New Fallout 3 concept art - east coast confirmed

Hurray, Washington.

Well, not really new. 'Though that's some really good concept art. Still not oozing Fallout, but oozing post-apocalypse at least. Coupled with the deserted concept art of last week, we have at least a decent picture of what it'll look like.
You'd think in a nuclear exchange, Washington would be completely obliterated.

Unless they missed, of course.
Not bad painting but it looks more like the city is after some cataclysm not after a nuclear war.
Pope Viper said:
You'd think in a nuclear exchange, Washington would be completely obliterated.

Unless they missed, of course.
I think that comes pretty close to complete destruction, though. Take a look at some of the Nagasaki pictures floating around.
Pope Viper said:
You'd think in a nuclear exchange, Washington would be completely obliterated.

While no Fallout dev ever confirmed or denied the use of missiles during the Great War, it has been assumed for some time that bomber planes would've been used to deliver the nuclear load. It's not unlikely that capitol hill would be guarded enough not to get hit directly with a nuke.

Washington's probably gone, but no reason to assume capitol hill was in the middle of the heat.
Ziltoid said:
Pope Viper said:
You'd think in a nuclear exchange, Washington would be completely obliterated.

Unless they missed, of course.
I think that comes pretty close to complete destruction, though. Take a look at some of the Nagasaki pictures floating around.

Good point, I just wonder if technology had advanced past the limited firepower of Little Boy and Fat Man. If there were fusion cells/power armor/etc....
Pope Viper said:
Ziltoid said:
Pope Viper said:
You'd think in a nuclear exchange, Washington would be completely obliterated.

Unless they missed, of course.
I think that comes pretty close to complete destruction, though. Take a look at some of the Nagasaki pictures floating around.

Good point, I just wonder if technology had advanced past the limited firepower of Little Boy and Fat Man. If there were fusion cells/power armor/etc....

I figured it was just a concept art shot and in no way represents the finished work... as the blast direction (from the most damage to this building) is completely in the wrong direction from where the actual target would have been in that area. I would think the final product would be more correct, historically based as in if a actual nuclear attack happened rather than a building left intact for PR purposes.

In that photo the bomb would have hit south east of the capitol... and it would have wanted to hit the major target which is south west-ish. (Pentagon shaped building... can't remember the name :P) For those not familiar with this area the Pentagon would be, from the angle of this shot, almost directly behind the dome in this picture. Also a whole lot more damage would have been on this building, also the buildings to the south of it (left of the picture).

This bomb from this picture would have most probably... given the damage to the capitol and surrounding damage, the general weather patterns and range of nuclear bombs at the time of the original Fallout... hit in or around Andrews AFB. Andrews (for those that don't know) would be most probably used as a center for defense against ground based attacks against the US... in other words it would be taken out and the Pentagon left undamaged if ground troops were implemented and whoever was attacking us wanted to take the US with as little damage as possible... which might be a plot spoiler I let lose, but if Bethesda is even following this this close historically in relation to the importance and reason for attacking these targets I would be pleased with their completeness in research in that. Also it might be called Camp Springs Army Air Base, as that was its name prior to 1945. It could have been also another type of weapon other than nuclear, as the damage was minimal to the capitol, and to allow them to use it once it was taken over.
Now THAT'S a nice concept shot. That definately makes up for the last "Mordor" shot.
That's a downright awesome painting.

But, I can't say it makes me think of Fallout either. The first poster (E3) is still my favourite one, even though the artwork in these two concept art pieces is fantastic.

I'm fine with a game set on the east coast though. Hopefully something soon will be more Fallout-y.
at the very least it is reassuring that they probably wont be raping FO1&2 California lore.

as for the picture itself, it's ok. nice apocalyptic feel, but it doesn't have the FO trademark feel you can find in most FO art. but then again, only few buildings are standing, so hard to judge the architecture used.
Chances that any comments fans make will be incorporated into the final art for the game?
Yea, that days of fan/dev discussions regarding gameplay/art/etc are long, long gone.

But at least we know what their favorite colors are!
It looks avesome, but it's so destroyed that it's hard to tell if they will remain true to the Fallout's architecture style...
Also, it's a bit too photorealistic and not enough comic-book style for my taste.
The music fits much better with this picture!

If there's an empty wasteland, and such epic music, you can only assume that you yourself are on some epic quest. And that isn't really in keeping with the Fallout legacy.

But a picture like this one, and that epic score, instead implies great power struggles among nations, and among powerful unseen forces. And that is very Fallout!

And it looks absolutely stunning too!
Sorrow said:
It looks avesome, but it's so destroyed that it's hard to tell if they will remain true to the Fallout's architecture style...
Also, it's a bit too photorealistic and not enough comic-book style for my taste.

are you saying that the original fallout games were "comic-book" style in their graphics? because i totally disagree with that.

at the same time, i'm not really digging this new art. although, it IS after all concept art. i mean that it probably (99%) has NO resemblance to what the in-game graphics will look like. but if i picture myself in the fallout world, walking down there among the rubble of the capitol building, the "look" of this poster doesn't stray far from what i remember of The Hub, or perhaps the Den, in terms of colors and such.

keep in mind, of course, the technology is totally different. so we'll go from (god i hope i remember this right) 256 color palette to 16 mil.