New faction idea


First time out of the vault
This is my first post so please go easy on me.

I was thinking about the Enclave recently while I was watching American history X (One of my favorite movies you should check it out)
and I thought what if some old Enclave fart settled down and had kids with a fellow member? Wouldn't he try to brainwash his family members to adopt his way of thinking? Then this idea would spread like it did with modern neo-nazis and they would soon rise to be a minor faction or a settlement or something. But instead of swastikas they have the Commonwealth flags and tattoos and they want to bring back the old america or something. (Sorry for the grammar)
Kinda. They would have most of the ideals but without any of the technology or resources or organization. And with a fractured knowledge of the old enclave.
Well, it would definitely have to be a sub-faction. If it were to become a major faction, we'd just have Enclave 2. As much as NMA enjoys the Enclave, I think I speak for everyone when I say they'd be pretty "disappointed" if the Enclave made yet another return.
That would make them like normal mutant haters, and you got that stuff in the game already since the first Fallout.
I'll humor the idea, and imagine good old racists. That would be a good example of the blind bigotry in racism, sortof like "Guys, we have enough with super-mutants and death claws, why do you guys have to hate black people and asians?" "Because! White power! White power!"
Okay, just shooting shit:
What about a more succesfull Vault City? One that doesn't get held back so much by raiders and wasteland goverments, maybe a Vault that was over supplied and they have worked to restore an area to a Post post apocalyptic era of green fields, education, technology.... and the values of the old world, with all the bad things that entails. They would be very adamant about conquering new lands, having a very Caesar's Legion outlook on the outside factions as savages in need of some "democracy" and porpouse, even the NCR would be not good enough for them, almost prefering a complete reeducation of the new people's they conquer, even if it takes force. But on the flipside they are the most advanced society in the post war world. But that sounds too much like the Enclave now that I think about it.

How about the inverse? A web of tribes, barely "civilized" in the ways of technology that prefer to mantain trading relationships with each other, valuing more cultural idividuality than any concept of law or "morality" outside of it's own circle, like they would easily allow a tribe of canibals to be their trading partners as long as they keep it away from their people, not even bothering to judge them or try to stop them.
I think it would be interesting to have a nomadic sea-faring (or, depending on the setting, river-faring) tribe that moves up and down the coastline, scavenging, trading and/or plundering. These people would spend most of their lives on their vessels and perhaps consider it somewhat taboo to spend more than a short period of time on land; they could regard land-dwellers with a mix of bewilderment and contempt. The idea of somebody living not just on the ground, but under the ground (i.e. in a Vault) would be dismissed as too crazy to possibly be true...(ironic since their ancestors were Vault Dwellers)

I envision the look of this tribe to be loosely based on the costumes from Waterworld (terrible movie, I know), but with more bits of scavenged metal woven into their outfits. They could possibly have a few jury rigged hazard suits to allow them to scavenge underwater. Weapon-wise, I envision a mix of melee (spears and harpoons) along with guns and maybe even low-end energy weapons (sort of like the Fiends). Their boats could be heavily armed, with the biggest vessels (owned by leaders of the tribe) having a mounted minigun.

Plotwise, I think it would be interesting if this group somehow obtained a GECK (or other advanced technology) and was using it to create hidden pockets of abundance up and down the coast; they could travel to these areas periodically to check on their crops. This could be the tribe's big secret, sort of like how the Fremen have a whole hidden ecology they are tending to in Dune.

The player character would be able to determine their fate: do they remain seafaring nomads, do they come to settle on land, do they have a friendly or hostile relation with other groups, does their plan to create a paradise in the wasteland come to fruition (literally)? Do they share it with other groups, or keep it for themselves? Does the player character decide to kill 'em all?

It might also be interesting to have a group based out of a functioning nuclear powered submarine (as opposed to the Shi's submarine), which could sort of act like a mobile, underwater Vault.
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