New Fallout 3 screens

Ranne said:
I also don't know where all that "sticking chainsaws into people's anuses" comes from.

think it was EGM, the paper version tho..
In one of the screenshot captions the developers were quoted about it, talking it up as a cool new ability.

I checked the online version and only found the pic without the caption:

Looks pretty violent to me, but feasible and convincing to the eye, unlike the breakdancing supermutant with one leg ala Fallout 3.
Convinces you? What are you, an ape!?
Do you realize that they HAVE you now? How old are you, fifty? Because your brain is COLLAPSING INTO THE NETHER!

Gears of War 2 is probably going to have two new guns, a new monster that looks like Bing Crosby and some dude with a top hat swinging a sweaty vermin with an obtuse collection of eyeglasses.

They're trying to sell us a new product that is exactly the same by giving pointless features.

'Tis no lesser evil, and I shall say so with utmost certainty.
Damn, Eyenixon. Weren't you the advocate of reason and calm critique just a little while ago? :D
I just meant that the graphics engine blows away Bethesda's, not that I think the game itself is worth buying. (I only play older PC FPS games anyway)

Based solely on the pretty gfx, I can expect many more FPS fans to buy GOW2 over FO3.

Single player first person shooters don't tend to be as successful in terms of sales figures even if they do manage to look as pretty as the mainstream multiplayer games.

Look at this "new" screeny of FO3 and compare it to some of the GOW2 screenies on thru the link above..

It's not even as pretty as a real console FPS game.

I also doubt that the PC version of Fallout 3, no matter what the system, will look anywhere near as good as a game like ETQW or Crysis.
Eyenixon said:
Gears of War 2 is probably going to have two new guns, a new monster that looks like Bing Crosby and some dude with a top hat swinging a sweaty vermin with an obtuse collection of eyeglasses.

They're trying to sell us a new product that is exactly the same by giving pointless features.

How is it different from "Gears of War 2 is going probably to have 1000 new guns, 1000 new monsters, 1000 new levels, and it's going to be awesome, just awesome, pure awesomeness, I tells ya" ?

I mean, from whose ass did you pull that one out?

EDIT: The question also stands for the following
Any game that advertises the ability to duel with chainsaws as if it were a groundbreaking feature only capable on the Unreal 3 engine...
Gears of War 2 may be the game that finally breaks the fragile bonds of my sanity.

Any game that advertises the ability to duel with chainsaws as if it were a groundbreaking feature only capable on the Unreal 3 engine deserves to be buried out in the middle of the Mojave desert.

Don't even get me started on Cliffy B.
Ranne said:
Eyenixon said:
Gears of War 2 is probably going to have two new guns, a new monster that looks like Bing Crosby and some dude with a top hat swinging a sweaty vermin with an obtuse collection of eyeglasses.

They're trying to sell us a new product that is exactly the same by giving pointless features.

How is it different from "Gears of War 2 is going probably to have 1000 new guns, 1000 new monsters, 1000 new levels, and it's going to be awesome, just awesome, pure awesomeness, I tells ya" ?

I mean, from whose ass did you pull that one out?

That makes SUCH little sense that I am literally dead right here. Not breathing.
What I meant was that I saw no actual evidence of Gears of War 2 being exactly the same product with a few pointless features, except for your "probably going to have" statement. Moreover, I find it very unlikely, considering the narrative nature of the game. Start breathing now.
Ranne said:
Could you expand on that? Personally, I had a lot of fun playing Gears of War cooperatively via LAN, and no one in their right mind ever categorized me as a "steroid junkie frat boy". I also don't know where all that "sticking chainsaws into people's anuses" comes from. Sure, the main characters were unmistakably badass, but aside from that, the game didn't seem overly or unnecessarily violent at all. If Gears of War wasn't one of the best 2006 action titles, I really don't know what was.

There are people who call FPS/X-Box fans "steroid junkie frat boy(s)" and there are people who call all console players "console tards", and the middle portion of that venn diagram is pretty big. People can argue that PC gaming is dying all they want, but PC snobbery sure isn't going anywhere. Anyhoo, one of my big problems with GoW is the simply godawful writing. You don't come to see the characters as badass, you simply assume it because they are steroid monsters in power armor with chainsaw guns, and they have deep gravelly voices. There is also a black one named Cole Train of all things, who if I remember correctly was a pseudo-football player. Fantastic. Also Marcus was in prison, so he must be hard. As for better 2006 action titles, here's a few off the top of my head that might not perfectly fit "action" what with all the genre-bending these days, but they're certainly better: Zelda Twilight Princess, Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, Bully, Okami, Resistance Fall of Man, and Dead Rising. I guess Splinter Cell Double Agent and Prince of Persia 3 also came out that year, but I never played them so I can't vouch.
The point of my comparison with the Gears of War 2 screens is that Emil Pagliarulo said in an interview that Fallout 3 will probably have to compete with Gears of War 2, it was not to argue the quality of Gears of War ( which I thought was a great, brainless action game with pretty graphics, nothing more ). As far as gameplay is concerned from what we have read and as far as graphics are concerned from what we have seen, they already have lost the battle. The E3 comes in less than three weeks and from what has been revealed yet, I'm a little bit more interested in Gears of War 2 and I guess I'm probably not the only one. Their policy of not revealing anything and of recycling screenshots should be put to an end, SOON, if they really plan to compete with GOW 2. That wouldn't be a problem if they were that proud of their game.