don't like this set. Criticism is pointless if you can't tell someone why something is bad, but I just don't know what I don't like about it. ... I just don't know.

- Praetorian: It honestly looked way better with the red plume on top...

- Frumentarii: Once again, way too ninja-ish for my liking. I will give you props for making it not remind me of Scorpion, though.

- Houndmaster: It doesn't really look like "Caesar's Legion" armor, plus the wolf head on the side is still fucked up. That being said, it's definitely a step in the right direction after seeing your first version.

- Otto: who the fuck is otto?, whatever. If this is supposed to be a "gladiator" set, then you got the look right. The right arm seems like an odd choice, though.

- Instructor: I like it, but the skulls seem unnecessary, especially on someone like an instructor.

- Lucius: Though I like its design (despite how anal @Ediros is about Enclave power armor :rofl:), I don't think it fits Lucius. Since he's the leader of the Praetorian Guard, his armor should look like a more evolved version of the Praetorian set.

- Lanius: I really, really have to disagree with @TerminallyChill on this one. The chains, the skull, the spikes, the glowing red eyes... Every single accessory screams "edge." To be honest, I hate this design.

- Caesar: Like Dead Sea's armor, the cape looks like it's floating. Also, I think the footwear should be replaced (by something like what either Courier 2 or the Otto (minus the shin guards) have). It's definitely an improvement from the first version.

- Courier 2: The helmet and chest-piece textures don't match, and that really annoys me. The whole thing looks too clean for the wasteland. Aside from that, it looks fine.

In summary, this is quite a good selection of armors if you discount Lanius's set. I think you could make more use of certain things (like the red plume on certain helmets, the hair(?) on the back of certain hats/helmets, the black skirt on Vexillarius and Praetorian, not using skirts on certain armors, etc.), but it's still impressive
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The chains, the skull, the spikes, the glowing red eyes... Every single accessory screams "edge." To be honest, I hate this design.

While I still like the design, I will admit that it's a little over the top and not exactly fitting for New Vegas, similar to the Scorpion ninja Frumentarii. He looks like more like a super villain than a Fallout character.
While I still like the design, I will admit that it's a little over the top and not exactly fitting for New Vegas, similar to the Scorpion ninja Frumentarii. He looks like more like a super villain than a Fallout character.
As the phrase goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

The variation between Legion armor sets in un-modded New Vegas is almost non-existent, so the changes to the other sets are a welcome change. With that in mind, Lanius's armor is already completely unique from everything else in the Legion (with the one exception being the "Armor of the 87th Tribe," which is also part of DLC). Since the goal of this mod (if I understand correctly) is to provide variation, it's pointless to change something that's already very different from everything else.

That's just me, though:shrug:. In the end, it doesn't really matter since I can simply choose not to download the changes to Lanius's armor, but I still think it should be pointed out.

Edit: If I seem harsh then it's because I'm a picky asshole. Don't take it personally, Cobra. In my mind, criticism is the best way of showing how to improve something.

and it gives me an excuse to gripe on the internet :)
Edit: If I seem harsh then it's because I'm a picky asshole. Don't take it personally, Cobra. In my mind, criticism is the best way of showing how to improve something.

I was a mediocre cinematographer at best when I first got into camera and imaging technology. Then my buddy, who was like a 4chan seasoned, implacable photography snob endlessly critiqued my work to the ends of the earth. I couldn't believe he didn't like the stuff that I thought looked great. Ultimately, his brutality pushed me to become much better than I ever thought capable.

Sometimes being a picky asshole is a good thing.
As the phrase goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

The variation between Legion armor sets in un-modded New Vegas is almost non-existent, so the changes to the other sets are a welcome change. With that in mind, Lanius's armor is already completely unique from everything else in the Legion (with the one exception being the "Armor of the 87th Tribe," which is also part of DLC). Since the goal of this mod (if I understand correctly) is to provide variation, it's pointless to change something that's already very different from everything else.

That's just me, though:shrug:. In the end, it doesn't really matter since I can simply choose not to download the changes to Lanius's armor, but I still think it should be pointed out.

Edit: If I seem harsh then it's because I'm a picky asshole. Don't take it personally, Cobra. In my mind, criticism is the best way of showing how to improve something.

and it gives me an excuse to gripe on the internet :)

Don´t need to worry ^^

And thank you for your reply. I'm considering some changes based on your opinion (but not for Lanius :twisted:)
small update, I´m still alive.


Left to right:

1) A trident. A two hand weapon for level 1 char

2) Trait "Master Frumentarii" (or something like that) in action. Remove the disguise of all the armor of the Legion. As a negative side we have ...... I do not know. I have not thought about that yet.

3) A vexillum.

These weapons are an extra bonus. Almost everyone nowadays uses mods with high definition weapons, so I'm still wondering if it's worth the effort to put some mods in them. For each mod, I have to create a new mesh. Not a problem, but it´s kind boring to put everything in the geck.
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is definite, I can not rig the armor of the elite explorer. Fuck this. I'm going to have to cut off the duster, but since it's too fucking awesome to not use, I transferred to the centurion elite.


for normal centurion, I´ll use one T45d arm, like vanilla. Two is too much, this things don´t grow in trees.
ok, 7 canonfolders (recruit or prime or veteran) plus a decanus = 01 contubernia.

