First time out of the vault

This is my first post so please go easy on me.
I was thinking about the Enclave recently while I was watching American history X (One of my favorite movies you should check it out)
and I thought what if some old Enclave fart settled down and had kids with a fellow member? Wouldn't he try to brainwash his family members to adopt his way of thinking? Then this idea would spread like it did with modern neo-nazis and they would soon rise to be a minor faction or a settlement or something. But instead of swastikas they have the Commonwealth flags and tattoos and they want to bring back the old america or something. (Sorry for the grammar)
I was thinking about the Enclave recently while I was watching American history X (One of my favorite movies you should check it out)
and I thought what if some old Enclave fart settled down and had kids with a fellow member? Wouldn't he try to brainwash his family members to adopt his way of thinking? Then this idea would spread like it did with modern neo-nazis and they would soon rise to be a minor faction or a settlement or something. But instead of swastikas they have the Commonwealth flags and tattoos and they want to bring back the old america or something. (Sorry for the grammar)