New Age of Decadence gameplay video

Per said:
And Dogmeat was howling for his owner. Omg first game without emotionally scarred allies


You could qualify Metal Maniac and Mad Dog Fargo as scarred in a certain way, after they've been poisoned by Finster. Redhawk's a pretty obvious choice, having been imprisoned by the Guardians. Ralf, the hobo tortured in the Temple of Blood may also fit the bill.
Combat reminded me of the Fire Emblem that came out for Gamecube... when you change the setting to skip movie battle scenes.
Tagaziel said:
You could qualify Metal Maniac and Mad Dog Fargo as scarred in a certain way, after they've been poisoned by Finster. Redhawk's a pretty obvious choice, having been imprisoned by the Guardians. Ralf, the hobo tortured in the Temple of Blood may also fit the bill.

Not to mention Christina, who spits on the ground but joins you. Clearly a woman hardened by a cruel world, but possessing of a soft and sensual core, who, once she awakens to the fact that her destiny is irrevocably linked with yours, will go on to justify the whole of her existence by following you implicitly into the crucible of fate. DAMN YOU BIOWAAAAARE AND ALSO MCA
What is going on in this thread. The gameplay video looks great, the combat looks fluid and tense (and remind me of how I felt while playing the combat demo), the graphics are a lot better than in the last video we saw.

It looks really good to me and if this quest really has various different ways to deal with (like written in the AoD forum, change the side and fight "your folks" etc.) it's just great.

And dismissing the whole game because one doesn't like fantasy, even though AoD doesn't even have stuff like elves 'n shit?
This looks awesome. The only thing that kind of irks me is how long the fights seem to take (I'm about to try the demo so maybe I'll change my mind).

I've always had a thing against games where high hp is employed instead of evasion techniques or a damage threshold like system.
TheRatKing said:
I've always had a thing against games where high hp is employed instead of evasion techniques or a damage threshold like system.
Well, look no futher?
You can't win the combat demo without putting a lot of points into a defensive skill (dodge or block).

I did manage to rape everything and everyone while only putting points in daggers and criticals, but that was in the combat demo 1.0.
Quick update after playing the demo:
I'm having a lot of fun with this game. I'm stuck on the two Ordu guys but I totally underestimated how much more fun this would be to play than to watch.

My character specializes in quick short swords, and the variety of weapons and armor and peripherals adds to the strategy so much (maybe I've just been so used to games where the only affect of armor is lowering your AC).

That being said I think the fights do tend to drag on. Maybe speedier animation would do the trick?
It looks really good to me and if this quest really has various different ways to deal with (like written in the AoD forum, change the side and fight "your folks" etc.) it's just great.

It really does. Perhaps we should do a video showing the different paths.

TheRatKing said:
That being said I think the fights do tend to drag on. Maybe speedier animation would do the trick?

Check the options menu ;)
Vik said:
I pretty much hate everything medieval and fantasy. It's why I like RPG as a genre but hate most of the games - the fantasy setting with orcs, elfs and other magic shit is a letdown.

Yeah, me too. That's why I love Fallout so much (well, my love for sci-fi may have something with it too :) ).
Still, I'm very interested in AoD for its gameplay but I can't deny that its setting leaves me cold.
Hypnotists and tricksters instead of mages, magic science instead of straight magic.

Combat demo music gets old fast, just turn it off.
Loving the gameplay but the GUI looks a little too chaotic for my eye, might be the low res video but that was the only thing bothering me.

I trust the GUI will get more consideration at a later date?
It does look interesting, and I'd also be curious about whether the GUI will be changed at all. There's a ton of stuff crammed in there and sometimes simpler is more intuitive imo.
For a long time fan of Darksun, this is exactly the kind of followup I always wanted.

I just hope this thing has somekinda mod support. It'd be neat to plug in the Wake of the Ravager CD soundtrack.