Nellis Air Force Base (may contain Spoilers)


First time out of the vault
[spoiler:19e673b13c]So I am doing Still in the Dark quest for the Brotherhood from the Hidden Bunker, My question is I have to go to Nellis AFB, but hen I get there I get shot down with Missiles, can anybody tell me how I am supposed to get there please[/spoiler:19e673b13c]
You could either go from the east and use the train tunnel. Or you follow the street, then go very far on the left, hug the mountains. You have to really stick close on them, until you find a small.. uh.. "hole" (it's not really a hole, but looks like a small save spot, where the artillery can't hit you). There you wait until they stop the fire. Now you continue running on the right side until you hit the fence.
Lexx said:
You could either go from the east and use the train tunnel. Or you follow the street, then go very far on the right, hug the mountains. You have to really stick close on them, until you find a small.. uh.. "hole" (it's not really a hole, but looks like a small save spot, where the artillery can't hit you). There you wait until they stop the fire. Now you continue running on the right side until you hit the fence.

I did kinda what you said I stuck to the left and hug the mountains and there is like a little, indnet in the mountains I hid in there until they stoppen and then just legged it. Thank you for the help though I didn't think I was going to be able to do it.
It's a challenge to get in, it's supposed to be. Stealth boys don't work I don't think. Another tip for people looking for it is using turbo: 2 or 3 doses when wearing no armor should get you across to the fence before they get two shots in.
i think there is a guy who can sell you info on how to get through the barrage, a small ways out from where they start shelling you.
Yes, he is right on the street, you can't really miss him.

I needed some reloads at this place too, but in the end it was kind of fun, because it was a difference to the rest of the game.
It's a bit frustrating but at the same time it's a really cool idea, and yeah, kinda different than rest of the game.

I was pretty surprised the first time around since I went another way (I think there is a road slightly to the south that leads to that area as well) so I didn't get the warning from that guy. I ran around like a chicken with his head cut off for a while before dying horribly. :lol:
I tried it a few times just charging top speed and dodging like a madman with light armor and using lots of doctors bags and stimpaks.

It doesn't work very well at all.

I'm looking for another lockpick reader mag to go thru the tunnel instead.
I did not find it hard at all. Up the road from the guy who gives you the info/bet on getting through do you see all those bombed out houses that are not even really houses anymore? Crouching down inside those will make the shelling stop. You literally just have to be within the perimeter of a set of those ruins and sit still until you hear the shells stop and run to the next one, keep doing this until you get to the fence.
whirlingdervish said:
I tried it a few times just charging top speed and dodging like a madman with light armor and using lots of doctors bags and stimpaks.

It doesn't work very well at all.

I'm looking for another lockpick reader mag to go thru the tunnel instead.

I did that to some degree and got through the first time. Once you get near the fence, of course, it all stops.
Omg don't get me started with that tunnel. There's a room that I couldn't get into because you'd fall through the floor and reappear at the end. Mind you, the tunnel is full of frag mines too.
The easiest method IMO is to go from house to house, getting cover in the /\ > corner of each, waiting for the bombardment to stop to move to the other house, after that, run into the fences of the base (they'll stop shooting if you're near them) and get to the gates.