10 contubernias (80 men) = centuria. Led by a Centurion.

10 centuria = Legion.

Special forces of assassination, sabotage, exploration and espionage = Explorers and their leaders, the Frumenttari. Independent agents.

What about vexillarius? One per centuria or one per legion?

If it's the second option, I have the option to make his armor more extravagant. Do they show up a lot in the game? I have not played this game for years, but I found two of them in the fort.

in the wikia

They are described as being rarely seen in battle,


Another thing. I'm looking for these "things" here, but I do not know the exact name. I'm looking for coin, medallion, engraved, plate and cameo.

But none of these words seems to be correct for what I'm looking for, because I'm being returned with meager results.

Cesar's tent has one of those hanging.

edit: look this

Edit 2: find it

For each centuria = 01 vexillarius
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I made a new attempt for the armor of the recruit, I think this one is more lore friendly.


Just joking guys. :lol: But now you know why I do not finish 80% of the mods I start, instead of working on they I keep wasting time with this kind of thing :lol:
I was waiting for the nerd rage to begin.

Also, did you ever figure out what those medal/shield looking things were supposed to be? Your guesses were as good as mine on that.
I think that's a bit too ornate for the wasteland, even if Vexillarius are extremely rare. Also, this might be what you're looking for, though I could be wrong:
Your spacing made me think that there were like 3 or 4 images that didn't load properly. :mad:

The armor is basically something you made while fucking around, I know. But just in case you ever plan on using it for any of the other ranks in the Legion, it's gotta' be said; tesla armor looks way too technological for the Legion. Like, honestly... don't put that in the mod.

I was waiting for the nerd rage to begin.

Also, did you ever figure out what those medal/shield looking things were supposed to be?

NO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Incredible, no one seems to know what I'm talking about lol

I think that's a bit too ornate for the wasteland, even if Vexillarius are extremely rare. Also, this might be what you're looking for, though I could be wrong:

I think it fits perfectly with the Legion. but this Legion here haha

I've been researching Roman currency actually, and although I find stupid giant coins hanging in the body, I may not have any other choice. We will see.

don't put that in the mod.

no, course not. It was just some request that a random guy made and I thought it would be interesting to see the result.

I played a little bit with your request, just to relax my mind.

I will not do it, sorry for that

I am very busy with my own mod (which is also Legion hehe I pick some meshes from there) and this is a boring armor to do, due to all the effects of lightning.

Besides, I find this tesla armor an ATROCITY, one of the ugliest things that Bethesda ever invented (And what the hell are all those black parts in the knees and the armpits? They forgot to make the texture???
), which leaves me discouraged to finish

It takes me about ..... 10 minutes to do something like this, so it was just an experiment
I'll give you some basic questions you should ask yourself before adding any element to a set of armor the Legion uses.

1. Does this piece demonstrate that modern technology is unnecessary?

2. Does this piece serve the same function as a Roman article of dress?

3. Is this piece a recognizable pre-war item, something repurposed from an enemy faction, or something that could be produced using classical Roman manufacturing techniques?

Just some guidelines. If every individual element of your armor passes these checks, it should keep the raving continuity freaks satisfied.
I'll give you some basic questions you should ask yourself before adding any element to a set of armor the Legion uses.

1. Does this piece demonstrate that modern technology is unnecessary?

2. Does this piece serve the same function as a Roman article of dress?

3. Is this piece a recognizable pre-war item, something repurposed from an enemy faction, or something that could be produced using classical Roman manufacturing techniques?

Just some guidelines. If every individual element of your armor passes these checks, it should keep the raving continuity freaks satisfied.

Yes, I would not want it any other way.

Two examples: in the entire Legion that appears in the game, only 3 unique characters have pieces of combat armor (real combat armor, not the same as van graffs and that rangers from FO3) and none are complete. This armor is extremely rare, NV only have two dressed by NPCs as I remember, a dead guy in Devil's Throat and an experienced mercenary who also has a unique gauss rifle.

They also cost a eye in Fallout 1 and 2.

Another is pieces of the legatus armor. But if the Marked Men can make it, you can bet that the Legion can make more then 2. This is Obsidian´s thing, not mine. Still, only Lanius and Gaius Magnus have the full set.

I actually FINALLY managed to define all the armors that were missing, which was Elite Centurion (Aurelius) and the evolutionary line of the explorers.


frumentarii armor now looks very lore friendly. Ulysses is the only frumentarus that appears with armor (well, Vulpes as well, but wearing Vexillarius armor is quite the opposite of what a frumentarus should do) so it is his armor, plus a metal plate.

And fuck it, I'm going to leave the vexillarius armor with this things. First because I can always launch a update later. Maybe someone in the comments find me some cool pictures to replace the existing ones.

And second and foremost, I'm starting to stop having fun with this mod. :???:
Better finish soon before I lose my temper and decide not to release anything.

Thanks to all who contributed so far. Boggins, I'll give you credit for your writing on my perk, thank you very much.
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Hey Boggins, It turns out you were right after all. I was working on an armor for a centurion diplomat (not for my mod but for Fallout: New California) and did a new search in Roman currency, this time in a calm, without a stick in my ass and has great images to use, without the numbers that represent their value.

For mine I even find a good one off the God Mars and one from a bull, representing their army.

Here the prototype for New California
