New Fallout 1 Hi-Res Main Menu Screens.

JaW said:
Maybe these will help a little bit. These are from GOG version.
Those images have great resolution, but it’s the angle I have already used, as well they have bled the background color into the power armor…the knobs. I might have to work on the original replacement I made…I can do a better version, give me some time… :wink:

Lexx said:
Thats the one I used.
How 'bout this one?

.Pixote., what's up with this, any news? I didn't get around to actually using the new menu, but I am looking forward to it nevertheless :)
The only thing I need to with the Fallout 1 main menu screens is to give it the post-card treatment…I will get around to it one day. You can download and use them as is…
I was able to get the new Main Menu screens working with FO2, by using the files you posted in the zip/rar in mediafire.

But as for FO1 screens I had no success. I tried renaming the mainmenunormal.gif to MAINMENU and I got a black screen; I also tried renaming to MAINMENU.FRM but got a fatal error instead.

Does the image resolution and the game resolution have to match? That wasn't the case with FO2 and it worked fine.

Rename the red or white looking FRM to MAINMENU.frm. Then place the FRM into the \Fallout 1\f1_res\intrface - folder. If that doesn't work than there might be a issue with the resolution settings, if that's the case it's best to drop Mash a message and describe to him what's happening.

Looks like a made a big fuckup - I didn't make a proper link to the Fallout 1 MAINMENU.frm. - it's fixed now. Sorry...:roll:

New Fallout 1 Main Menu

Original Main menu.


.Pixote. said:
The only thing I need to do with the Fallout 1 main menu screens is to give it the post-card treatment…I will get around to it one day.
How's this?

PaladinBreach said:
But didn't new main menus already happen for Fallout in Sduibek's Fallout FIXT?
EDIT: Sorry I misread this. Yes, my mod includes .Pixote.'s hi-res main menus, but some of us think it'd look better with the "postcard" effect. That's why I posted the version above with that border. The one currently in FIXT doesn't have that.
Rascal said:
Guys... it was already been made by KeepCool and me. Also posted here in Fallout modding.

There are versions without putted in HUD, like on screen below so u can adjust it as u want.

Its made 1 to 1 like in Fallout1
Oh wow I never saw that posted here.
Thanks :) Good to have in this thread too, for future reference.

EDIT: That's not exactly the same, so no, it hasn't already been made :P

Look at Pixote's; they show more of the power armor. So, yes you added the texture which looks awesome (seriously, love it - very good work), but it's not the same images. That's actually the main thing I like about Pixote's version, is I think the layout is much better than default (which only shows armor head, a tiny portion of the shoulder, and a small portion of city)

Would you kindly provide the filters you used? I'd very much like to use those. Thank you 8-)
Yes.... "it has been already made" bacause the topic is about F1 Main Menu high res screens which we made. We made it 1 to 1 like in Fallout1. HUD is easily adjustable.

Pixote version isnt original like in F1. You can prefer his version ofcourse but I personally love to stick to canon.

Sorry but I cant provide filters used for our screens, KeepCool was doing that and he isnt active in "fallout business" anymore.
The reason I made the new F1 main screens is because I actually prefer the red box look over the whitish version, but that's just me. Also I wanted a larger, clearer image, so I masked the head in Photoshop and added a background from Interplays website. The Power armor doesn't have the same angle as the original, but I can live with it. The only thing missing is the torn postcard look, I can fix that later.

Isn't it beautiful - best box ever...:mrgreen:

No idea if it is beautiful, because you only linked the thumbnail image, which is smaller on my screen than my thumb. :>