New Fallout 1 Remake

This looks like it would be hard as fuck to implement

My suggestion (above) appears to be simpler than the existing map in Skyrim.

On a side note....
This video has the Skyrim soundtrack playing, but I also had the Vampire Bloodlines soundtrack playing in WinAmp... and the two tracks merged in a quite pleasantly surprising music; that I may have been the first to hear. :cool:
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My suggestion (above) appears to be simpler than the existing map in Skyrim.

Skyrim's map is static, it doesn't animate the player moving, plus that map was created by a team of triple a game developers. I think theres a reason sesoms map is like it is.
Skyrim's map is static, it doesn't animate the player moving, plus that map was created by a team of triple a game developers. I think theres a reason sesoms map is like it is.
***Granted: Difficult for modders, (which was your point). I absently was thinking about developers with the source code.

Even so...for a mod there could be a level like Sesom's, but with a terrain map, and a custom creature (or outfit if need be) for a map marker. I was thinking akin to the tumble weeds in New Vegas that float along the ground. Unlike Skyrim, a Fallout map would have settlements few and far between; uncrowded, and not requiring pin-point accuracy to select.

The tricky bit might be allowing for en-route random encounters that necessarily spawn the PC at a mid-way point, and choosing the correct terrain/location based from the PC's position on the map.

Alternatively: The map could be entirely a menu, with use of the mouse, and not a loaded level at all. It doesn't actually need to rotate around under player control. It could be as simple as moving a 2d picture of a 3d landscape; or more complicated by making the map transitions into 3d animations of the menu asset. If need be, the destination selection could be done just with labeled buttons; and no point & click—though that would certainly lessen the experience. A part of the fun was exploring revealed tiles as they meander around the map.

Of course, it's only speculation on my part; I haven't touched the game (or editor) in years. I had hoped that picking them up during GoG sale would spark renewed interest in modding it once more... but it hasn't yet. :(

I have just always been disappointed that they did not implement this officially in FO3 from the outset. :(
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I would give this a try but i still belive "porting" F1-2 to the tactics engine would be the best bet, Better looking game and better combat that the original games IMO.
Best option would be a custom-made engine, that takes the best from both Fo1-2 and tactics.
(and port new vegas on it)
So... FOnline engine then?
IIRC. FOnline doesn't have stances or cover, like Fallout Tactics.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that FOT also has the sentry mode and high ground bonuses. Which as far as I know, FOnline doesn't.
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Does it work?

(I mean does it account for terrain impedance, and influence the encounter map when randomly attacked?)

Let me guess... You looked at Fallout 2, and saw how it worked, and built one very similar to it; instant praise when people see it.
*Now why was that so hard a concept for Bethesda to grasp?

Let me guess... You looked at Fallout 2, and saw how it worked, and built one very similar to it; instant praise when people see it.
*Now why was that so hard a concept for Bethesda to grasp?
Because Bethesda wanted to make their own style of fallout :|, I think the original map system was much better tbh.
Meaning no Fallout at all.

It's as if they chose the opposite path on every single direction the originals took; the blueprint for how to make a Fallout game. For that, why bother with the license?
But that's just it... If the name meant nothing to them or to their intended audience (who probably never heard of it before), then they could have saved themselves the licensing fee and the earned enmity. They could have called it anything Elderscrolls related, and set it in the 1950's era of Tamriel.

I can't see the name Fallout incentivising their fanbase any more than the name Flatout, or ElderScrolls:Brave New World.

The only people who would know the difference are the series fans whom they don't give a damn about.
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That's some next level modding dude, you guys should post a video showing its functionality in game (like leaving an area then going to the map then moving back to an area).[/QUOTE]
Thanks! we'll post a video when its completely ready or near ready :)