New Counter-Strike announced

A console controller will never beat the keyboard and mouse for a FPS. I'm surprised the console companies haven't released their own keyboards and mouse interfaces...the last console I ever played was the PS1 so I'm a bit behind the times. :shrug:
.Pixote. said:
A console controller will never beat the keyboard and mouse for a FPS. I'm surprised the console companies haven't released their own keyboards and mouse interfaces...the last console I ever played was the PS1 so I'm a bit behind the times. :shrug:
The PS1 actually had a mouse :D
And with converters, it seems you can use regular keyboards and mice with PS3 and XBox360.
But sadly, nobody does that...
Ausdoerrt said:
The controls felt quite wobbly and imprecise as characteristic of a console port. Think Dead Space, but not nearly as unplayable. Maybe it's just me though.

I haven't experienced any of that in L4D1/2. They're pretty bad games with literally zero replay value, but they've definitely got extremely responsive controls.
Ausdoerrt said:
In what way?

The controls felt quite wobbly and imprecise as characteristic of a console port. Think Dead Space, but not nearly as unplayable. Maybe it's just me though.
Dead Space's problems came from it's fucked up v-sync. Turn that off and at least the mouse movement is tolerable.
Of course, the control scheme is still stupid (especially in menus), but at least it's playable.
L4D isn't a console port as far as I know. Imprecise movement could stem from weird mouse acceleration settings in either Windows or the game or having a slow computer.
I had similar issues with Half Life 2 Episode 2, which added quite some post-processing, and it felt way less responsive than the first parts.
However, on a newer computer it worked just fine.
Like I said, it may've been just me. L4D was multiplatform Windows and 360, which I consider a "console port" since I'm yet to see a multiplatform game that was actually properly adapted for PC gameplay. Perhaps there are a few, but I choose to remain skeptical.

Another thing to ponder btw - iirc last time Valve tried to make a console CS, we got Condition Zero.
Condition Zero isn't multiplatform as far as I know, though.
There is Counterstrike for the Xbox, however.
But yeah, multiplatform games tend to be developed for consoles and then ported to PC.
i dont like the gun and map imbalance in CS

m4 costs 3100 and does 24-86

ak costs 2500 and does 27-104

and dont get me started on maps... most of them are designed heavily in favor of the terrorists, even the hostage ones.
You can use keyboards straight up with both consoles. Mouses too, I think. PRovided they're USB, but what isn't these days?

Also, I can only imagine not liking L4D if you A) don't like zombies or B) Do, but don't like fun. The only reason I don't play it on a regular basis is because I don't have any friends to play it with on a regular basis. Only a couple of people still have it, and they're never on together.
m4 costs 3100 and does 24-86

ak costs 2500 and does 27-104

That says nothing. M4 is also a whole lot more accurate than AK and can actually fire bursts effectively. Talking about terro vs ct, the basic ct pistol is great while the terro one is all but useless. CT also get the exclusive access to Steyr Aug which is awesome. So just imho, most of the CT weapons are actually superior, if a bit more expensive. Considering the way you gain money in CS, $600 means just about nothing most of the time.

and dont get me started on maps... most of them are designed heavily in favor of the terrorists, even the hostage ones.

Makes sense since they're on the defensive. The bomb maps, on the other hand, are mostly designed in favor of CT, since they're on the defensive.

Also, I can only imagine not liking L4D

I didn't say that. I said it felt consoley. It was nice for the mindless fun it provided, but once I ran through all the available maps (not that many), my interest in the game died for good.
Ausdoerrt said:
That says nothing. M4 is also a whole lot more accurate than AK and can actually fire bursts effectively. Talking about terro vs ct, the basic ct pistol is great while the terro one is all but useless. CT also get the exclusive access to Steyr Aug which is awesome. So just imho, most of the CT weapons are actually superior, if a bit more expensive. Considering the way you gain money in CS, $600 means just about nothing most of the time.

The m4 also has the silencer which can be handy. But yea the M4s accuracy makes it way better than the 47 mainly due to burst fire headshots over a long range.

I've only played l4D on the console so it did feel consoly to me. However TF2 was designed for PC's first, shown by how unsupported and buggy it is on the consoles.
Also not sure why someone earlier said it was a CoD clone considering it's a class based objective game that requires tactics rather than just running around.
I have no idea where the CoD clone thing came from either. A consoley shooter isn't automatically CoD.

It'd be nice if the PC version of the new CS, like TF2, got the appropriate amount of the devs' attention, but I'm not holding my breath since that is quite rare.
I don't think Valve is going to fuck that up too much. They still have the reputation to deliver good games (if they deliver, that is. Give more fuckin' Half Life you dolts!) and that they actually try to care about their fanbase.
Ausdoerrt said:
It'd be nice if the PC version of the new CS, like TF2, got the appropriate amount of the devs' attention, but I'm not holding my breath since that is quite rare.

So... hats? :V
Ausdoerrt said:
I didn't say that. I said it felt consoley. It was nice for the mindless fun it provided, but once I ran through all the available maps (not that many), my interest in the game died for good.
I actually think that it has a lot of replay value between the different difficulty levels (including realism) and versus. Granted, it pretty much requires you to have a group of friends to play the game with to beat it on the realism expert and versus is similarly best with experienced players. It does have a small number of official maps even with them releasing a new one periodically, so I can't really argue there.

What specifically makes it consoley besides your negative experience with the controls? The accuracy of weapons is more arcade-like than most current games, so I'll give you that. Heck, the game is more arcade-like in general but I'd say that it requires teamwork to excel.

Alphadrop said:
But yea the M4s accuracy makes it way better than the 47 mainly due to burst fire headshots over a long range.
The first shot is always dead on with any weapon and the AK will one headshot kill even against armored opponents so it's actually better for sniping. It also consistently takes less hits to take down an enemy. It is far worse to fire full-auto but burst fire is generally the best regardless. I'd say that they are pretty close in power so I too think that the cost difference may be more arbitrary at this point. Keep in mind that the weapons have not changed cost since inception yet their function has changed a lot.
What specifically makes it consoley besides your negative experience with the controls? The accuracy of weapons is more arcade-like than most current games, so I'll give you that. Heck, the game is more arcade-like in general but I'd say that it requires teamwork to excel.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. It just feels like a game that was designed for consoles, I think you described why better than I could. Although I find that the 4-person co-op is also a consoley thing, courtesy of XBOX.
Got this last night and I'm loving it. CS is back!

If anybody wants to play on Steam send me a PM and we can play.
I haven't gotten the game yet...will wait until the next inevitable Steam sale probably....

Anyway, from videos and interviews with the pro players it seems to be good enough...

It's kinda interesting looking back in this thread at some of the things people were scared that might have been put in this game like regenerating health or whatnot....looks like those fears didn't come true...
Sub-Human said:
That is true, but if you crouch with the AK then the enemy's as good as dead.

It wouldn't be CS if the AK didn't end lives quickly and very, very loudly.