Update: My mobster suit set is ready. (at least all art work is done)
Now i have some problem with off-set.
For some reason few of my frames are completely off hex and looks bad in the game.
In frame animator i allign all the frames for aim up, lower down & fire frames to be exact hex (or at least exact with super tiny differences, but this is not visible) , still in the game fire frames are OK, but lower wpn frames are off hex and look bad
Any ideas how I can fix that. In 80% of frames that I did I use Frame Animator FPR projects, so all the frames can be align and not off...
Some of the frames I did without help of frame animator project and compiled the bmp myself , because Mobster has very limited animations and I need to use different animations set to create new one. For example I use default "open door/operate/use stimpack" animations from Mobster to create fire, aim up & aim down animations for Granade Launcher (Bazooka) ... So bisically it was not possible to use FPR projects all the time :/
This was super time consuming process, and I dont want to leave it just because of few frames... will rest for a day or two, and then will recheck everything again...
Need help . Thanks.
Update: I re-edit few of the off set and frames look ok in game now.
But I found a bug , that I do not know why cause it. My frames of new suit is all there (even new weopon frames from Sniper Rifle , use original shotgun animation though..) The problem is this: when I equip my armor (I use new item and not overwrite any original item in the game) everything look ok . When I save the game, and then load the game my character is invisible and unable to do any interactions (move, run, switching hands, shot, open doors , bassically no character) the problem dissappear when i go to inventory screen and then back to game everything is normal and my player character is visible again. i do not know why can cause this . I read all tutorials , guides and what not and do not see any solution for that. I assume I did some mistake, where? Any leads? My only idea is missing frames , but is not possible because when I save the game even with the original (AA, or JA) stand in my suit the game "refuse" to display my character without going to inventory first. Need help to remove this frustration... Thanks in advance.
Update: I got why the game does not display correctly any custom armor item:

because I use Restoration Project beta release 2.2 (i think) . I've tried with RP 2.1 and my armor is fully working without any bugs.
This takes so long . I am not sure what's wrong with the new version RP.
Will make final testing of running/walking speeds and will post link to full set of Mobster Suit in a day or two.